
34 lines
1.2 KiB

import os
import re
def convert_md_to_paprika3(file_path):
# read the contents of the file
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
contents =
# perform formatting operations on the text
formatted_contents = re.sub(r"# (.*)", r"<h1>\1</h1>", contents)
formatted_contents = re.sub(r"## (.*)", r"<h2>\1</h2>", formatted_contents)
formatted_contents = re.sub(
r"### (.*)", r"<h3>\1</h3>", formatted_contents)
formatted_contents = re.sub(
r"__(.*)__", r"<strong>\1</strong>", formatted_contents)
formatted_contents = re.sub(
r"\*\*(.*)\*\*", r"<strong>\1</strong>", formatted_contents)
formatted_contents = re.sub(r"_(.*)_", r"<em>\1</em>", formatted_contents)
formatted_contents = re.sub(
r"\*(.*)\*", r"<em>\1</em>", formatted_contents)
# prompt the user for the folder path
folder_path = input("Enter the path to the folder: ")
# get a list of all the files in the folder
files = os.listdir(folder_path)
# convert each file to Paprika3 format
for file in files:
# only convert files with the .md extension
if file.endswith(".md"):
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file)