WooCommerce core generally follows [WordPress PHP naming conventions](https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/php/#naming-conventions). On top of that, function, class, and hook names should be prefixed. For functions the prefix is `wc_`, for classes is `WC_` and for hooks is `woocommerce_`.
Function name examples:
Class name examples:
Hook name examples (actions or filters):
There are however some exceptions which apply to classes defined inside `src/`. Within this directory:
- We do not use the `WC_` prefix for class names (the prefix is not needed, because all of the classes in this location live within the `Automattic\WooCommerce` namespace)
- Classes are named using the `CamelCase` convention (however, method names should still be `underscore_separated`)
- Class files should match the class name and do not need the `class-` prefix (for example, the filename for the `StringUtil` class is `StringUtil.php`)
## JS
WooCommerce core follows [WordPress JS naming conventions](https://developer.wordpress.org/coding-standards/wordpress-coding-standards/javascript/#naming-conventions). As with PHP, function, class, and hook names should be prefixed, but the convention for JS is slightly different, and camelCase is used instead of snake_case. For functions, the prefix is `wc`, for classes is `WC` and for hooks is `woocommerce`.
Function name example:
Class name example:
Hook name example (actions or filters):
## CSS and SASS
See [CSS SASS coding guidelines and naming conventions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/CSS-SASS-coding-guidelines-and-naming-conventions).