
255 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Button, ImageUpload, TextControl } from 'newspack-components';
import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose';
import { difference, filter } from 'lodash';
import { withDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
* WooCommerce dependencies
import { Card, Stepper } from '@woocommerce/components';
import { getHistory, getNewPath } from '@woocommerce/navigation';
* Internal dependencies
import withSelect from 'wc-api/with-select';
class Appearance extends Component {
constructor( props ) {
super( props );
this.state = {
logo: null,
stepIndex: 0,
storeNoticeText: props.options.woocommerce_demo_store_notice || '',
this.completeStep = this.completeStep.bind( this );
this.updateLogo = this.updateLogo.bind( this );
this.updateNotice = this.updateNotice.bind( this );
async componentDidUpdate( prevProps ) {
const { stepIndex } = this.state;
const { createNotice, errors, hasErrors, isRequesting, options, themeMods } = this.props;
const step = this.getSteps()[ stepIndex ].key;
const isRequestSuccessful = ! isRequesting && prevProps.isRequesting && ! hasErrors;
if ( themeMods && prevProps.themeMods.custom_logo !== themeMods.custom_logo ) {
await wp.media.attachment( themeMods.custom_logo ).fetch();
const logoUrl = wp.media.attachment( themeMods.custom_logo ).get( 'url' );
/* eslint-disable react/no-did-update-set-state */
this.setState( { logo: { id: themeMods.custom_logo, url: logoUrl } } );
/* eslint-enable react/no-did-update-set-state */
if (
options.woocommerce_demo_store_notice &&
prevProps.options.woocommerce_demo_store_notice !== options.woocommerce_demo_store_notice
) {
/* eslint-disable react/no-did-update-set-state */
this.setState( { storeNoticeText: options.woocommerce_demo_store_notice } );
/* eslint-enable react/no-did-update-set-state */
if ( 'logo' === step && isRequestSuccessful ) {
createNotice( 'success', __( 'Store logo updated sucessfully.', 'woocommerce-admin' ) );
if ( 'notice' === step && isRequestSuccessful ) {
createNotice( 'success', __( 'Store notice updated sucessfully.', 'woocommerce-admin' ) );
const newErrors = difference( errors, prevProps.errors );
newErrors.map( error => createNotice( 'error', error ) );
completeStep() {
const { stepIndex } = this.state;
const nextStep = this.getSteps()[ stepIndex + 1 ];
if ( nextStep ) {
this.setState( { stepIndex: stepIndex + 1 } );
} else {
getHistory().push( getNewPath( {}, '/', {} ) );
updateLogo() {
const { options, themeMods, updateOptions } = this.props;
const { logo } = this.state;
updateOptions( {
[ `theme_mods_${ options.stylesheet }` ]: { ...themeMods, custom_logo: logo.id },
} );
updateNotice() {
const { updateOptions } = this.props;
const { storeNoticeText } = this.state;
updateOptions( {
woocommerce_demo_store: storeNoticeText.length ? 'yes' : 'no',
woocommerce_demo_store_notice: storeNoticeText,
} );
getSteps() {
const { logo, storeNoticeText } = this.state;
const { isRequesting } = this.props;
const steps = [
key: 'import',
label: __( 'Import demo products', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
description: __(
'Well add some products that it will make it easier to see what your store looks like.',
content: (
<Button isPrimary>{ __( 'Import products', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }</Button>
<Button onClick={ () => this.completeStep() }>
{ __( 'Skip', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
visible: true,
key: 'homepage',
label: __( 'Create a custom homepage', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
description: __(
'Create a new homepage and customize it to suit your needs',
content: (
<Button isPrimary>{ __( 'Create homepage', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }</Button>
<Button onClick={ () => this.completeStep() }>
{ __( 'Skip', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
visible: true,
key: 'logo',
label: __( 'Upload a logo', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
description: __( 'Ensure your store is on-brand by adding your logo', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
content: (
<ImageUpload image={ logo } onChange={ image => this.setState( { logo: image } ) } />
<Button onClick={ this.updateLogo } isBusy={ isRequesting } isPrimary>
{ __( 'Proceed', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
<Button onClick={ () => this.completeStep() }>
{ __( 'Skip', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
visible: ! wcSettings.onboarding.customLogo,
key: 'notice',
label: __( 'Set a store notice', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
description: __(
'Optionally display a prominent notice across all pages of your store',
content: (
label={ __( 'Store notice text', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
placeholder={ __( 'Store notice text', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
value={ storeNoticeText }
onChange={ value => this.setState( { storeNoticeText: value } ) }
<Button onClick={ this.updateNotice } isPrimary>
{ __( 'Complete task', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
visible: true,
return filter( steps, step => step.visible );
render() {
const { stepIndex } = this.state;
const { isRequesting, hasErrors } = this.props;
return (
<div className="woocommerce-task-appearance">
<Card className="is-narrow">
isPending={ isRequesting && ! hasErrors }
currentStep={ this.getSteps()[ stepIndex ].key }
steps={ this.getSteps() }
export default compose(
withSelect( select => {
const { getOptions, getOptionsError, isOptionsRequesting } = select( 'wc-api' );
const options = getOptions( [
] );
const themeModsName = `theme_mods_${ options.stylesheet }`;
const themeOptions =
options.stylesheet && ! wcSettings.onboarding.customLogo
? getOptions( [ themeModsName ] )
: null;
const themeMods =
themeOptions && themeOptions[ themeModsName ] ? themeOptions[ themeModsName ] : {};
const errors = [];
const uploadLogoError = getOptionsError( [ themeModsName ] );
const storeNoticeError = getOptionsError( [
] );
if ( uploadLogoError ) {
errors.push( uploadLogoError.message );
if ( storeNoticeError ) {
errors.push( storeNoticeError.message );
const hasErrors = Boolean( errors.length );
const isRequesting =
Boolean( isOptionsRequesting( [ themeModsName ] ) ) ||
isOptionsRequesting( [ 'woocommerce_demo_store', 'woocommerce_demo_store_notice' ] )
return { errors, getOptionsError, hasErrors, isRequesting, options, themeMods };
} ),
withDispatch( dispatch => {
const { createNotice } = dispatch( 'core/notices' );
const { updateOptions } = dispatch( 'wc-api' );
return {
} )
)( Appearance );