The data for the Discover section is fetched from the `/wc/v3/marketplace/featured` endpoint. This behaves as a proxy to fetch and cache the content from the `` endpoint.
If a subscription is expired, the merchant will be prompted to renew it.
### My Subscriptions API
My Subscriptions data uses `/wc/v3/marketplace/subscriptions` API endpoints to list, install, connect, and update products.
You can find a full list of endpoints in the [subscriptions API source code](/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/helper/class-wc-helper-subscriptions-api.php).
## Project Structure
The project is structured as follows:
- **components**: The React components used in the Marketplace page.
- **contexts**: React contexts.
- **utils**: Functions used to interact with APIs.
- **stylesheets**: Shared stylesheets.
- **assets**: Images.
## Development
This feature is part of WooCommerce Admin and uses the [same development environment.](/plugins/woocommerce-admin/