
174 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* External dependencies
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { _n, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities';
import type { ReactElement } from 'react';
import type { PackageRateOption } from '@woocommerce/type-defs/shipping';
import { Panel } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout';
import Label from '@woocommerce/base-components/label';
import { useSelectShippingRate } from '@woocommerce/base-context/hooks';
import type { CartShippingPackageShippingRate } from '@woocommerce/type-defs/cart';
import { sanitizeHTML } from '@woocommerce/utils';
* Internal dependencies
import PackageRates from './package-rates';
import './style.scss';
interface PackageItem {
name: string;
key: string;
quantity: number;
interface Destination {
address_1: string;
address_2: string;
city: string;
state: string;
postcode: string;
country: string;
export interface PackageData {
destination: Destination;
name: string;
shipping_rates: CartShippingPackageShippingRate[];
items: PackageItem[];
export type PackageRateRenderOption = (
option: CartShippingPackageShippingRate
) => PackageRateOption;
// A flag can be ternary if true, false, and undefined are all valid options.
// In our case, we use this for collapsible and showItems, having a boolean will force that
// option, having undefined will let the component decide the logic based on other factors.
export type TernaryFlag = boolean | undefined;
interface PackageProps {
/* PackageId can be a string, WooCommerce Subscriptions uses strings for example, but WooCommerce core uses numbers */
packageId: string | number;
renderOption?: PackageRateRenderOption | undefined;
collapse?: boolean;
packageData: PackageData;
className?: string;
collapsible?: TernaryFlag;
noResultsMessage: ReactElement;
showItems?: TernaryFlag;
export const ShippingRatesControlPackage = ( {
className = '',
}: PackageProps ): ReactElement => {
const { selectShippingRate } = useSelectShippingRate();
const multiplePackages =
).length > 1;
// If showItems is not set, we check if we have multiple packages.
// We sometimes don't want to show items even if we have multiple packages.
const shouldShowItems = showItems ?? multiplePackages;
// If collapsible is not set, we check if we have multiple packages.
// We sometimes don't want to collapse even if we have multiple packages.
const shouldBeCollapsible = collapsible ?? multiplePackages;
const header = (
{ ( shouldBeCollapsible || shouldShowItems ) && (
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ {
__html: sanitizeHTML( packageData.name ),
} }
) }
{ shouldShowItems && (
<ul className="wc-block-components-shipping-rates-control__package-items">
{ Object.values( packageData.items ).map( ( v ) => {
const name = decodeEntities( v.name );
const quantity = v.quantity;
return (
key={ v.key }
quantity > 1
? `${ name } × ${ quantity }`
: `${ name }`
screenReaderLabel={ sprintf(
/* translators: %1$s name of the product (ie: Sunglasses), %2$d number of units in the current cart package */
'%1$s (%2$d unit)',
'%1$s (%2$d units)',
) }
} ) }
) }
const body = (
className={ className }
noResultsMessage={ noResultsMessage }
rates={ packageData.shipping_rates }
onSelectRate={ ( newShippingRateId ) =>
selectShippingRate( newShippingRateId, packageId )
selectedRate={ packageData.shipping_rates.find(
( rate ) => rate.selected
) }
renderOption={ renderOption }
if ( shouldBeCollapsible ) {
return (
// initialOpen remembers only the first value provided to it, so by the
// time we know we have several packages, initialOpen would be hardcoded to true.
// If we're rendering a panel, we're more likely rendering several
// packages and we want to them to be closed initially.
initialOpen={ false }
title={ header }
{ body }
return (
className={ classNames(
) }
{ header }
{ body }
export default ShippingRatesControlPackage;