
124 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/** @format */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
* External dependencies
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const { parse, resolver } = require( 'react-docgen' );
* Internal dependencies
const { getDescription, getProps, getTitle } = require( './lib/formatting' );
const {
} = require( './lib/file-system' );
const fileCollections = [
route: 'analytics',
title: 'Analytics components',
route: 'packages',
title: 'Package components',
const tocSections = [];
fileCollections.forEach( fileCollection => {
// Start by wiping the existing docs. **Change this if we end up manually editing docs**
deleteExistingDocs( fileCollection.route );
// Read components file to get a list of exported files, convert that to a list of absolute paths to public components.
const files = getRealFilePaths( getExportedFileList( path.resolve( fileCollection.folder, 'index.js' ) ), fileCollection.folder );
// Build documentation
buildComponentDocs( files, fileCollection.route );
// Concatenate TOC contents
tocSections.push( ...getTocSection( files, fileCollection.route, fileCollection.title ) );
} );
// Write TOC file
const tocFile = path.resolve( DOCS_FOLDER, '_sidebar.md' );
const tocHeader = '* [Home](/)\n\n* [Components](components/)\n\n';
fs.writeFileSync( tocFile, tocHeader + tocSections.join( '\n' ) );
// Sum the number of TOC lines and substract the titles
const numberOfFiles = tocSections.length - fileCollections.length;
console.log( `Wrote docs for ${ numberOfFiles } files.` );
* Parse each file's content & build up a markdown file.
* @param { Array } files The absolute path of this file.
* @param { string } route Folder where the docs must be stored.
function buildComponentDocs( files, route ) {
// Build the documentation by reading each file.
files.forEach( file => {
try {
const content = fs.readFileSync( file );
buildDocs( file, route, content );
} catch ( readErr ) {
console.warn( file, readErr );
} );
* Parse each file's content & build up a markdown file.
* @param { string } fileName The absolute path of this file.
* @param { string } route Folder where the docs must be stored.
* @param { string } content Content of this file.
* @param { boolean } multiple If there are multiple exports in this file, we need to use a different resolver.
function buildDocs( fileName, route, content, multiple = false ) {
const mdFileName = getMdFileName( fileName, route );
let markdown;
try {
if ( multiple ) {
const docObject = parse( content, resolver.findAllExportedComponentDefinitions );
markdown = docObject.map( doc => generateMarkdown( doc ) ).join( '\n\n' );
} else {
const docObject = parse( content );
markdown = generateMarkdown( docObject );
fs.appendFileSync( mdFileName, markdown );
} catch ( parseErr ) {
if ( ! multiple ) {
// The most likely error is that there are multiple exported components
buildDocs( fileName, route, content, true );
console.warn( fileName, parseErr );
* Convert documentation object to a markdown string.
* @param { object } docObject The parsed documentation object.
* @return { string } Generated markdown.
function generateMarkdown( docObject ) {
let markdownString = getTitle( docObject.displayName ) + '\n';
markdownString += getDescription( docObject.description ) + '\n';
markdownString += getProps( docObject.props );
return markdownString + '\n';