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Update WCPay welcome page incentives (#38689) * Initial refactor of components Move out from index every UI component to make it easier to maintain. * Initial implementation of new design Some minor adjustments are missing, and I've added a few TODOs to complete later. * Add changelog entry * Finish design update * Compress menu icon * Add user's first name to heading copy * Fetch and cache eligible incentive from WCPay API Sharing its properties under `window.WcSettings.admin` * Filter `allowed_promo_notes` To be able to add those form WCPay API request * Update JS side to use the new shared incentive details * Ensure we cache requests even if there are no eligible incentives * Fix a typo in WCPayBanner * Move incentive preloaded data from wcSettings to a new window variable which will be only loaded on WCPay welcome page. * Simplify `has_wcpay` check * Render sanitized HTML from incentive description * Update get incentive logic to also cache non success responses * Add incentive ID to page view track * Add changelog entry for the onboarding package * Update used options names and add them to `get_default_option_permissions * Differentiate every dismissed incentive Reuse WCPay welcome page logic for notes display conditions * Use tos_url instead of tos_link to match response * Fix incentives endpoint request payload * Back to preload incentive on admin shared settings * Move promo notes filter to where it's used to avoid any possible race conditions. * Replace every occurrence of `WooCommerce Payments` with `WooPayments` * Prevent modal large padding-bottom * Prevent another global style override on modal * Fix TS error coming from trunk merge * Fix wrong style property * Further restrict WCPay incentives to plugin not active and countries supported * Adjust the meaning of has_wcpay * Wait for dismiss option update before redirect to prevent the side menu entry to be visible after redirecting back to WC admin. * Enforce TOS asterix at the end of incentive description * Remove underscore from priavate instance var. * Fix ESLint error * Fix SCSS linting issues * Refine `has_wcpay` and `has_orders` * Enforce consistent WooPayments branding * Enforce stricter i18n calls with escape * Update page title to match new branding * docs: Enforce branding in code docs also * Remove method that is unreliable to be used outside of onboarding * Remove unused constant * Missing new line Co-authored-by: Ilyas Foo <foo.ilyas@gmail.com> --------- Co-authored-by: Vlad Olaru <vlad@pixelgrade.com> Co-authored-by: Ilyas Foo <foo.ilyas@gmail.com>
2023-06-16 14:32:58 +00:00
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