The Collections Store allows to retrieve product-related collections within WooCommerce Blocks.
## Usage
To utilize this store you will import the COLLECTIONS_STORE_KEY in any module referencing it. Assuming `@woocommerce/block-data` is registered as an external pointing to `wc.wcBlocksData` you can import the key via:
This will return an action object for the given arguments used in dispatching the collection results to the store.
> ⚠️ You should rarely have to dispatch this action directly as it is used by the resolver for the `getCollection` selector.
#### _Parameters_ <!-- omit in toc -->
-_namespace_`string`: The route namespace for the collection, eg. `/wc/blocks`.
-_resourceName_`string`: The resource name for the collection (eg. `products/attributes`.
-_queryString_`string`: An additional query string to add to the request for the collection. Note, collections are cached by the query string, eg. `?order=ASC`.
-_ids_`array`: If the collection route has placeholders for ids, you provide them via this argument in the order of how the placeholders appear in the route.
-_response_`Object`: An object containing a `items` property with the collection items from the response (array), and a `headers` property that is matches the `window.Headers` interface containing the headers from the response.
-_replace_`boolean`: Whether or not to replace any existing items in the store for the given indexes (namespace, resourceName, queryString) if there are already values in the store.
This will return an action object for the given arguments used in dispatching an error to the store.
#### _Parameters_ <!-- omit in toc -->
-_namespace_`string`: The route namespace for the collection, eg. `/wc/blocks`.
-_resourceName_`string`: The resource name for the collection, eg. `products/attributes`.
-_queryString_`string`: An additional query string to add to the request for the collection. Note, collections are cached by the query string, eg. `?order=ASC`.
-_ids_`array`: If the collection route has placeholders for ids, you provide them via this argument in the order of how the placeholders appear in the route.
-_error_`object`: The error object with the following keys:
-_code_`string`: The error code.
-_message_`string`: The error message.
-_data_`object`: The error data with the following keys:
This selector will return the state from the collections store.
#### _Returns_ <!-- omit in toc -->
-`object`: The state from the collections storew ith the following properties:
- _namespace_ `string`: The route namespace for the collection, eg. `/wc/blocks`.
- _resourceName_ `string`: The resource name for the collection, eg. `products/attributes`.
- _query_ `object`: The query arguments for the collection, eg. `{ order: 'ASC', sortBy: Price }`.
- _ids_ `array`: If the collection route has placeholders for ids you provide the values for those placeholders in this array (in order).
- _type_ `string`: type of the collections ie `items`.
-`array` | `null` | `undefined`: Returns a fallback value (specified as a parameter) when the collection lacks matching headers for the provided arguments.
This selector will return the collection for the given arguments. It has a sibling resolver, so if the selector has never been resolved, the resolver will make a request to the server for the collection and dispatch results to the store.
This selector will return a header from the collection response using the given arguments. It has a sibling resolver that will resolve `getCollection` using the arguments if that has never been resolved.
#### _Returns_ <!-- omit in toc -->
-`undefined`: If the collection has headers but not a matching header for the given `header` argument, then `undefined` will be returned.
-`null`: If the collection does not have any matching headers for the given arguments, then `null` is returned.
-`object`: If the collection has a matching header for the given arguments, then an object is returned with the following properties:
-_namespace_`string`: The route namespace for the collection, eg. `/wc/blocks`.
-_resourceName_`string`: The resource name for the collection, eg. `products/attributes`.
-_header_`string`: The header key for the header.
-_query_`Object`: The query arguments for the collection, eg. `{ order: 'ASC', sortBy: Price }`.
-_ids_`Array`: If the collection route has placeholders for ids you provide the values for those placeholders in this array (in order).
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