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echo "Initializing WooCommerce E2E"
wp plugin activate woocommerce
wp user create customer customer@woocommercecoree2etestsuite.com --user_pass=password --role=subscriber --path=/var/www/html
# we cannot create API keys for the API, so we using basic auth, this plugin allows that.
wp plugin install https://github.com/WP-API/Basic-Auth/archive/master.zip --activate
# update permalinks to `pretty` to make it easier for testing APIs with k6
wp option update permalink_structure '/%postname%'
# install the WP Mail Logging plugin to test emails
wp plugin install wp-mail-logging --activate
# Installing and activating the WordPress Importer plugin to import sample products"
wp plugin install wordpress-importer --activate
# Adding basic WooCommerce settings"
wp option set woocommerce_store_address "Example Address Line 1"
wp option set woocommerce_store_address_2 "Example Address Line 2"
wp option set woocommerce_store_city "Example City"
wp option set woocommerce_default_country "US:CA"
wp option set woocommerce_store_postcode "94110"
wp option set woocommerce_currency "USD"
wp option set woocommerce_product_type "both"
wp option set woocommerce_allow_tracking "no"
wp option set woocommerce_enable_checkout_login_reminder "yes"
wp option set --format=json woocommerce_cod_settings '{"enabled":"yes"}'
# WooCommerce shop pages
wp wc --user=admin tool run install_pages
# Importing WooCommerce sample products"
wp import wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/sample-data/sample_products.xml --authors=skip
# install Storefront
wp theme install storefront --activate
2021-03-19 16:58:02 +00:00
echo "Success! Your E2E Test Environment is now ready."