2018-09-21 18:41:22 +00:00
* Unit tests for the user functions.
* @package WooCommerce\Tests\Util
* @since 3.4.6
* Core function unit tests.
class WC_Tests_User_Functions extends WC_Unit_Test_Case {
* Test the logic of wc_modify_editable_roles.
* @since 3.4.6
public function test_wc_modify_editable_roles() {
$password = wp_generate_password();
$admin_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_admin',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'admin@example.com',
'role' => 'administrator',
) );
$editor_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_editor',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'editor@example.com',
'role' => 'editor',
) );
$manager_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_manager',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'manager@example.com',
'role' => 'shop_manager',
) );
// Admins should be able to edit anyone.
wp_set_current_user( $admin_id );
$admin_editable_roles = array_keys( get_editable_roles() );
$this->assertContains( 'administrator', $admin_editable_roles );
$this->assertContains( 'editor', $admin_editable_roles );
$this->assertContains( 'shop_manager', $admin_editable_roles );
$this->assertContains( 'customer', $admin_editable_roles );
// Editors should be able to edit non-admins.
wp_set_current_user( $editor_id );
$editor_editable_roles = array_keys( get_editable_roles() );
$this->assertNotContains( 'administrator', $editor_editable_roles );
$this->assertContains( 'editor', $editor_editable_roles );
$this->assertContains( 'shop_manager', $editor_editable_roles );
$this->assertContains( 'customer', $editor_editable_roles );
// Shop manager should only be able to edit customers.
wp_set_current_user( $manager_id );
$manager_editable_roles = array_keys( get_editable_roles() );
$this->assertEquals( array( 'customer' ), $manager_editable_roles );
* Test the logic of wc_modify_map_meta_cap.
* @since 3.4.6
public function test_wc_modify_map_meta_cap() {
$password = wp_generate_password();
$admin_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_admin',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'admin@example.com',
'role' => 'administrator',
) );
$editor_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_editor',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'editor@example.com',
'role' => 'editor',
) );
$manager_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_manager',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'manager@example.com',
'role' => 'shop_manager',
) );
$customer_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_customer',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'customer@example.com',
'role' => 'customer',
) );
// Admins should be able to edit or promote anyone.
wp_set_current_user( $admin_id );
$caps = map_meta_cap( 'edit_user', $admin_id, $editor_id );
$this->assertEquals( array( 'edit_users' ), $caps );
$caps = map_meta_cap( 'promote_user', $admin_id, $manager_id );
$this->assertEquals( array( 'promote_users' ), $caps );
// Shop managers should only be able to edit themselves or customers.
wp_set_current_user( $manager_id );
$caps = map_meta_cap( 'edit_user', $manager_id, $admin_id );
$this->assertContains( 'do_not_allow', $caps );
$caps = map_meta_cap( 'edit_user', $manager_id, $editor_id );
$this->assertContains( 'do_not_allow', $caps );
$caps = map_meta_cap( 'edit_user', $manager_id, $customer_id );
$this->assertEquals( array( 'edit_users' ), $caps );
2019-01-21 16:02:28 +00:00
* Test wc_shop_manager_has_capability function.
* @since 3.5.4
public function test_wc_shop_manager_has_capability() {
$password = wp_generate_password();
$manager_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_manager',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'manager@example.com',
'role' => 'shop_manager',
) );
$manager = new WP_User( $manager_id );
$editor_id = wp_insert_user( array(
'user_login' => 'test_editor',
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_email' => 'editor@example.com',
'role' => 'editor',
) );
$editor = new WP_User( $editor_id );
// Test capabilities translation is working correctly and only gives shop managers capabilities.
$this->assertTrue( $manager->has_cap( 'edit_users' ) );
$this->assertFalse( $editor->has_cap( 'edit_users' ) );
// Unhook the capability translation function to simulate WooCommerce getting deactivated.
remove_filter( 'user_has_cap', 'wc_shop_manager_has_capability' );
$this->assertFalse( $manager->has_cap( 'edit_users' ) );
// Rehook function.
add_filter( 'user_has_cap', 'wc_shop_manager_has_capability', 10, 4 );
2018-09-21 18:41:22 +00:00