
33 lines
1008 B
Raw Normal View History

// Check if we're in a JSDOM test or not
if ( global.window ) {
// These are necessary to load TinyMCE successfully
global.URL = window.URL;
global.window.tinyMCEPreInit = {
// Without this, TinyMCE tries to determine its URL by looking at the
// <script> tag where it was loaded from, which of course fails here.
baseURL: 'about:blank',
global.window.requestAnimationFrame = setTimeout;
global.window.cancelAnimationFrame = clearTimeout;
global.window.matchMedia = ( query ) => ( {
matches: false,
media: query,
onchange: null,
addListener: () => {}, // Deprecated
removeListener: () => {}, // Deprecated
addEventListener: () => {},
removeEventListener: () => {},
dispatchEvent: () => true,
} );
// Setup fake localStorage
const storage = {};
global.window.localStorage = {
getItem: ( key ) => ( key in storage ? storage[ key ] : null ),
setItem: ( key, value ) => ( storage[ key ] = value ),
// UserSettings global
global.window.userSettings = { uid: 1 };