
145 lines
4.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* External dependencies
import { chromium, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import fs from 'fs';
* Internal dependencies
import { admin, customer } from './test-data/data/data';
/* eslint-disable no-console */
module.exports = async ( config ) => {
const { stateDir, baseURL, userAgent } = config.projects[ 0 ].use;
console.log( `State Dir: ${ stateDir }` );
console.log( `Base URL: ${ baseURL }` );
// used throughout tests for authentication
process.env.ADMINSTATE = `${ stateDir }adminState.json`;
process.env.CUSTOMERSTATE = `${ stateDir }customerState.json`;
// Clear out the previous save states
try {
fs.unlinkSync( process.env.ADMINSTATE );
console.log( 'Admin state file deleted successfully.' );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code === 'ENOENT' ) {
console.log( 'Admin state file does not exist.' );
} else {
console.log( 'Admin state file could not be deleted: ' + err );
try {
fs.unlinkSync( process.env.CUSTOMERSTATE );
console.log( 'Customer state file deleted successfully.' );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code === 'ENOENT' ) {
console.log( 'Customer state file does not exist.' );
} else {
console.log( 'Customer state file could not be deleted: ' + err );
// Pre-requisites
let adminLoggedIn = false;
let customerLoggedIn = false;
// Specify user agent when running against an external test site to avoid getting HTTP 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE errors.
const contextOptions = { baseURL, userAgent };
// Create browser, browserContext, and page for customer and admin users
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const adminContext = await browser.newContext( contextOptions );
const customerContext = await browser.newContext( contextOptions );
const adminPage = await adminContext.newPage();
const customerPage = await customerContext.newPage();
// Sign in as admin user and save state
const adminRetries = 5;
for ( let i = 0; i < adminRetries; i++ ) {
try {
console.log( 'Trying to log-in as admin...' );
await adminPage.goto( `/wp-admin` );
await adminPage.fill( 'input[name="log"]', admin.username );
await adminPage.fill( 'input[name="pwd"]', admin.password );
await adminPage.click( 'text=Log In' );
await adminPage.waitForLoadState( 'networkidle' );
await adminPage.goto( `/wp-admin` );
await adminPage.waitForLoadState( 'domcontentloaded' );
await expect( adminPage.locator( 'div.wrap > h1' ) ).toHaveText(
await adminPage
.storageState( { path: process.env.ADMINSTATE } );
console.log( 'Logged-in as admin successfully.' );
adminLoggedIn = true;
} catch ( e ) {
`Admin log-in failed, Retrying... ${ i }/${ adminRetries }`
console.log( e );
if ( ! adminLoggedIn ) {
'Cannot proceed e2e test, as admin login failed. Please check if the test site has been setup correctly.'
process.exit( 1 );
// Sign in as customer user and save state
const customerRetries = 5;
for ( let i = 0; i < customerRetries; i++ ) {
try {
console.log( 'Trying to log-in as customer...' );
await customerPage.goto( `/wp-admin` );
await customerPage.fill( 'input[name="log"]', customer.username );
await customerPage.fill( 'input[name="pwd"]', customer.password );
await customerPage.click( 'text=Log In' );
await customerPage.goto( `/my-account` );
await expect(
await expect(
'div.woocommerce-MyAccount-content > p >> nth=0'
).toContainText( 'Hello' );
await customerPage
.storageState( { path: process.env.CUSTOMERSTATE } );
console.log( 'Logged-in as customer successfully.' );
customerLoggedIn = true;
} catch ( e ) {
`Customer log-in failed. Retrying... ${ i }/${ customerRetries }`
console.log( e );
if ( ! customerLoggedIn ) {
'Cannot proceed e2e test, as customer login failed. Please check if the test site has been setup correctly.'
process.exit( 1 );
await adminContext.close();
await customerContext.close();
await browser.close();