If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, we have an extension that can help:[WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor](https://woo.com/products/woocommerce-checkout-field-editor/). Installing and activating this extension overrides any code below that you try to implement; and you cannot have custom checkout field code in your functions.php file when the extension is activated.
Custom code should be copied into your child theme’s**functions.php**file.
## How Are Checkout Fields Loaded to WooCommerce?
The billing and shipping fields for checkout pull from the countries class `class-wc-countries.php` and the **`get_address_fields`**function. This allows WooCommerce to enable/disable fields based on the user’s location.
Before returning these fields, WooCommerce puts the fields through a*filter*. This allows them to be edited by third-party plugins, themes and your own custom code.
That means you have**full control**over checkout fields – you only need to know how to access them.
## Overriding Core Fields
Hooking into the**`woocommerce_checkout_fields`**filter lets you override any field. As an example, let’s change the placeholder on the order_comments fields.Currently, it’s set to:
_x( 'Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery.', 'placeholder', 'woocommerce' );
We can change this by adding a function to our theme functions.php file:
// Our hooked in function - $fields is passed via the filter!
function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
unset( $fields['order']['order_comments'] );
return $fields;
Here’s a full list of fields in the array passed to `woocommerce_checkout_fields`:
- Billing
- Shipping
- Account
- Order
Each field contains an array of properties:
-`type`– type of field (text, textarea, password, select)
-`label`– label for the input field
-`placeholder`– placeholder for the input
-`class`– class for the input
-`required`– true or false, whether or not the field is require
-`clear`– true or false, applies a clear fix to the field/label
-`label_class`– class for the label element
-`options`– for select boxes, array of options (key => value pairs)
In specific cases you need to use the**`woocommerce_default_address_fields`** filter. This filter is applied to all billing and shipping default fields:
For example, to make the `address_1` field optional:
Priority in regards to PHP code helps establish when a bit of code - called a function - runs in relation to a page load. It is set inside of each function and is useful when overriding existing code for custom display.
Code with a higher number set as the priority will run after code with a lower number, meaning code with a priority of 20 will run after code with 10 priority.
The priority argument is set during the [add_action](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_action/) function, after you establish which hook you’re connecting to and what the name of your custom function will be.
In the examplebelow, blue text is the name of the hook we’re modifying, green text is the name of our custom function, and red is the priority we set.
In thisexample, the code is set to redirect the “Return to Shop” button found in the cart to a category that listsproducts for sale at `http://example.url/category/specials/`.
* Changes the redirect URL for the Return To Shop button in the cart.
There, we can see the priority is set to 10. This is the typical default for WooCommerce functions and scripts, so that may not be sufficient to override that button’s functionality.
Instead, we can change the priority to any number greater than 10. While 11 would work, best practice dictates we use increments of ten, so 20, 30, and so on.
* Changes the redirect URL for the Return To Shop button in the cart.
With priority, we can have two functions that are acting on the same hook. Normally this would cause a variety of problems, but since we’ve established one has a higher priority than the other, our site will only load the appropriate function, and we will be taken to the Specials page as intended with the code below.
* Changes the redirect URL for the Return To Shop button in the cart.
What do we do with the new field? Nothing. Because we defined the field in the `checkout_fields` array, the field is automatically processed and saved to the order post meta (in this case, \_shipping_phone). If you want to add validation rules, see the checkout class where there areadditionalhooks you can use.
### Adding a Custom Special Field
To add a custom field is similar. Let’s add a new field to checkout, after the order notes, by hooking into the following: