This document is intended for contrubtors to WooCommerce Blocks plugin, if you feel like a new endpoint should be added, feel free to open an issue or a PR detailing why.
private $endpoints = [ /* other identifiers */, BillingAddressSchema::IDENTIFIER ];
This is to prevent accidentally exposing new endpoints.
2. Inside your endpoint schema class (for this example, inside `BillingAddressSchema`), in its `get_properties` method, add this call at the end of the returned array.
You can pass extra parameters to `get_extended_schema` and those would be passed to third party code.
That's it, your endpoint would now contain `extensions` in your endpoint, and you can consume it in the frontend.
Extending a new endpoint is usually half the work, you will need to receive this data in the frontend and pass it to any other extensibility point (Slot, Filter, Event).
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