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2014-02-14 14:29:30 +00:00
* Texy! - human-readable text to HTML converter.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 David Grudl
* @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2 or 3
* @link http://texy.info
* @package Texy
// for Texy 1 backward compatibility
define('TEXY_HEADING_FIXED', 2);
* Heading module.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 David Grudl
* @package Texy
final class TexyHeadingModule extends TexyModule
DYNAMIC = 1, // auto-leveling
FIXED = 2; // fixed-leveling
/** @var string textual content of first heading */
public $title;
/** @var array generated Table of Contents */
public $TOC;
/** @var bool autogenerate ID */
public $generateID = FALSE;
/** @var string prefix for autogenerated ID */
public $idPrefix = 'toc-';
/** @var int level of top heading, 1..6 */
public $top = 1;
/** @var bool surrounded headings: more #### means higher heading */
public $moreMeansHigher = TRUE;
/** @var int balancing mode */
public $balancing = TexyHeadingModule::DYNAMIC;
/** @var array when $balancing = TexyHeadingModule::FIXED */
public $levels = array(
'#' => 0, // # --> $levels['#'] + $top = 0 + 1 = 1 --> <h1> ... </h1>
'*' => 1,
'=' => 2,
'-' => 3,
/** @var array used ID's */
private $usedID;
public function __construct($texy)
$this->texy = $texy;
$texy->addHandler('heading', array($this, 'solve'));
$texy->addHandler('beforeParse', array($this, 'beforeParse'));
$texy->addHandler('afterParse', array($this, 'afterParse'));
array($this, 'patternUnderline'),
. '(\#{3,}|\*{3,}|={3,}|-{3,})$#mU',
array($this, 'patternSurround'),
public function beforeParse()
$this->title = NULL;
$this->usedID = array();
$this->TOC = array();
* @param Texy
* @param TexyHtml
* @param bool
* @return void
public function afterParse($texy, $DOM, $isSingleLine)
if ($isSingleLine) return;
if ($this->balancing === self::DYNAMIC) {
$top = $this->top;
$map = array();
$min = 100;
foreach ($this->TOC as $item)
$level = $item['level'];
if ($item['type'] === 'surrounded') {
$min = min($level, $min);
$top = $this->top - $min;
} elseif ($item['type'] === 'underlined') {
$map[$level] = $level;
$map = array_flip(array_values($map));
foreach ($this->TOC as $key => $item)
if ($this->balancing === self::DYNAMIC) {
if ($item['type'] === 'surrounded') {
$level = $item['level'] + $top;
} elseif ($item['type'] === 'underlined') {
$level = $map[$item['level']] + $this->top;
} else {
$level = $item['level'];
$item['el']->setName('h' . min(6, max(1, $level)));
$this->TOC[$key]['level'] = $level;
if ($this->generateID && empty($item['el']->attrs['id'])) {
$title = trim($item['el']->toText($this->texy));
if ($title !== '') {
$this->TOC[$key]['title'] = $title;
$id = $this->idPrefix . Texy::webalize($title);
$counter = '';
if (isset($this->usedID[$id . $counter])) {
$counter = 2;
while (isset($this->usedID[$id . '-' . $counter])) $counter++;
$id .= '-' . $counter;
$this->usedID[$id] = TRUE;
$item['el']->attrs['id'] = $id;
// document title
if ($this->title === NULL && count($this->TOC)) {
$item = reset($this->TOC);
$this->title = isset($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : trim($item['el']->toText($this->texy));
* Callback for underlined heading.
* Heading .(title)[class]{style}>
* -------------------------------
* @param TexyBlockParser
* @param array regexp matches
* @param string pattern name
* @return TexyHtml|string|FALSE
public function patternUnderline($parser, $matches)
list(, $mContent, $mMod, $mLine) = $matches;
// $matches:
// [1] => ...
// [2] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
// [3] => ...
$mod = new TexyModifier($mMod);
$level = $this->levels[$mLine[0]];
return $this->texy->invokeAroundHandlers('heading', $parser, array($level, $mContent, $mod, FALSE));
* Callback for surrounded heading.
* ### Heading .(title)[class]{style}>
* @param TexyBlockParser
* @param array regexp matches
* @param string pattern name
* @return TexyHtml|string|FALSE
public function patternSurround($parser, $matches)
list(, $mLine, $mContent, $mMod) = $matches;
// [1] => ###
// [2] => ...
// [3] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
$mod = new TexyModifier($mMod);
$level = min(7, max(2, strlen($mLine)));
$level = $this->moreMeansHigher ? 7 - $level : $level - 2;
$mContent = rtrim($mContent, $mLine[0] . ' ');
return $this->texy->invokeAroundHandlers('heading', $parser, array($level, $mContent, $mod, TRUE));
* Finish invocation.
* @param TexyHandlerInvocation handler invocation
* @param int 0..5
* @param string
* @param TexyModifier
* @param bool
* @return TexyHtml
public function solve($invocation, $level, $content, $mod, $isSurrounded)
// as fixed balancing, for block/texysource & correct decorating
$el = TexyHtml::el('h' . min(6, max(1, $level + $this->top)));
$mod->decorate($this->texy, $el);
$el->parseLine($this->texy, trim($content));
$this->TOC[] = array(
'el' => $el,
'level' => $level,
'type' => $isSurrounded ? 'surrounded' : 'underlined',
return $el;