-`key` (string): The key used internally to identify the section.
-`title` (string): The title shown in the Dashboard. It can be modified by users.
-`icon` (function|WPComponent|null): Icon to be used to identify the section.
-`component` (react component): The component containing the section content.
-`isVisible` (boolean): Whether the section is visible by default. Sections can be added/hidden by users.
-`hiddenBlocks` (array of strings): The keys of the blocks that must be hidden by default. Used in Sections that contain several blocks that can be shown or hidden. It can be modified by users.
-`hiddenBlocks` (array of strings): Hidden blocks according to the default settings or the user preferences if they had made any modification.
-`isFirst` (boolean): Whether the component is the first one shown in the Dashboard.
-`isLast` (boolean): Whether the component is the last one shown in the Dashboard.
-`onMove` (boolean): Event to trigger when moving the section.
-`onRemove` (boolean): Event to trigger when removing the section.
-`onTitleBlur` (function): Event to trigger when the edit title input box is unfocused.
-`onTitleChange` (function): Event to trigger when the edit title input box receives a change event.
-`onToggleHiddenBlock` (function): Event to trigger when the user toggles one of the hidden blocks preferences.
-`titleInput` (string): Current string to be displayed in the edit title input box. Title is only updated on blur, so this value will be different than `title` when the user is modifying the input box.
-`path` (string): The exact path for this view.
-`query` (object): The query string for the current view, can be used to read current preferences for time periods or chart interval/type.
-`title` (string): Title of the section according to the default settings or the user preferences if they had made any modification.
-`controls` (react component): Controls to move a section up/down or remove it from view to be rendered inside the EllipsisMenu.