> Note: These tests only apply to the feature plugin, nothing in this release impacts what is exposed in WooCommerce core via package.
Zip file for testing: [woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/files/5493854/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip)
1. Render checkout block with `Create an account?` checkbox. We're going to use a stale copy of the page to submit a checkout API request with `should_create_account=true`.
6. Ensure no account is created for the customer, and the order is processed correctly.
As an alternative to (1), could also hack the JS REST request to always send `should_create_account=true`, or use other approaches to call the API with that value set.
1. As admin, disable `WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy > Allow customers to create an account during checkout` and save settings.
2. View checkout page and ensure there is no `Create an account` checkbox.
3. Repeat the above test with different block settings and ensure no checkbox is displayed unless store option is enabled. E.g. allow checkout signup in settings, enable block `Allow shoppers to sign up for a user account during checkout` setting, publish, change store setting and refresh page.
- Repeat similar tests with a custom plugin implementing `woocommerce_checkout_registration_enabled` hook to disable checkout signup.
- Test various combinations of store settings (e.g. guest checkout `Allow customers to place orders without an account`) and ensure that accounts are created when appropriate.
- Test with WooCommerce <v4.7andensurethatcheckoutblocksign-upfeatureisnotavailable,andthereisnowaytosignupusingcheckoutblock.
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