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Raw Normal View History

* Implements the admin view of the actions.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
class ActionScheduler_ListTable extends ActionScheduler_Abstract_ListTable {
* The package name.
* @var string
protected $package = 'action-scheduler';
* Columns to show (name => label).
* @var array
protected $columns = array();
* Actions (name => label).
* @var array
protected $row_actions = array();
* The active data stores
* @var ActionScheduler_Store
protected $store;
* A logger to use for getting action logs to display
* @var ActionScheduler_Logger
protected $logger;
* A ActionScheduler_QueueRunner runner instance (or child class)
* @var ActionScheduler_QueueRunner
protected $runner;
* Bulk actions. The key of the array is the method name of the implementation:
* bulk_<key>(array $ids, string $sql_in).
* See the comments in the parent class for further details
* @var array
protected $bulk_actions = array();
* Flag variable to render our notifications, if any, once.
* @var bool
protected static $did_notification = false;
* Array of seconds for common time periods, like week or month, alongside an internationalised string representation, i.e. "Day" or "Days"
* @var array
private static $time_periods;
* Sets the current data store object into `store->action` and initialises the object.
* @param ActionScheduler_Store $store
* @param ActionScheduler_Logger $logger
* @param ActionScheduler_QueueRunner $runner
public function __construct( ActionScheduler_Store $store, ActionScheduler_Logger $logger, ActionScheduler_QueueRunner $runner ) {
$this->store = $store;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->runner = $runner;
$this->table_header = __( 'Scheduled Actions', 'action-scheduler' );
$this->bulk_actions = array(
'delete' => __( 'Delete', 'action-scheduler' ),
$this->columns = array(
'hook' => __( 'Hook', 'action-scheduler' ),
'status' => __( 'Status', 'action-scheduler' ),
'args' => __( 'Arguments', 'action-scheduler' ),
'group' => __( 'Group', 'action-scheduler' ),
'recurrence' => __( 'Recurrence', 'action-scheduler' ),
'schedule' => __( 'Scheduled Date', 'action-scheduler' ),
'log_entries' => __( 'Log', 'action-scheduler' ),
$this->sort_by = array(
$this->search_by = array(
$request_status = $this->get_request_status();
if ( empty( $request_status ) ) {
$this->sort_by[] = 'status';
} elseif ( in_array( $request_status, array( 'in-progress', 'failed' ) ) ) {
$this->columns += array( 'claim_id' => __( 'Claim ID', 'action-scheduler' ) );
$this->sort_by[] = 'claim_id';
$this->row_actions = array(
'hook' => array(
'run' => array(
'name' => __( 'Run', 'action-scheduler' ),
'desc' => __( 'Process the action now as if it were run as part of a queue', 'action-scheduler' ),
'cancel' => array(
'name' => __( 'Cancel', 'action-scheduler' ),
'desc' => __( 'Cancel the action now to avoid it being run in future', 'action-scheduler' ),
'class' => 'cancel trash',
self::$time_periods = array(
'seconds' => YEAR_IN_SECONDS,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s year', '%s years', 'action-scheduler' ),
'seconds' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s month', '%s months', 'action-scheduler' ),
'seconds' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s week', '%s weeks', 'action-scheduler' ),
'seconds' => DAY_IN_SECONDS,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s day', '%s days', 'action-scheduler' ),
'seconds' => HOUR_IN_SECONDS,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s hour', '%s hours', 'action-scheduler' ),
'seconds' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s minute', '%s minutes', 'action-scheduler' ),
'seconds' => 1,
'names' => _n_noop( '%s second', '%s seconds', 'action-scheduler' ),
parent::__construct( array(
'singular' => 'action-scheduler',
'plural' => 'action-scheduler',
'ajax' => false,
) );
* Convert an interval of seconds into a two part human friendly string.
* The WordPress human_time_diff() function only calculates the time difference to one degree, meaning
* even if an action is 1 day and 11 hours away, it will display "1 day". This function goes one step
* further to display two degrees of accuracy.
* Inspired by the Crontrol::interval() function by Edward Dale: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-crontrol/
* @param int $interval A interval in seconds.
* @param int $periods_to_include Depth of time periods to include, e.g. for an interval of 70, and $periods_to_include of 2, both minutes and seconds would be included. With a value of 1, only minutes would be included.
* @return string A human friendly string representation of the interval.
private static function human_interval( $interval, $periods_to_include = 2 ) {
if ( $interval <= 0 ) {
return __( 'Now!', 'action-scheduler' );
$output = '';
for ( $time_period_index = 0, $periods_included = 0, $seconds_remaining = $interval; $time_period_index < count( self::$time_periods ) && $seconds_remaining > 0 && $periods_included < $periods_to_include; $time_period_index++ ) {
$periods_in_interval = floor( $seconds_remaining / self::$time_periods[ $time_period_index ]['seconds'] );
if ( $periods_in_interval > 0 ) {
if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
$output .= ' ';
$output .= sprintf( _n( self::$time_periods[ $time_period_index ]['names'][0], self::$time_periods[ $time_period_index ]['names'][1], $periods_in_interval, 'action-scheduler' ), $periods_in_interval );
$seconds_remaining -= $periods_in_interval * self::$time_periods[ $time_period_index ]['seconds'];
return $output;
* Returns the recurrence of an action or 'Non-repeating'. The output is human readable.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action
* @return string
protected function get_recurrence( $action ) {
$recurrence = $action->get_schedule();
if ( method_exists( $recurrence, 'interval_in_seconds' ) ) {
return sprintf( __( 'Every %s', 'action-scheduler' ), self::human_interval( $recurrence->interval_in_seconds() ) );
return __( 'Non-repeating', 'action-scheduler' );
* Serializes the argument of an action to render it in a human friendly format.
* @param array $row The array representation of the current row of the table
* @return string
public function column_args( array $row ) {
if ( empty( $row['args'] ) ) {
return '';
$row_html = '<ul>';
foreach ( $row['args'] as $key => $value ) {
$row_html .= sprintf( '<li><code>%s => %s</code></li>', esc_html( $key ), esc_html( $value ) );
$row_html .= '</ul>';
return apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_list_table_column_args', $row_html, $row );
* Prints the logs entries inline. We do so to avoid loading Javascript and other hacks to show it in a modal.
* @param array $row Action array.
* @return string
public function column_log_entries( array $row ) {
$log_entries_html = '<ol>';
$timezone = new DateTimezone( 'UTC' );
foreach ( $row['log_entries'] as $log_entry ) {
$log_entries_html .= $this->get_log_entry_html( $log_entry, $timezone );
$log_entries_html .= '</ol>';
return $log_entries_html;
* Prints the logs entries inline. We do so to avoid loading Javascript and other hacks to show it in a modal.
* @param ActionScheduler_LogEntry $log_entry
* @param DateTimezone $timezone
* @return string
protected function get_log_entry_html( ActionScheduler_LogEntry $log_entry, DateTimezone $timezone ) {
$date = $log_entry->get_date();
$date->setTimezone( $timezone );
return sprintf( '<li><strong>%s</strong><br/>%s</li>', esc_html( $date->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s e' ) ), esc_html( $log_entry->get_message() ) );
* Only display row actions for pending actions.
* @param array $row Row to render
* @param string $column_name Current row
* @return string
protected function maybe_render_actions( $row, $column_name ) {
if ( 'pending' === strtolower( $row['status'] ) ) {
return parent::maybe_render_actions( $row, $column_name );
return '';
* Renders admin notifications
* Notifications:
* 1. When the maximum number of tasks are being executed simultaneously
* 2. Notifications when a task us manually executed
public function display_admin_notices() {
if ( $this->store->get_claim_count() >= $this->runner->get_allowed_concurrent_batches() ) {
$this->admin_notices[] = array(
'class' => 'updated',
'message' => sprintf( __( 'Maximum simultaneous batches already in progress (%s queues). No actions will be processed until the current batches are complete.', 'action-scheduler' ), $this->store->get_claim_count() ),
$notification = get_transient( 'action_scheduler_admin_notice' );
if ( is_array( $notification ) ) {
delete_transient( 'action_scheduler_admin_notice' );
$action = $this->store->fetch_action( $notification['action_id'] );
$action_hook_html = '<strong><code>' . $action->get_hook() . '</code></strong>';
if ( 1 == $notification['success'] ) {
$class = 'updated';
switch ( $notification['row_action_type'] ) {
case 'run' :
$action_message_html = sprintf( __( 'Successfully executed action: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $action_hook_html );
case 'cancel' :
$action_message_html = sprintf( __( 'Successfully canceled action: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $action_hook_html );
default :
$action_message_html = sprintf( __( 'Successfully processed change for action: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $action_hook_html );
} else {
$class = 'error';
$action_message_html = sprintf( __( 'Could not process change for action: "%s" (ID: %d). Error: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $action_hook_html, esc_html( $notification['action_id'] ), esc_html( $notification['error_message'] ) );
$action_message_html = apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_admin_notice_html', $action_message_html, $action, $notification );
$this->admin_notices[] = array(
'class' => $class,
'message' => $action_message_html,
* Prints the scheduled date in a human friendly format.
* @param array $row The array representation of the current row of the table
* @return string
public function column_schedule( $row ) {
return $this->get_schedule_display_string( $row['schedule'] );
* Get the scheduled date in a human friendly format.
* @param ActionScheduler_Schedule $schedule
* @return string
protected function get_schedule_display_string( ActionScheduler_Schedule $schedule ) {
$schedule_display_string = '';
if ( ! $schedule->next() ) {
return $schedule_display_string;
$next_timestamp = $schedule->next()->getTimestamp();
$schedule_display_string .= $schedule->next()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s e' );
$schedule_display_string .= '<br/>';
if ( gmdate( 'U' ) > $next_timestamp ) {
$schedule_display_string .= sprintf( __( ' (%s ago)', 'action-scheduler' ), self::human_interval( gmdate( 'U' ) - $next_timestamp ) );
} else {
$schedule_display_string .= sprintf( __( ' (%s)', 'action-scheduler' ), self::human_interval( $next_timestamp - gmdate( 'U' ) ) );
return $schedule_display_string;
* Bulk delete
* Deletes actions based on their ID. This is the handler for the bulk delete. It assumes the data
* properly validated by the callee and it will delete the actions without any extra validation.
* @param array $ids
* @param string $ids_sql Inherited and unused
protected function bulk_delete( array $ids, $ids_sql ) {
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
$this->store->delete_action( $id );
* Implements the logic behind running an action. ActionScheduler_Abstract_ListTable validates the request and their
* parameters are valid.
* @param int $action_id
protected function row_action_cancel( $action_id ) {
$this->process_row_action( $action_id, 'cancel' );
* Implements the logic behind running an action. ActionScheduler_Abstract_ListTable validates the request and their
* parameters are valid.
* @param int $action_id
protected function row_action_run( $action_id ) {
$this->process_row_action( $action_id, 'run' );
* Implements the logic behind processing an action once an action link is clicked on the list table.
* @param int $action_id
* @param string $row_action_type The type of action to perform on the action.
protected function process_row_action( $action_id, $row_action_type ) {
try {
switch ( $row_action_type ) {
case 'run' :
$this->runner->process_action( $action_id );
case 'cancel' :
$this->store->cancel_action( $action_id );
$success = 1;
$error_message = '';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$success = 0;
$error_message = $e->getMessage();
set_transient( 'action_scheduler_admin_notice', compact( 'action_id', 'success', 'error_message', 'row_action_type' ), 30 );
* {@inheritDoc}
public function prepare_items() {
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] ) ) {
// _wp_http_referer is used only on bulk actions, we remove it to keep the $_GET shorter
wp_redirect( remove_query_arg( array( '_wp_http_referer', '_wpnonce' ), wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) );
$per_page = $this->get_items_per_page( $this->package . '_items_per_page', $this->items_per_page );
$query = array(
'per_page' => $per_page,
'offset' => $this->get_items_offset(),
'status' => $this->get_request_status(),
'orderby' => $this->get_request_orderby(),
'order' => $this->get_request_order(),
'search' => $this->get_request_search_query(),
$this->items = array();
$total_items = $this->store->query_actions( $query, 'count' );
$status_labels = $this->store->get_status_labels();
foreach ( $this->store->query_actions( $query ) as $action_id ) {
try {
$action = $this->store->fetch_action( $action_id );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this->items[ $action_id ] = array(
'ID' => $action_id,
'hook' => $action->get_hook(),
'status' => $status_labels[ $this->store->get_status( $action_id ) ],
'args' => $action->get_args(),
'group' => $action->get_group(),
'log_entries' => $this->logger->get_logs( $action_id ),
'claim_id' => $this->store->get_claim_id( $action_id ),
'recurrence' => $this->get_recurrence( $action ),
'schedule' => $action->get_schedule(),
$this->set_pagination_args( array(
'total_items' => $total_items,
'per_page' => $per_page,
'total_pages' => ceil( $total_items / $per_page ),
) );
* Prints the available statuses so the user can click to filter.
protected function display_filter_by_status() {
$this->status_counts = $this->store->action_counts();
* Get the text to display in the search box on the list table.
protected function get_search_box_button_text() {
return __( 'Search hook, args and claim ID', 'action-scheduler' );