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* Helper used to create fixture data for tests.
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Tests\Helpers;
* FixtureData class.
class FixtureData {
* Create a simple product and return the result.
* @param array $props Product props.
* @return \WC_Product
public function get_simple_product( $props ) {
$product = new \WC_Product_Simple();
'name' => 'Simple Product',
return wc_get_product( $product->get_id() );
* Create a variable product and return the result.
* @param array $props Product props.
* @param array $attributes Product attributes from which to create variations.
* @return \WC_Product
public function get_variable_product( $props, $attributes = array() ) {
$product = new \WC_Product_Variable();
'name' => 'Variable Product',
if ( $attributes ) {
$product_attributes = array();
foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {
$product_attribute = new \WC_Product_Attribute();
$product_attribute->set_id( $attribute['attribute_id'] );
$product_attribute->set_name( $attribute['attribute_taxonomy'] );
$product_attribute->set_options( $attribute['term_ids'] );
$product_attribute->set_position( 1 );
$product_attribute->set_visible( true );
$product_attribute->set_variation( true );
$product_attributes[] = $product_attribute;
$product->set_attributes( $product_attributes );
return wc_get_product( $product->get_id() );
* Create and return a variation of a product.
* @param integer $parent_id Parent product ID.
* @param array $attributes Variation attributes.
* @param array $props Product props.
* @return \WC_Product_Variation
public function get_variation_product( $parent_id, $attributes = array(), $props = array() ) {
$variation = new \WC_Product_Variation();
'name' => 'Variation of ' . $parent_id,
'regular_price' => '10',
'parent_id' => $parent_id,
$variation->set_attributes( $attributes );
return wc_get_product( $variation->get_id() );
* Create a product attribute.
* @param string $raw_name Name of attribute to create.
* @param array $terms Terms to create for the attribute.
* @return array Attribute data and created terms.
public static function get_product_attribute( $raw_name = 'size', $terms = array( 'small' ) ) {
global $wpdb, $wc_product_attributes;
// Make sure caches are clean.
delete_transient( 'wc_attribute_taxonomies' );
\WC_Cache_Helper::invalidate_cache_group( 'woocommerce-attributes' );
// These are exported as labels, so convert the label to a name if possible first.
$attribute_labels = wp_list_pluck( wc_get_attribute_taxonomies(), 'attribute_label', 'attribute_name' );
$attribute_name = array_search( $raw_name, $attribute_labels, true );
if ( ! $attribute_name ) {
$attribute_name = wc_sanitize_taxonomy_name( $raw_name );
$attribute_id = wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name( $attribute_name );
if ( ! $attribute_id ) {
$taxonomy_name = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name( $attribute_name );
// Unregister taxonomy which other tests may have created...
unregister_taxonomy( $taxonomy_name );
$attribute_id = wc_create_attribute(
'name' => $raw_name,
'slug' => $attribute_name,
'type' => 'select',
'order_by' => 'menu_order',
'has_archives' => 0,
// Register as taxonomy.
apply_filters( 'woocommerce_taxonomy_objects_' . $taxonomy_name, array( 'product' ) ),
'woocommerce_taxonomy_args_' . $taxonomy_name,
'labels' => array(
'name' => $raw_name,
'hierarchical' => false,
'show_ui' => false,
'query_var' => true,
'rewrite' => false,
// Set product attributes global.
$wc_product_attributes = array();
foreach ( wc_get_attribute_taxonomies() as $taxonomy ) {
$wc_product_attributes[ wc_attribute_taxonomy_name( $taxonomy->attribute_name ) ] = $taxonomy;
$attribute = wc_get_attribute( $attribute_id );
$return = array(
'attribute_name' => $attribute->name,
'attribute_taxonomy' => $attribute->slug,
'attribute_id' => $attribute_id,
'term_ids' => array(),
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$result = term_exists( $term, $attribute->slug );
if ( ! $result ) {
$result = wp_insert_term(
'slug' => $term . '-slug',
'description' => 'Description of ' . $term,
$return['term_ids'][] = $result['term_id'];
} else {
$return['term_ids'][] = $result['term_id'];
return $return;
* Create a coupon and return the result.
* @param array $props Product props.
* @return \WC_Coupon
public function get_coupon( $props ) {
$coupon = new \WC_Coupon();
$coupon->set_props( $props );
return new \WC_Coupon( $coupon->get_id() );
Filter data count mismatch > Fix PHP unit tests (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/pull/8984) * Introduce the new get_attribute_and_meta_counts method. * Ensure that if no term_slug or term_id is found for counting, the default list with all terms (with count equal zero) is returned instead. * update conditional for the slug, the empty state for requests without filter attributes and the condition query for 'and' * Introduce the get_terms_list method. * Remove the legacy get_attribute_counts method and update its calls to rely on the new get_attribute_and_meta_counts method instead. * Update the query to ensure that if a parent product has multiple identical attributes, they are counted once. * Update to start relying on the get_product_by_metas method for counting product metas * Add a new where_clause to only include product metas and attributes in the macro query if they are not empty. * Add wpdb->prepare to the macro query and the get_terms_list method. * Replace the raw atomic query for fetching the filtered terms with the new get_product_by_filtered_terms method. * Update the request params for the get_attribute_and_meta_counts method. * Update the request params for the product metas (min and max price). * Update the query and returned value on get_terms_list. * Update the validation for returning the default counts when no values are filtered. * Update the query on get_terms_list to use ->prefix * Update the variable for the query to rely on the filtered one. Update the min_price and max_price format on get_product_by_metas. * Ensure the get_product_by_filtered_terms method is triggered for each one of the filtered terms and update the macro query to include those term ids on the WHERE clause. * Make adjustments for the 'and' condition to work as expected. * Ensure the queryState.attributes is properly added as a param to the API request to correctly fetch the attribute count data. * Ensure the get_product_by_metas method is only triggered when at least one of the metas in the request is not empty. * Join type update: for the 'and' (all) filter condition, items with the count zero are not displayed. * wpdb prepare the where clauses * Update the get_product_by_filtered_terms query wpdb prepare params * update the get_product_by_metas method's where clause preparation. * Update the where clause preparation for get_attribute_and_meta_counts so we don't rely on interpolated variables anymore. * Adjust the get_attribute_and_meta_counts method for usage alongside the rating filter. * Adjust the query for fetching the attribute counts for filtered ratings. * Add support for the filter by stock. * Ensure the product attribute counts are correct if the parent product receives a rating. * Ensure product_or_parent_id is used only when the filter by rating is used, not affecting price or stock filters. * Add the missing else condition. * Enable caching. * Address CR * Update query for average rating. * remove file accidentally commited. * When multiple ratings are selected, make sure the where clause is updated accordingly for each one of them. * Start updating the stock_status logic to account for when multiple options are selected by the user. * Ensure the counts are properly updated when more than one stock status is selected. * Ditch the is_array condition for the average_rating counts as is always an array. * Deprecate the second param attributes for the get_attribute_counts method. * Add the filtered_attribute to the transient_key * Bypass cache if WP_DEBUG is enabled. * Update formatting for macro query. * Fix mixed tabs spaces on query * Fix PHP unit tests for the new attribute counts. * Update spacing/formatting for SQL queries. * Minor: update indentation for the main SQL query --------- Co-authored-by: roykho <roykho77@gmail.com>
2023-04-11 15:33:18 +00:00
* Create a new product taxonomy and term.
* @param \WC_Product $product The product to add the term to.
* @param string $taxonomy_name The name of the taxonomy.
* @param string $term_name The name of the term.
* @param string $term_slug The slug of the term.
* @param int $term_parent The parent of the term.
* @param string $term_description The description of the term.
* @return array|int[]|\WP_Error|\WP_Taxonomy
public function get_taxonomy_and_term( \WC_Product $product, $taxonomy_name, $term_name, $term_slug = '', $term_parent = 0, $term_description = '' ) {
$taxonomy = register_taxonomy( $taxonomy_name, array( 'product' ), array( 'hierarchical' => true ) );
if ( is_wp_error( $taxonomy ) ) {
return $taxonomy;
$term = wp_insert_term(
'slug' => $term_slug,
'parent' => $term_parent,
'description' => $term_description,
if ( ! is_wp_error( $term ) && ! empty( $term['term_id'] ) ) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->prefix . 'wc_product_attributes_lookup',
'product_id' => $product->get_id(),
'product_or_parent_id' => $product->get_parent_id(),
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy_name,
'term_id' => $term['term_id'],
'is_variation_attribute' => true,
array( '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d' )
return $term;
* Upload a sample image and return it's ID.
* @param integer $product_id
* @return void
public function sideload_image( $product_id = 0 ) {
global $wpdb;
$image_url = media_sideload_image( 'http://cldup.com/Dr1Bczxq4q.png', $product_id, '', 'src' );
return $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE guid = %s", $image_url ) )[0];
* Add a review to a product and flush cache.
* @param integer $product_id Product ID.
* @param integer $rating Review rating.
* @param string $content Review content.
* @param array $props Review props.
* @return void
public function add_product_review( $product_id, $rating = 5, $content = 'Product review.', $props = array() ) {
'comment_author' => 'admin',
'comment_author_email' => 'woo@woo.local',
'comment_author_url' => '',
'comment_approved' => 1,
'comment_type' => 'review',
'comment_post_ID' => $product_id,
'comment_content' => $content,
'comment_meta' => array(
'rating' => $rating,
\WC_Comments::clear_transients( $product_id );
* Create a simple flat rate at the cost of 10.
* @param float $cost Optional. Cost of flat rate method.
public function shipping_add_flat_rate( $cost = 10 ) {
$flat_rate_settings = array(
'enabled' => 'yes',
'title' => 'Flat rate',
'availability' => 'all',
'countries' => '',
'tax_status' => 'taxable',
'cost' => $cost,
update_option( 'woocommerce_flat_rate_settings', $flat_rate_settings );
update_option( 'woocommerce_flat_rate', array() );
\WC_Cache_Helper::get_transient_version( 'shipping', true );
* Enable bacs payment method.
public function payments_enable_bacs() {
$bacs_settings = array(
'enabled' => 'yes',
'title' => 'Direct bank transfer',
'description' => 'Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.',
'instructions' => '',
'account_details' => '',
'account_name' => '',
'account_number' => '',
'sort_code' => '',
'bank_name' => '',
'iban' => '',
'bic' => '',
update_option( 'woocommerce_bacs_settings', $bacs_settings );