
196 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import clickOutside from 'react-click-outside';
import { Component } from '@wordpress/element';
import Gridicon from 'gridicons';
import { IconButton } from '@wordpress/components';
import { partial } from 'lodash';
* Internal dependencies
import './style.scss';
import { Section } from 'layout/section';
import OrdersList from './orders';
import WordPressNotices from './wordpress-notices';
class ActivityPanel extends Component {
constructor() {
super( ...arguments );
this.togglePanel = this.togglePanel.bind( this );
this.toggleMobile = this.toggleMobile.bind( this );
this.renderTab = this.renderTab.bind( this );
this.state = {
isPanelOpen: false,
mobileOpen: false,
currentTab: '',
togglePanel( tabName ) {
// The WordPress Notices tab is handled differently, since they are displayed inline, so the panel should be closed,
// Close behavior of the expanded notices is based on current tab.
if ( 'wpnotices' === tabName ) {
this.setState( state => ( {
currentTab: 'wpnotices' === state.currentTab ? '' : tabName,
mobileOpen: 'wpnotices' !== state.currentTab,
isPanelOpen: false,
} ) );
this.setState( state => {
if (
tabName === state.currentTab ||
'' === state.currentTab ||
'wpnotices' === state.currentTab
) {
return {
isPanelOpen: ! state.isPanelOpen,
currentTab: state.isPanelOpen ? '' : tabName,
mobileOpen: ! state.isPanelOpen,
return { currentTab: tabName };
} );
// On smaller screen, the panel buttons are hidden behind a toggle.
toggleMobile() {
this.setState( state => ( {
mobileOpen: ! state.mobileOpen,
currentTab: state.mobileOpen ? '' : 'inbox',
isPanelOpen: ! state.mobileOpen,
} ) );
handleClickOutside() {
const { isPanelOpen, currentTab } = this.state;
if ( isPanelOpen ) {
this.togglePanel( currentTab );
// TODO Pull in dynamic unread status/count
getTabs() {
return [
name: 'inbox',
title: __( 'Inbox', 'woo-dash' ),
icon: <Gridicon icon="mail" />,
unread: true,
name: 'orders',
title: __( 'Orders', 'woo-dash' ),
icon: <Gridicon icon="pages" />,
unread: false,
name: 'stock',
title: __( 'Stock', 'woo-dash' ),
icon: <Gridicon icon="clipboard" />,
unread: true,
name: 'reviews',
title: __( 'Reviews', 'woo-dash' ),
icon: <Gridicon icon="star" />,
unread: true,
getPanelContent( tab ) {
switch ( tab ) {
case 'orders':
return <OrdersList />;
return <p>Coming soon</p>;
renderPanel() {
const { isPanelOpen, currentTab } = this.state;
const classNames = classnames( 'woocommerce-layout__activity-panel-wrapper', {
'is-open': isPanelOpen,
} );
return (
<Section component="div" className={ classNames }>
{ ( isPanelOpen && (
key={ 'activity-panel-' + currentTab }
id={ 'activity-panel-' + currentTab }
{ this.getPanelContent( currentTab ) }
) ) ||
null }
renderTab( tab ) {
const { currentTab } = this.state;
const className = classnames( 'woocommerce-layout__activity-panel-tab', {
'is-active': tab.name === currentTab,
'has-unread': tab.unread,
} );
return (
key={ tab.name }
className={ className }
onClick={ partial( this.togglePanel, tab.name ) }
icon={ tab.icon }
aria-controls={ 'activity-panel-' + tab.name }
{ tab.title }
render() {
const tabs = this.getTabs();
const { currentTab, mobileOpen } = this.state;
const panelClasses = classnames( 'woocommerce-layout__activity-panel', {
'is-mobile-open': this.state.mobileOpen,
} );
// TODO Replace the mobile toggle with the Woo bubble Gridicon once it has been added.
return (
<div id="woocommerce-activity-panel">
onClick={ this.toggleMobile }
icon={ mobileOpen ? <Gridicon icon="cross-small" /> : <Gridicon icon="cog" /> }
label={ mobileOpen ? __( 'Close Activity Panel' ) : __( 'View Activity Panel' ) }
aria-expanded={ mobileOpen }
tooltip={ false }
<div className={ panelClasses }>
<div className="woocommerce-layout__activity-panel-tabs" role="tablist">
{ tabs && tabs.map( this.renderTab ) }
showNotices={ 'wpnotices' === currentTab }
togglePanel={ this.togglePanel }
{ this.renderPanel() }
export default clickOutside( ActivityPanel );