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* CodeHacker class file.
* @package WooCommerce/Testing
//phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.Missing, Squiz.Commenting.VariableComment.Missing
//phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions, WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Testing\CodeHacking;
use \ReflectionObject;
use \ReflectionFunction;
use \ReflectionException;
* CodeHacker - allows to hack (alter on the fly) the content of PHP code files.
* Based on BypassFinals: https://github.com/dg/bypass-finals
* How to use:
* 1. Register hacks using CodeHacker::add_hack(hack). A hack is either:
* - A function with 'hack($code, $path)' signature, or
* - An object having a public 'hack($code, $path)' method.
* Where $code is a string containing the code to hack, and $path is the full path of the file
* containing the code. The function/method must return a string with the code already hacked.
* 2. Run CodeHacker::enable()
* For using with PHPUnit, see CodeHackerTestHook.
class CodeHacker {
const PROTOCOL = 'file';
public $context;
private $handle;
private static $path_white_list = array();
private static $hacks = array();
private static $enabled = false;
* Enable the code hacker.
public static function enable() {
if ( ! self::$enabled ) {
stream_wrapper_unregister( self::PROTOCOL );
stream_wrapper_register( self::PROTOCOL, __CLASS__ );
self::$enabled = true;
* Disable the code hacker.
public static function restore() {
if ( self::$enabled ) {
stream_wrapper_restore( self::PROTOCOL );
self::$enabled = false;
* Unregister all the registered hacks.
public static function clear_hacks() {
self::$hacks = array();
* Check if the code hacker is enabled.
* @return bool True if the code hacker is enabled.
public static function is_enabled() {
return self::$enabled;
* Register a new hack.
* @param mixed $hack A function with signature "hack($code, $path)" or an object containing a method with that signature.
* @throws \Exception Invalid input.
public static function add_hack( $hack ) {
if ( ! is_callable( $hack ) && ! is_object( $hack ) ) {
throw new \Exception( "Hacks must be either functions, or objects having a 'process(\$text, \$path)' method." );
if ( ! self::is_valid_hack_callback( $hack ) && ! self::is_valid_hack_object( $hack ) ) {
throw new \Exception( "CodeHacker::addhack: hacks must be either a function with a 'hack(\$code,\$path)' signature, or an object containing a public method 'hack' with that signature. " );
self::$hacks[] = $hack;
private static function is_valid_hack_callback( $callback ) {
return is_callable( $callback ) && 2 === ( new ReflectionFunction( $callback ) )->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
private static function is_valid_hack_object( $callback ) {
if ( ! is_object( $callback ) ) {
return false;
$ro = new ReflectionObject( ( $callback ) );
try {
$rm = $ro->getMethod( 'hack' );
return $rm->isPublic() && ! $rm->isStatic() && 2 === $rm->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
} catch ( ReflectionException $exception ) {
return false;
* Set the white list of files to hack. If note set, all the PHP files will be hacked.
* @param array $path_white_list Paths of the files to hack, can be relative paths.
public static function set_white_list( array $path_white_list ) {
self::$path_white_list = $path_white_list;
public function dir_closedir() {
closedir( $this->handle );
public function dir_opendir( $path, $options ) {
$this->handle = $this->context
? $this->native( 'opendir', $path, $this->context )
: $this->native( 'opendir', $path );
return (bool) $this->handle;
public function dir_readdir() {
return readdir( $this->handle );
public function dir_rewinddir() {
return rewinddir( $this->handle );
public function mkdir( $path, $mode, $options ) {
$recursive = (bool) ( $options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE );
return $this->native( 'mkdir', $path, $mode, $recursive, $this->context );
public function rename( $path_from, $path_to ) {
return $this->native( 'rename', $path_from, $path_to, $this->context );
public function rmdir( $path, $options ) {
return $this->native( 'rmdir', $path, $this->context );
public function stream_cast( $cast_as ) {
return $this->handle;
public function stream_close() {
fclose( $this->handle );
public function stream_eof() {
return feof( $this->handle );
public function stream_flush() {
return fflush( $this->handle );
public function stream_lock( $operation ) {
return $operation
? flock( $this->handle, $operation )
: true;
public function stream_metadata( $path, $option, $value ) {
switch ( $option ) {
$value += array( null, null );
return $this->native( 'touch', $path, $value[0], $value[1] );
return $this->native( 'chown', $path, $value );
return $this->native( 'chgrp', $path, $value );
return $this->native( 'chmod', $path, $value );
public function stream_open( $path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) {
$use_path = (bool) ( $options & STREAM_USE_PATH );
if ( 'rb' === $mode && self::path_in_white_list( $path ) && 'php' === pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) {
$content = $this->native( 'file_get_contents', $path, $use_path, $this->context );
if ( false === $content ) {
return false;
$modified = self::hack( $content, $path );
if ( $modified !== $content ) {
$this->handle = tmpfile();
$this->native( 'fwrite', $this->handle, $modified );
$this->native( 'fseek', $this->handle, 0 );
return true;
$this->handle = $this->context
? $this->native( 'fopen', $path, $mode, $use_path, $this->context )
: $this->native( 'fopen', $path, $mode, $use_path );
return (bool) $this->handle;
public function stream_read( $count ) {
return fread( $this->handle, $count );
public function stream_seek( $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET ) {
return fseek( $this->handle, $offset, $whence ) === 0;
public function stream_set_option( $option, $arg1, $arg2 ) {
public function stream_stat() {
return fstat( $this->handle );
public function stream_tell() {
return ftell( $this->handle );
public function stream_truncate( $new_size ) {
return ftruncate( $this->handle, $new_size );
public function stream_write( $data ) {
return fwrite( $this->handle, $data );
public function unlink( $path ) {
return $this->native( 'unlink', $path );
public function url_stat( $path, $flags ) {
$func = $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK ? 'lstat' : 'stat';
return $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET
? @$this->native( $func, $path )
: $this->native( $func, $path );
private function native( $func ) {
stream_wrapper_restore( self::PROTOCOL );
$res = call_user_func_array( $func, array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 ) );
stream_wrapper_unregister( self::PROTOCOL );
stream_wrapper_register( self::PROTOCOL, __CLASS__ );
return $res;
private static function hack( $code, $path ) {
foreach ( self::$hacks as $hack ) {
if ( is_callable( $hack ) ) {
$code = call_user_func( $hack, $code, $path );
} else {
$code = $hack->hack( $code, $path );
return $code;
private static function path_in_white_list( $path ) {
if ( empty( self::$path_white_list ) ) {
return true;
foreach ( self::$path_white_list as $white_list_item ) {
if ( substr( $path, -strlen( $white_list_item ) ) === $white_list_item ) {
return true;
return false;
//phpcs:enable Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.Missing, Squiz.Commenting.VariableComment.Missing
//phpcs:enable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions, WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged