You added custom data to the [Store API](./ You changed several strings using [Checkout filters](./ Now you want to render your own components in specific places in the Cart and Checkout.
Slot and Fill are a pair of components that add the possibility to render your own HTML in pre-defined places in the Cart and Checkout. Your component will get access to contextual data and will get re-rendered when needed.
Slot and Fill use WordPress' API, and you can learn more about how they work in [the Slot and Fill documentation.](
In the above example, we're using `registerPlugin`. This plugin will take our component and render it, but it won't make it visible. The SlotFill part is the one responsible for actually having it show up in the correct place.
You use `registerPlugin` to feed in your plugin namespace, your component `render`, and the scope of your `registerPlugin`. The value of scope should always be `woocommerce-checkout`.
For this to work, your script must be enqueued after Cart and Checkout. You can follow the [IntegrationInterface]( documentation for enqueueing your script.
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