
66 lines
1.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/** @format */
* External dependencies
import moment from 'moment';
import { saveAs } from 'browser-filesaver';
function getCSVHeaders( headers ) {
return Array.isArray( headers ) ? headers.map( header => header.label ).join( ',' ) : [];
function getCSVRows( rows ) {
return Array.isArray( rows )
? rows
.map( row =>
row.map( rowItem => rowItem.value.toString().replace( /,/g, '' ) ).join( ',' )
.join( '\n' )
: [];
* Generates a CSV string from table contents
* @param {Array.<Object>} headers Object with table header information
* @param {Array.Array.<Object>} rows Object with table rows information
* @returns {String} Table contents in a CSV format
export function generateCSVDataFromTable( headers, rows ) {
return [ getCSVHeaders( headers ), getCSVRows( rows ) ]
.filter( text => text.length )
.join( '\n' );
* Generates a file name for CSV files based on the provided name, the current date
* and the provided params, which are all appended with hyphens.
* @param {String} [name=''] Name of the file
* @param {Object} [params={}] Object of key-values to append to the file name
* @returns {String} Formatted file name
export function generateCSVFileName( name = '', params = {} ) {
const fileNameSections = [
name.toLowerCase().replace( ' ', '-' ),
moment().format( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ),
Object.keys( params )
.map( key => key + '-' + params[ key ] )
.join( '-' ),
].filter( text => text.length );
return fileNameSections.join( '-' ) + '.csv';
* Downloads a CSV file with the given file name and contents
* @param {String} fileName Name of the file to download
* @param {String} content Contents of the file to download
export function downloadCSVFile( fileName, content ) {
const blob = new Blob( [ content ], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8' } );
saveAs( blob, fileName );