
172 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* External dependencies
import { Fragment, useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { TabPanel, Button } from '@wordpress/components';
import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks';
import { Pill } from '@woocommerce/components';
import { PLUGINS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data';
import { flatMapDeep, uniqBy } from 'lodash';
* Internal dependencies
import { CardDivider, PluginCardBody } from '~/marketing/components';
import { useInstalledPlugins } from '~/marketing/hooks';
import { RecommendedPlugin } from '~/marketing/types';
import { getInAppPurchaseUrl } from '~/lib/in-app-purchase';
import { createNoticesFromResponse } from '~/lib/notices';
import './DiscoverTools.scss';
* Return tabs (`{ name, title }`) for the TabPanel.
* Subcategories that have no plugins
* will not be displayed as a tab in the UI.
* This is done by doing the following:
* 1. Get an array of unique subcategories from the list of plugins.
* 2. Map the subcategories schema into tabs schema.
const getTabs = ( plugins: RecommendedPlugin[] ) => {
const pluginSubcategories = uniqBy(
flatMapDeep( plugins, ( p ) => p.subcategories ),
( subcategory ) => subcategory.slug
return pluginSubcategories.map( ( subcategory ) => ( {
name: subcategory.slug,
title: subcategory.name,
} ) );
type PluginsTabPanelType = {
isLoading: boolean;
plugins: RecommendedPlugin[];
onInstallAndActivate: ( pluginSlug: string ) => void;
* A TabPanel where each tab is a plugin subcategory.
export const PluginsTabPanel = ( {
}: PluginsTabPanelType ) => {
const [ currentPlugin, setCurrentPlugin ] = useState< string | null >(
const { installAndActivatePlugins } = useDispatch( PLUGINS_STORE_NAME );
const { loadInstalledPluginsAfterActivation } = useInstalledPlugins();
* Install and activate a plugin.
* When the process is successful, the plugin will disappear in the recommended list,
* and appear in the installed extension list. A success notice will be displayed.
* When the process is not successful, an error notice will be displayed.
* @param plugin Plugin to be installed and activated.
const installAndActivate = async ( plugin: RecommendedPlugin ) => {
setCurrentPlugin( plugin.product );
try {
recordEvent( 'marketing_recommended_extension', {
name: plugin.title,
} );
const response = await installAndActivatePlugins( [
] );
onInstallAndActivate( plugin.product );
loadInstalledPluginsAfterActivation( plugin.product );
createNoticesFromResponse( response );
} catch ( error ) {
createNoticesFromResponse( error );
setCurrentPlugin( null );
return (
<TabPanel tabs={ getTabs( plugins ) }>
{ ( tab ) => {
const subcategoryPlugins = plugins.filter( ( plugin ) =>
( subcategory ) => subcategory.slug === tab.name
const renderButton = ( plugin: RecommendedPlugin ) => {
const buttonDisabled = !! currentPlugin || isLoading;
if ( plugin.direct_install ) {
return (
isBusy={ currentPlugin === plugin.product }
disabled={ buttonDisabled }
onClick={ () => {
installAndActivate( plugin );
} }
{ __( 'Install plugin', 'woocommerce' ) }
return (
href={ getInAppPurchaseUrl( plugin.url ) }
disabled={ buttonDisabled }
onClick={ () => {
name: plugin.title,
} }
{ __( 'View details', 'woocommerce' ) }
return (
{ subcategoryPlugins.map( ( plugin ) => (
<Fragment key={ plugin.product }>
<CardDivider />
src={ plugin.icon }
alt={ plugin.title }
name={ plugin.title }
pills={ plugin.tags.map( ( tag ) => (
<Pill key={ tag.slug }>
{ tag.name }
) ) }
description={ plugin.description }
button={ renderButton( plugin ) }
) ) }
} }