
471 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { COUNTRIES_STORE_NAME, Country, Locale } from '@woocommerce/data';
import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities';
import { escapeRegExp, has } from 'lodash';
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState, useRef } from '@wordpress/element';
import { SelectControl, TextControl } from '@woocommerce/components';
import { Spinner } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
* Internal dependencies
import { FormInputProps } from '~/utils/types';
const storeAddressFields = [
] as const;
type Option = { key: string; label: string };
* Type guard to ensure that the specified locale object has a .required property
* @param fieldName field of Locale
* @param locale unknown object to be checked
* @return Boolean indicating if locale has a .required property
const isLocaleRecord = (
fieldName: keyof Locale,
locale: unknown
): locale is Record< keyof Locale, { required: boolean } > => {
return !! locale && has( locale, `${ fieldName }.required` );
* Check if a given address field is required for the locale.
* @param {string} fieldName Name of the field to check.
* @param {Object} locale Locale data.
* @return {boolean} Field requirement.
export function isAddressFieldRequired(
fieldName: keyof Locale,
locale: Locale = {}
): boolean {
if ( isLocaleRecord( fieldName, locale ) ) {
return locale[ fieldName ].required;
if ( fieldName === 'address_2' ) {
return false;
return true;
* Form validation.
* @param {Object} locale The store locale.
* @return {Function} Validator function.
export function getStoreAddressValidator( locale: Locale = {} ) {
* Form validator.
* @param {Object} values Keyed values of all fields in the form.
* @return {Object} Key value of fields and error messages, { myField: 'This field is required' }
return (
values: Record< typeof storeAddressFields[ number ], string >
) => {
const errors: {
[ key: string ]: string;
} = {};
if (
isAddressFieldRequired( 'address_1', locale ) &&
! values.addressLine1.trim().length
) {
errors.addressLine1 = __( 'Please add an address', 'woocommerce' );
if ( ! values.countryState.trim().length ) {
errors.countryState = __(
'Please select a country / region',
if (
isAddressFieldRequired( 'city', locale ) &&
! values.city.trim().length
) {
errors.city = __( 'Please add a city', 'woocommerce' );
if (
isAddressFieldRequired( 'postcode', locale ) &&
! values.postCode.trim().length
) {
errors.postCode = __( 'Please add a post code', 'woocommerce' );
return errors;
* Get all country and state combinations used for select dropdowns.
* @return {Object} Select options, { value: 'US:GA', label: 'United States - Georgia' }
export function getCountryStateOptions( countries: Country[] ) {
const countryStateOptions = countries.reduce(
( acc: Option[], country ) => {
if ( ! country.states.length ) {
acc.push( {
key: country.code,
label: decodeEntities( country.name ),
} );
return acc;
const countryStates = country.states.map( ( state ) => {
return {
key: country.code + ':' + state.code,
decodeEntities( country.name ) +
' — ' +
decodeEntities( state.name ),
} );
acc.push( ...countryStates );
return acc;
return countryStateOptions;
* Normalize state string for matching.
* @param {string} state The state to normalize.
* @return {Function} filter function.
export const normalizeState = ( state: string ): string => {
return state.replace( /\s/g, '' ).toLowerCase();
* Get state filter
* @param {string} isStateAbbreviation Whether to use state abbreviation or not.
* @param {string} normalizedAutofillState The value of the autofillState field.
* @return {Function} filter function.
export const getStateFilter =
isStateAbbreviation: boolean,
normalizedAutofillState: string
): ( ( option: Option ) => boolean ) =>
( option: Option ) => {
const countryStateArray = isStateAbbreviation
? option.key.split( ':' )
: option.label.split( '—' );
// No region options in the country
if ( countryStateArray.length <= 1 ) {
return false;
const state = countryStateArray[ 1 ];
// Handle special case, for example: China — Beijing / 北京
if ( state.includes( '/' ) ) {
const stateStrList = state.split( '/' );
return (
normalizeState( stateStrList[ 0 ] ) ===
normalizedAutofillState ||
normalizeState( stateStrList[ 1 ] ) === normalizedAutofillState
// Handle special case, for example: Iran — Alborz (البرز)
if ( state.includes( '(' ) && state.includes( ')' ) ) {
const stateStrList = state.replace( ')', '' ).split( '(' );
return (
normalizeState( stateStrList[ 0 ] ) ===
normalizedAutofillState ||
normalizeState( stateStrList[ 1 ] ) === normalizedAutofillState
return normalizeState( state ) === normalizedAutofillState;
* Get the autofill countryState fields and set value from filtered options.
* @param {Array} options Array of filterable options.
* @param {string} countryState The value of the countryState field.
* @param {Function} setValue Set value of the countryState input.
* @return {Object} React component.
export function useGetCountryStateAutofill(
options: Option[],
countryState: string,
setValue: ( key: string, value: string ) => void
): JSX.Element {
const [ autofillCountry, setAutofillCountry ] = useState( '' );
const [ autofillState, setAutofillState ] = useState( '' );
const isAutofillChange = useRef< boolean >();
// Sync the autofill fields on first render and the countryState value changes.
useEffect( () => {
if ( ! isAutofillChange.current ) {
const option = options.find( ( opt ) => opt.key === countryState );
const labels = option
? option.label.split( /\u2013|\u2014|\-/ )
: [];
const newCountry = ( labels[ 0 ] || '' ).trim();
const newState = ( labels[ 1 ] || '' ).trim();
if (
newCountry !== autofillCountry ||
newState !== autofillState
) {
setAutofillCountry( newCountry );
setAutofillState( newState );
isAutofillChange.current = false;
// Disable reason: If we include autofillCountry/autofillState in the dependency array, we will have an unnecessary function call because we also update them in this function.
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ countryState, options ] );
// Sync the countryState value the autofill fields changes
useEffect( () => {
// Skip on first render since we only want to update the value when the autofill fields changes.
if ( isAutofillChange.current === undefined ) {
if ( ! autofillCountry && ! autofillState && countryState ) {
// Clear form
isAutofillChange.current = true;
setValue( 'countryState', '' );
const countrySearch = new RegExp(
escapeRegExp( autofillCountry ),
const isCountryAbbreviation = autofillCountry.length < 3;
const isStateAbbreviation =
autofillState.length < 3 && !! autofillState.match( /^[\w]+$/ );
let filteredOptions: Option[] = [];
if ( autofillCountry.length && autofillState.length ) {
filteredOptions = options.filter( ( option ) =>
isCountryAbbreviation ? option.key : option.label
// no country matches so use all options for state filter.
if ( ! filteredOptions.length ) {
filteredOptions = [ ...options ];
if ( filteredOptions.length > 1 ) {
filteredOptions = filteredOptions.filter(
normalizeState( autofillState )
} else if ( autofillCountry.length ) {
filteredOptions = options.filter( ( option ) =>
isCountryAbbreviation ? option.key : option.label
} else if ( autofillState.length ) {
filteredOptions = options.filter(
normalizeState( autofillState )
if (
filteredOptions.length === 1 &&
countryState !== filteredOptions[ 0 ].key
) {
isAutofillChange.current = true;
setValue( 'countryState', filteredOptions[ 0 ].key );
// Disable reason: If we include countryState in the dependency array, we will have an unnecessary function call because we also update it in this function.
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ autofillCountry, autofillState, options, setValue ] );
return (
onChange={ ( event ) =>
setAutofillCountry( event.target.value )
value={ autofillCountry }
tabIndex={ -1 }
onChange={ ( event ) => setAutofillState( event.target.value ) }
value={ autofillState }
tabIndex={ -1 }
type StoreAddressProps = {
getInputProps: ( key: string ) => FormInputProps;
setValue: ( key: string, value: string ) => void;
* Store address fields.
* @param {Object} props Props for input components.
* @param {Function} props.getInputProps Get input props.
* @param {Function} props.setValue Set value of the countryState input.
* @return {Object} -
export function StoreAddress( {
}: StoreAddressProps ): JSX.Element {
const countryState = getInputProps( 'countryState' ).value;
const { locale, hasFinishedResolution, countries, loadingCountries } =
useSelect( ( select ) => {
const {
hasFinishedResolution: hasFinishedCountryResolution,
return {
locale: getLocale( countryState ),
countries: getCountries(),
! hasFinishedCountryResolution( 'getCountries' ),
hasFinishedCountryResolution( 'getLocales' ),
} );
const countryStateOptions = useMemo(
() => getCountryStateOptions( countries ),
[ countries ]
const countryStateAutofill = useGetCountryStateAutofill(
const isLocaleKey = ( key: string ): key is keyof typeof locale => {
return locale.hasOwnProperty( key );
useEffect( () => {
if ( locale ) {
storeAddressFields.forEach( ( field ) => {
const fieldKey = field
.replace( /(address)Line([0-9])/, '$1$2' )
const props = getInputProps( field );
if (
isLocaleKey( fieldKey ) &&
locale[ fieldKey ]?.hidden &&
props.value?.length > 0
) {
// Clear hidden field.
setValue( field, '' );
} );
}, [ countryState, locale ] );
if ( ! hasFinishedResolution || loadingCountries ) {
return <Spinner />;
return (
<div className="woocommerce-store-address-fields">
{ ! locale?.address_1?.hidden && (
locale?.address_1?.label ||
__( 'Address line 1', 'woocommerce' )
required={ isAddressFieldRequired( 'address_1', locale ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'addressLine1' ) }
) }
{ ! locale?.address_2?.hidden && (
locale?.address_2?.label ||
__( 'Address line 2 (optional)', 'woocommerce' )
required={ isAddressFieldRequired( 'address_2', locale ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'addressLine2' ) }
) }
label={ __( 'Country / Region', 'woocommerce' ) }
autoComplete="new-password" // disable autocomplete and autofill
options={ countryStateOptions }
excludeSelectedOptions={ false }
{ ...getInputProps( 'countryState' ) }
controlClassName={ getInputProps( 'countryState' ).className }
{ countryStateAutofill }
{ ! locale?.city?.hidden && (
label={ locale?.city?.label || __( 'City', 'woocommerce' ) }
required={ isAddressFieldRequired( 'city', locale ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'city' ) }
) }
{ ! locale?.postcode?.hidden && (
locale?.postcode?.label ||
__( 'Post code', 'woocommerce' )
required={ isAddressFieldRequired( 'postcode', locale ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'postCode' ) }
) }