
153 lines
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2022-09-08 07:48:01 +00:00
* External dependencies
import { readFile, writeFile, stat } from 'fs/promises';
import { join } from 'path';
import { Logger } from 'cli-core/src/logger';
2022-09-08 07:48:01 +00:00
* Internal dependencies
import { MONOREPO_ROOT } from './const';
* Update plugin readme stable tag.
* @param plugin plugin to update
* @param nextVersion version to bump to
export const updateReadmeStableTag = async (
plugin: string,
nextVersion: string
): Promise< void > => {
const filePath = join( MONOREPO_ROOT, `plugins/${ plugin }/readme.txt` );
try {
const readmeContents = await readFile( filePath, 'utf8' );
const updatedReadmeContents = readmeContents.replace(
/Stable tag: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\n/m,
2022-09-08 07:48:01 +00:00
`Stable tag: ${ nextVersion }\n`
await writeFile( filePath, updatedReadmeContents );
} catch ( e ) {
Logger.error( 'Unable to update readme stable tag' );
* Update plugin readme changelog.
* @param plugin plugin to update
* @param nextVersion version to bump to
export const updateReadmeChangelog = async (
plugin: string,
nextVersion: string
): Promise< void > => {
const filePath = join( MONOREPO_ROOT, `plugins/${ plugin }/readme.txt` );
try {
const readmeContents = await readFile( filePath, 'utf8' );
const updatedReadmeContents = readmeContents.replace(
/= \d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d\d\d\d-XX-XX =\n/m,
2022-09-08 07:48:01 +00:00
`= ${ nextVersion } ${ new Date().getFullYear() }-XX-XX =\n`
await writeFile( filePath, updatedReadmeContents );
} catch ( e ) {
Logger.error( 'Unable to update readme changelog' );
* Update plugin class file.
* @param plugin plugin to update
* @param nextVersion version to bump to
export const updateClassPluginFile = async (
plugin: string,
nextVersion: string
): Promise< void > => {
const filePath = join(
`plugins/${ plugin }/includes/class-${ plugin }.php`
try {
await stat( filePath );
} catch ( e ) {
// Class file does not exist, return early.
try {
const classPluginFileContents = await readFile( filePath, 'utf8' );
const updatedClassPluginFileContents = classPluginFileContents.replace(
/public \$version = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+';\n/m,
2022-09-08 07:48:01 +00:00
`public $version = '${ nextVersion }';\n`
await writeFile( filePath, updatedClassPluginFileContents );
} catch ( e ) {
Logger.error( 'Unable to update plugin file.' );
* Update plugin JSON files.
* @param {string} type plugin to update
* @param {string} plugin plugin to update
* @param {string} nextVersion version to bump to
export const updateJSON = async (
type: 'package' | 'composer',
plugin: string,
nextVersion: string
): Promise< void > => {
const filePath = join(
`plugins/${ plugin }/${ type }.json`
try {
const composerJson = JSON.parse( await readFile( filePath, 'utf8' ) );
composerJson.version = nextVersion;
await writeFile(
JSON.stringify( composerJson, null, '\t' ) + '\n'
} catch ( e ) {
Logger.error( 'Unable to update composer.json' );
* Update plugin main file.
* @param plugin plugin to update
* @param nextVersion version to bump to
export const updatePluginFile = async (
plugin: string,
nextVersion: string
): Promise< void > => {
const filePath = join(
`plugins/${ plugin }/${ plugin }.php`
try {
const pluginFileContents = await readFile( filePath, 'utf8' );
const updatedPluginFileContents = pluginFileContents.replace(
/Version: \d+\.\d+\.\d+.*\n/m,
2022-09-08 07:48:01 +00:00
`Version: ${ nextVersion }\n`
await writeFile( filePath, updatedPluginFileContents );
} catch ( e ) {
Logger.error( 'Unable to update plugin file.' );