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2019-01-04 14:47:49 +00:00
namespace Pelago\Emogrifier\HtmlProcessor;
* Base class for HTML processor that e.g., can remove, add or modify nodes or attributes.
* The "vanilla" subclass is the HtmlNormalizer.
* @internal This class currently is a new technology preview, and its API is still in flux. Don't use it in production.
* @author Oliver Klee <github@oliverklee.de>
abstract class AbstractHtmlProcessor
* @var string
* @var string
const CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';
* @var \DOMDocument
protected $domDocument = null;
* @param string $unprocessedHtml raw HTML, must be UTF-encoded, must not be empty
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $unprocessedHtml is anything other than a non-empty string
public function __construct($unprocessedHtml)
if (!\is_string($unprocessedHtml)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The provided HTML must be a string.', 1515459744);
if ($unprocessedHtml === '') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The provided HTML must not be empty.', 1515763647);
* Sets the HTML to process.
* @param string $html the HTML to process, must be UTF-8-encoded
* @return void
private function setHtml($html)
* Provides access to the internal DOMDocument representation of the HTML in its current state.
* @return \DOMDocument
public function getDomDocument()
return $this->domDocument;
* Renders the normalized and processed HTML.
* @return string
public function render()
return $this->domDocument->saveHTML();
* Renders the content of the BODY element of the normalized and processed HTML.
* @return string
public function renderBodyContent()
$bodyNodeHtml = $this->domDocument->saveHTML($this->getBodyElement());
return \str_replace(['<body>', '</body>'], '', $bodyNodeHtml);
* Returns the BODY element.
* This method assumes that there always is a BODY element.
* @return \DOMElement
private function getBodyElement()
return $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
* Creates a DOM document from the given HTML and stores it in $this->domDocument.
* The DOM document will always have a BODY element and a document type.
* @param string $html
* @return void
private function createUnifiedDomDocument($html)
* Creates a DOMDocument instance from the given HTML and stores it in $this->domDocument.
* @param string $html
* @return void
private function createRawDomDocument($html)
$domDocument = new \DOMDocument();
$domDocument->strictErrorChecking = false;
$domDocument->formatOutput = true;
$libXmlState = \libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
$this->domDocument = $domDocument;
* Returns the HTML with added document type and Content-Type meta tag if needed,
* ensuring that the HTML will be good for creating a DOM document from it.
* @param string $html
* @return string the unified HTML
private function prepareHtmlForDomConversion($html)
$htmlWithDocumentType = $this->ensureDocumentType($html);
return $this->addContentTypeMetaTag($htmlWithDocumentType);
* Makes sure that the passed HTML has a document type.
* @param string $html
* @return string HTML with document type
private function ensureDocumentType($html)
$hasDocumentType = \stripos($html, '<!DOCTYPE') !== false;
if ($hasDocumentType) {
return $html;
return static::DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_TYPE . $html;
* Adds a Content-Type meta tag for the charset.
* This method also ensures that there is a HEAD element.
* @param string $html
* @return string the HTML with the meta tag added
private function addContentTypeMetaTag($html)
$hasContentTypeMetaTag = \stripos($html, 'Content-Type') !== false;
if ($hasContentTypeMetaTag) {
return $html;
// We are trying to insert the meta tag to the right spot in the DOM.
// If we just prepended it to the HTML, we would lose attributes set to the HTML tag.
$hasHeadTag = \stripos($html, '<head') !== false;
$hasHtmlTag = \stripos($html, '<html') !== false;
if ($hasHeadTag) {
$reworkedHtml = \preg_replace('/<head(.*?)>/i', '<head$1>' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG, $html);
} elseif ($hasHtmlTag) {
$reworkedHtml = \preg_replace(
'<html$1><head>' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG . '</head>',
} else {
$reworkedHtml = static::CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG . $html;
return $reworkedHtml;
* Checks that $this->domDocument has a BODY element and adds it if it is missing.
* @return void
private function ensureExistenceOfBodyElement()
if ($this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0) !== null) {
$htmlElement = $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('html')->item(0);