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/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { __, _x, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose';
import { Button, FormToggle } from '@wordpress/components';
import { withDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { keys, get, pickBy } from 'lodash';
* WooCommerce dependencies
import { formatValue } from 'lib/number-format';
import { getSetting, CURRENCY as currency } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings';
* Internal dependencies
import { H, Card, SelectControl, Form } from '@woocommerce/components';
import withSelect from 'wc-api/with-select';
import { recordEvent } from 'lib/tracks';
import { formatCurrency } from 'lib/currency-format';
import Plugins from 'dashboard/task-list/tasks/steps/plugins';
import { pluginNames } from 'wc-api/onboarding/constants';
import { getCurrencyRegion } from 'dashboard/utils';
const wcAdminAssetUrl = getSetting( 'wcAdminAssetUrl', '' );
class BusinessDetails extends Component {
constructor( props ) {
const profileItems = get( props, 'profileItems', {} );
const businessExtensions = get( profileItems, 'business_extensions', false );
this.initialValues = {
other_platform: profileItems.other_platform || '',
product_count: profileItems.product_count || '',
selling_venues: profileItems.selling_venues || '',
revenue: profileItems.revenue || '',
'facebook-for-woocommerce': businessExtensions
? businessExtensions.includes( 'facebook-for-woocommerce' )
: true,
'mailchimp-for-woocommerce': businessExtensions
? businessExtensions.includes( 'mailchimp-for-woocommerce' )
: true,
this.state = {
installExtensions: false,
isInstallingExtensions: false,
extensionInstallError: false,
this.extensions = [ 'facebook-for-woocommerce', 'mailchimp-for-woocommerce' ];
this.onContinue = this.onContinue.bind( this );
this.validate = this.validate.bind( this );
async onContinue( values ) {
const { createNotice, goToNextStep, isError, updateProfileItems } = this.props;
const { other_platform, product_count, revenue, selling_venues } = values;
const businessExtensions = this.getBusinessExtensions( values );
recordEvent( 'storeprofiler_store_business_details_continue', {
product_number: product_count,
already_selling: 'no' !== selling_venues,
currency: currency.code,
used_platform: other_platform,
install_facebook: values[ 'facebook-for-woocommerce' ],
install_mailchimp: values[ 'mailchimp-for-woocommerce' ],
} );
const _updates = {
business_extensions: businessExtensions,
// Remove possible empty values like `revenue` and `other_platform`.
const updates = {};
Object.keys( _updates ).forEach( key => {
if ( _updates[ key ] !== '' ) {
updates[ key ] = _updates[ key ];
} );
await updateProfileItems( updates );
if ( ! isError ) {
if ( 0 === businessExtensions.length ) {
this.setState( {
installExtensions: true,
isInstallingExtensions: true,
} );
} else {
__( 'There was a problem updating your business details.', 'woocommerce-admin' )
validate( values ) {
const errors = {};
Object.keys( values ).map( name => {
if ( 'other_platform' === name ) {
if (
! values.other_platform.length &&
[ 'other', 'brick-mortar-other' ].includes( values.selling_venues )
) {
errors.other_platform = __( 'This field is required', 'woocommerce-admin' );
} else if ( 'revenue' === name ) {
if (
! values.revenue.length &&
[ 'other', 'brick-mortar', 'brick-mortar-other', 'other-woocommerce' ].includes(
) {
errors.revenue = __( 'This field is required', 'woocommerce-admin' );
} else if ( ! this.extensions.includes( name ) && ! values[ name ].length ) {
errors[ name ] = __( 'This field is required', 'woocommerce-admin' );
} );
return errors;
getBusinessExtensions( values ) {
return keys( pickBy( values ) ).filter( name => this.extensions.includes( name ) );
convertCurrency( value ) {
const region = getCurrencyRegion( this.props.settings.woocommerce_default_country );
if ( 'US' === region ) {
return value;
// These are rough exchange rates from USD. Precision is not paramount.
// The keys here should match the keys in `getCurrencyData`.
const exchangeRates = {
US: 1,
EU: 0.9,
IN: 71.24,
GB: 0.76,
BR: 4.19,
VN: 23172.5,
ID: 14031.0,
BD: 84.87,
PK: 154.8,
RU: 63.74,
TR: 5.75,
MX: 19.37,
CA: 1.32,
const exchangeRate = exchangeRates[ region ] || exchangeRates.US;
const digits = exchangeRate.toString().split( '.' )[ 0 ].length;
const multiplier = Math.pow( 10, 2 + digits );
return Math.round( value * exchangeRate / multiplier ) * multiplier;
numberFormat( value ) {
return formatValue( 'number', value );
getNumberRangeString( min, max = false, format = this.numberFormat ) {
if ( ! max ) {
return sprintf(
_x( '%s+', 'store product count or revenue', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
format( min )
return sprintf(
_x( '%1$s - %2$s', 'store product count or revenue range', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
format( min ),
format( max )
renderBusinessExtensionHelpText( values ) {
const { isInstallingExtensions } = this.state;
const extensions = this.getBusinessExtensions( values );
if ( 0 === extensions.length ) {
return null;
const extensionsList = extensions
.map( extension => {
return pluginNames[ extension ];
} )
.join( ', ' );
if ( isInstallingExtensions ) {
return <p>{ sprintf( __( 'Installing the following plugins: %s' ), extensionsList ) }</p>;
return (
{ sprintf( __( 'The following plugins will be installed for free: %s' ), extensionsList ) }
renderBusinessExtensions( values, getInputProps ) {
const { installExtensions } = this.state;
const { goToNextStep } = this.props;
const extensionsToInstall = this.getBusinessExtensions( values );
const extensionBenefits = [
slug: 'facebook-for-woocommerce',
title: __( 'Market on Facebook', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
icon: 'onboarding/facebook.png',
description: __(
'Grow your business by targeting the right people and driving sales with Facebook.',
slug: 'mailchimp-for-woocommerce',
title: __( 'Contact customers with Mailchimp', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
icon: 'onboarding/mailchimp.png',
description: __(
'Send targeted campaigns, recover abandoned carts and much more with Mailchimp.',
return (
<div className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__benefits">
{ extensionBenefits.map( benefit => (
<div className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__benefit" key={ benefit.title }>
<div className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__business-extension">
<img src={ wcAdminAssetUrl + benefit.icon } alt="" />
<div className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__benefit-content">
<H className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__benefit-title">{ benefit.title }</H>
<p>{ benefit.description }</p>
<div className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__benefit-toggle">
checked={ values[ benefit.slug ] }
{ ...getInputProps( benefit.slug ) }
) ) }
{ installExtensions && (
onComplete={ () => {
} }
onSkip={ () => {
} }
onError={ () => {
this.setState( {
extensionInstallError: true,
isInstallingExtensions: false,
} );
} }
pluginSlugs={ extensionsToInstall }
) }
render() {
const { isInstallingExtensions, extensionInstallError } = this.state;
const productCountOptions = [
key: '0',
label: __( "I don't have any products yet.", 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: '1-10',
label: this.getNumberRangeString( 1, 10 ),
key: '11-100',
label: this.getNumberRangeString( 11, 100 ),
key: '101-1000',
label: this.getNumberRangeString( 101, 1000 ),
key: '1000+',
label: this.getNumberRangeString( 1000 ),
const revenueOptions = [
key: 'none',
label: sprintf(
/* translators: %s: $0 revenue amount */
__( "%s (I'm just getting started)", 'woocommerce-admin' ),
formatCurrency( 0 )
key: 'up-to-2500',
label: sprintf(
/* translators: %s: A given revenue amount, e.g., $2500 */
__( 'Up to %s', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
formatCurrency( this.convertCurrency( 2500 ) )
key: '2500-10000',
label: this.getNumberRangeString(
this.convertCurrency( 2500 ),
this.convertCurrency( 10000 ),
key: '10000-50000',
label: this.getNumberRangeString(
this.convertCurrency( 10000 ),
this.convertCurrency( 50000 ),
key: '50000-250000',
label: this.getNumberRangeString(
this.convertCurrency( 50000 ),
this.convertCurrency( 250000 ),
key: 'more-than-250000',
label: sprintf(
/* translators: %s: A given revenue amount, e.g., $250000 */
__( 'More than %s', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
formatCurrency( this.convertCurrency( 250000 ) )
const sellingVenueOptions = [
key: 'no',
label: __( 'No', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'other',
label: __( 'Yes, on another platform', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'other-woocommerce',
label: __( 'Yes, I own a different store powered by WooCommerce', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'brick-mortar',
label: __( 'Yes, in person at physical stores and/or events', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'brick-mortar-other',
label: __(
'Yes, on another platform and in person at physical stores and/or events',
const otherPlatformOptions = [
key: 'shopify',
label: __( 'Shopify', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'bigcommerce',
label: __( 'BigCommerce', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'magento',
label: __( 'Magento', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'wix',
label: __( 'Wix', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
key: 'other',
label: __( 'Other', 'woocommerce-admin' ),
return (
initialValues={ this.initialValues }
onSubmitCallback={ this.onContinue }
validate={ this.validate }
{ ( { getInputProps, handleSubmit, values, isValidForm } ) => {
// Show extensions when the currently selling elsewhere checkbox has been answered.
const showExtensions = '' !== values.selling_venues;
return (
<H className="woocommerce-profile-wizard__header-title">
{ __( 'Tell us about your business', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ __(
"We'd love to know if you are just getting started or you already have a business in place.",
) }
label={ __( 'How many products do you plan to sell?', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
options={ productCountOptions }
{ ...getInputProps( 'product_count' ) }
label={ __( 'Currently selling elsewhere?', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
options={ sellingVenueOptions }
{ ...getInputProps( 'selling_venues' ) }
{ [ 'other', 'brick-mortar', 'brick-mortar-other', 'other-woocommerce' ].includes(
) && (
label={ __( "What's your current annual revenue?", 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
options={ revenueOptions }
{ ...getInputProps( 'revenue' ) }
) }
{ [ 'other', 'brick-mortar-other' ].includes( values.selling_venues ) && (
label={ __( 'Which platform is the store using?', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
options={ otherPlatformOptions }
{ ...getInputProps( 'other_platform' ) }
) }
{ showExtensions && this.renderBusinessExtensions( values, getInputProps ) }
{ ! extensionInstallError && (
onClick={ handleSubmit }
disabled={ ! isValidForm }
isBusy={ isInstallingExtensions }
{ __( 'Continue', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
) }
{ showExtensions && this.renderBusinessExtensionHelpText( values ) }
} }
export default compose(
withSelect( select => {
const { getProfileItems, getProfileItemsError, getSettings } = select( 'wc-api' );
const settings = getSettings( 'general' );
return {
isError: Boolean( getProfileItemsError() ),
profileItems: getProfileItems(),
} ),
withDispatch( dispatch => {
const { updateProfileItems } = dispatch( 'wc-api' );
const { createNotice } = dispatch( 'core/notices' );
return {
} )
)( BusinessDetails );