When you're adding building an extension for WooCommerce that requires settings of some kind, it's important to ask yourself: **Where do they belong?** If your extension just has a couple of simple settings, do you really need to create a new tab specifically for it? Most likely the answer is no.
That's only two options, specifically related to **Products**. We could quite easily just append them onto the core WooCommerce Products Settings (**WooCommerce > Settings > Products**), but that wouldn't be very user friendly. Users wouldn't know where to look initially so they'd have to scan all of the Products options and it would be difficult / impossible to link the options directly. Fortunately, as of WooCommerce 2.2.2, there is a new filter in place that allows you add a new **section**, beneath one of the core settings' tabs.
Make sure you change the **wcslider** parts to suit your extension's name / text-domain. The important thing about the `woocommerce_get_sections_products` filter, is that the last part **products**, is the tab you'd like to add a section to. So if you want to add a new tab to accounts section, you would hook into the `woocommerce_get_sections_accounts` filter.
Now that you've got the tab, you need to filter the output of `woocommerce_get_sections_products` (or similar). You would add the settings like usual using the [**WooCommerce Settings API**](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/trunk/docs/settings-api/), but check for the current section before adding the settings to the tab's settings array. For example, let's add the sample settings we discussed above to the new **wcslider** section we just created:
We're hooking into the same `woocommerce_get_sections_products` filter, but this time doing a check that the `$current_section` matches our earlier defined custom section (wcslider), before adding in our new settings.
You would now just use your newly created settings like you would any other WordPress / WooCommerce setting, through the [**get_option**](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_option) function and the defined ID of the setting. For example, to use the previously created **wcslider_auto_insert** option, simply use the following code: `get_option( 'wcslider_auto_insert' )`
When creating an extension for WooCommerce, think about where your settings belong before you create them. The key to building a useful product is making it easy to use for the end user, so appropriate setting placement is crucially important. For more specific information on adding settings to WooCommerce, check out the [**Settings API documentation**](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/trunk/docs/extension-development/settings-api.md).