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# WooCommerce Onboarding Tasks
The onboarding tasks provides a way to help store owners get their sites quickly set up.
The task list is easily extensible to allow inserting custom tasks around plugin setup that benefits store owners.
<img src="./images/task-list.png" width="500px" alt="Onboarding Task List" />
## Adding a custom task
### Step 1: Add your task in PHP
To add a custom task, you first need to create a new class that extends the `Task` class.
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks\Task;
class MyTask extends Task {
public function get_id() {
return 'my-task';
public function get_title() {
return __( 'My task', 'woocommerce' );
public function get_content() {
return __( 'Add your task description here for display in the task list.', 'woocommerce');
public function get_time() {
return __( '2 minutes', 'woocommerce' );
You can then add the task to the task list by calling the `add_task` method on the `TaskLists` class.
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks\TaskLists;
'extended', // The task list ID. See the TaskList section below for more information.
new MyTask(
$task_lists::get_list( 'extended' ), // The task list object.
### Step 2 Register the task in JavaScript.
Next, you have to add your task to the tasks list in JavaScript.
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import {
} from '@woocommerce/onboarding';
const Task = ( { onComplete, task, query } ) => {
// Implement your task UI/feature here.
return (
registerPlugin( 'add-task-content', {
render: () => (
<WooOnboardingTask id="my-task">
{ ( {
} ) => <Task onComplete={ onComplete } task={ task } query={ query } /> }
### Example
You can find a complete example of how to add a custom task as a WordPress plugin in the [examples directory](../examples/extensions/add-task/).
## Models and classes
### TaskLists
The `TaskLists` class serves as a data store for tasks, providing functionality to create, initialize, add tasks, retrieve task lists, and perform other task management operations.
#### Methods
- `TaskLists::instance()`: Returns the class instance of the `TaskLists` interface.
- `TaskLists::init()`: Initializes the task lists. This method should be called to set up the necessary configurations and hooks for task management.
- `TaskLists::is_experiment_treatment($name)`: Checks if an experiment is the treatment or control. This is internally used by Woo.
- `TaskLists::init_default_lists()`: Initializes the default task lists. This method adds predefined task lists with their properties and tasks.
- `TaskLists::init_tasks()`: Initializes the tasks. This method should be called to initialize the tasks associated with the task lists.
- `TaskLists::set_active_task()`: Temporarily stores the active task to persist across page loads when necessary. This method is used to manage active tasks.
- `TaskLists::add_list($args)`: Adds a task list with the specified properties.
- `TaskLists::add_task($list_id, $args)`: Adds a task to the specified task list.
- `TaskLists::maybe_add_extended_tasks($extended_tasks)`: Adds default extended task lists.
- `TaskLists::get_lists()`: Returns an array of all task lists.
- `TaskLists::get_lists_by_ids($ids)`: Returns an array of task lists filtered by the specified list IDs.
- `TaskLists::get_list_ids()`: Returns an array of all task list IDs.
- `TaskLists::clear_lists()`: Clears all task lists.
- `TaskLists::get_visible()`: Returns an array of visible task lists.
- `TaskLists::get_list($id)`: Retrieves a task list by its ID.
- `TaskLists::get_task($id, $task_list_id = null)`: Retrieves a single task.
- `TaskLists::setup_tasks_remaining()`: Return the number of setup tasks remaining.
- `TaskLists::menu_task_count()`: Adds a badge to the homescreen menu item for remaining tasks.
- `TaskLists::task_list_preloaded_settings($settings)`: Adds visible list IDs to component settings.
### TaskList
The `TaskList` class represents a task list. It contains properties and methods for managing task list. We currently have three predefined task lists
- `setup`: The default task list
- `extended`: The "Things to do next" task list
- `secret_tasklist`: The "Secret" task list that is used for having tasks that are accessed by other means.
#### Example & Arguments
$args = array(
'id' => 'my-list', // A unique task list ID.
'title' => 'My List', // Task list title.
'sort_by' => array( // An array of keys to sort the tasks by.
'key' => 'is_complete',
'order' => 'asc',
'key' => 'level',
'order' => 'asc',
'tasks' => array( /* Array of Task objects */ ), // Optional: Initialize with pre-existing tasks.
'display_progress_header' => true, // Optional: Whether to display the progress header.
'event_prefix' => 'tasklist_', // Optional: Event prefix for task-related events.
'options' => array(
'use_completed_title' => true, // Optional: Whether to use a completed title for the task list.
'visible' => true, // Optional: Whether the task list is visible.
$task_list = new TaskList($args);
#### Methods
- `$task_list::get_list_id()`: Returns the ID of the task list.
- `$task_list::get_title()`: Returns the title of the task list.
- `$task_list::get_tasks()`: Returns an array of tasks associated with the task list.
- `$task_list::add_task($task)`: Adds a task to the task list.
- `$task_list::remove_task($task_id)`: Removes a task from the task list based on its ID.
- `$task_list::has_task($task_id)`: Checks if the task list contains a task with the specified ID.
- `$task_list::get_task($task_id)`: Retrieves a task from the task list based on its ID.
- `$task_list::get_viewable_tasks()`: Returns an array of viewable tasks within the task list.
- `$task_list::is_visible()`: Checks if the task list is visible.
- `$task_list::is_hidden()`: Checks if the task list is hidden.
- `$task_list::is_complete()`: Checks if all tasks in the task list are complete.
- `$task_list::get_completed_count()`: Returns the count of completed tasks in the task list.
- `$task_list::get_total_count()`: Returns the total count of tasks in the task list.
- `$task_list::get_progress_percentage()`: Returns the progress percentage of the task list.
- `$task_list::get_sorted_tasks($sort_by)`: Returns the tasks sorted based on the specified sorting criteria.
- `$task_list::get_json()`: Returns the JSON representation of the task list.
- `$task_list->get_json()` - Get the camelcase JSON for use in the client
- `id` (int) - Task list ID.
- `title` (string) - Task list title.
- `isHidden` (bool) - If a task has been hidden.
- `isVisible` (bool) - If a task list is visible.
- `isComplete` (bool) - Whether or not all viewable tasks have been completed.
- `tasks` (array) - An array of `Task` objects.
### Task
The `Task` class represents a task. It contains properties and methods for managing tasks. You can see the predefined tasks in [this directory](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/tree/trunk/plugins/woocommerce/src/Admin/Features/OnboardingTasks/Tasks).
Please note that the `Task` class is abstract and intended to be extended by custom task classes.
#### Example
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks\Task;
class MyTask extends Task {
public function get_id() {
// Return a unique identifier for your task
public function get_title() {
// Return the title of your task
public function get_content() {
// Return the content/explanation of your task
public function get_time() {
// Return the estimated time to complete the task
// Implement other abstract methods as needed
// Add MyTask to "test-list" task list
new MyTask(
TaskLists::get_list( 'test-list' )
### Methods
- `$task->get_id(): string`: Returns the ID of the task.
- `$task->get_title(): string`: Returns the title of the task.
- `$task->get_content(): string`: Returns the content of the task.
- `$task->get_time(): string`: Returns the estimated time to complete the task.
- `$task->get_parent_id(): string`: Returns the ID of the parent task list.
- `$task->get_parent_options(): array`: Returns the options of the parent task list.
- `$task->get_parent_option($option_name): mixed|null`: Returns the value of a specific option from the parent task list.
- `$task->prefix_event($event_name): string`: Returns the event name prefixed with the task list's event prefix.
- `$task->get_additional_info(): string`: Returns additional information about the task. Typically includes details, notes, or instructions related to the task itself.
- `$task->get_additional_data(): mixed|null`: Returns additional data associated with the task. It can be any type of data, such as arrays, objects, or simple values.
- `$task->get_action_label(): string`: Returns the label for the action button of the task.
- `$task->get_action_url(): string|null`: Returns the URL associated with the task's action.
- `$task->is_dismissable(): bool`: Checks if the task is dismissable.
- `$task->is_dismissed(): bool`: Checks if the task is dismissed.
- `$task->dismiss(): bool`: Dismisses the task.
- `$task->undo_dismiss(): bool`: Undoes the dismissal of the task.
- `$task->has_previously_completed(): bool`: Checks if the task has been completed in the past.
- `$task->possibly_track_completion(): void`: Tracks the completion of the task if necessary.
- `$task->set_active(): void`: Sets the task as the active task.
- `$task->is_active(): bool`: Checks if the task is the active task.
- `$task->can_view(): bool`: Checks if the task can be viewed based on store capabilities.
- `$task->is_complete(): bool`: Checks if the task is complete.
- `$task->is_visited(): bool`: Checks if the task has been visited.
- `$task->get_record_view_event(): bool`: Checks if the task view event should be recorded.
- `$task->convert_object_to_camelcase($data): object`: Converts an array's keys to camel case.
- `$task->mark_actioned(): bool`: Marks the task as actioned.
- `$task->is_actioned(): bool`: Checks if the task has been actioned.
- `$task->is_task_actioned($id): bool`: Checks if a specific task has been actioned.
- `$task->sort($a, $b, $sort_by): int`: Sorts tasks based on given sort criteria.
- `$task->get_json(): array`: Returns the task data as a JSON-formatted array.
- `id` (int) - Task ID.
- `title` (string) - Task title.
- `canView` (bool) - If a task should be viewable on a given store.
- `content` (string) - Task content.
- `additionalInfo` (object) - Additional extensible information about the task.
- `actionLabel` (string) - The label used for the action button.
- `actionUrl` (string) - The URL used when clicking the task if no task card is required.
- `isComplete` (bool) - If the task has been completed or not.
- `time` (string) - Length of time to complete the task.
- `level` (integer) - A priority for task list sorting.
- `isActioned` (bool) - If a task has been actioned.
- `isDismissed` (bool) - If a task has been dismissed.
- `isDismissable` (bool) - Whether or not a task is dismissable.
- `isSnoozed` (bool) - If a task has been snoozed.
- `isSnoozeable` (bool) - Whether or not a task can be snoozed.
- `snoozedUntil` (int) - Timestamp in milliseconds that the task has been snoozed until.
## Frontend
We use the `@woocommerce/onboarding` package to render the onboarding task lists on the frontend and use the `@woocommerce/data` package to interact with the onboarding store.
### Data store actions
Using the `@woocommerce/data` package, the following selectors and actions are available to interact with the task lists under the onboarding store.
import { ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
const { snoozeTask } = useDispatch( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME );
const { taskLists } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
const { getTaskLists } = select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME );
return {
taskLists: getTaskLists(),
} );
- `getTaskLists` - (select) Resolve any registered task lists with their nested tasks
- `hideTaskList( id )` - (dispatch) Hide a task list
- `actionTask( id )` - (dispatch) Mark a task as actioned
- `dismissTask( id )` - (dispatch) Dismiss a task
- `undoDismissTask( id )` - (dispatch) Undo task dismiss
- `optimisticallyCompleteTask( id )` - (dispatch) Optimistically mark a task as complete
### API Endpoints
The following REST endpoints are available to interact with tasks. For ease of use, we recommend using the data store actions above to interact with these endpoints.
- `/wc-admin/onboarding/tasks` (GET) - Retrieve all tasks and their statuses
- `/wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{list_id}/hide` (POST) - Hide a given task list
- `/wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/unhide` (POST) - Un-hide a given task list
- `/wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/dismiss` (POST) - Dismiss a task
- `/wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/undo_dismiss` (POST) - Undo dismissal of a task
- `/wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/action` (POST) - Mark a task as actioned
### SlotFills
The task UI can be supplemented by registering plugins that fill the provided task slots. Learn more about slot fills in the [SlotFill documentation](https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/slotfills/) and [here](https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/components/slot-fill/).
### Task content
A task list fill is required if no `action_url` is provided for the task. This is the content shown after a task list item has been clicked.
import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins';
import { WooOnboardingTask } from '@woocommerce/onboarding';
registerPlugin( 'my-task-plugin', {
scope: 'woocommerce-tasks',
render: () => (
<WooOnboardingTask id="my-task">
{ ( { onComplete, query, task } ) => (
<MyTask onComplete={ onComplete } query={ query } task={ task } />
) }
} );
### Task list item
The items shown in the list can be customized beyond the default task list item. This can allow for custom appearance or specific `onClick` behavior for your task. For example, we're using this to install and activate WooCommerce Payments when clicking on the WooCommerce Payment task
import { WooOnboardingTaskListItem } from '@woocommerce/onboarding';
registerPlugin( 'my-task-list-item-plugin', {
scope: 'woocommerce-tasks',
render: () => (
<WooOnboardingTaskListItem id="appearance">
{ ( { defaultTaskItem, onComplete } ) => (
<MyTaskListItem onComplete={ onComplete } />
) }
} );