
4575 lines
108 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* SCSS compiler written in PHP
* @copyright 2012-2013 Leaf Corcoran
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license GPL-3.0
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
* @link http://leafo.net/scssphp
* The scss compiler and parser.
* Converting SCSS to CSS is a three stage process. The incoming file is parsed
* by `scss_parser` into a syntax tree, then it is compiled into another tree
* representing the CSS structure by `scssc`. The CSS tree is fed into a
* formatter, like `scss_formatter` which then outputs CSS as a string.
* During the first compile, all values are *reduced*, which means that their
* types are brought to the lowest form before being dump as strings. This
* handles math equations, variable dereferences, and the like.
* The `parse` function of `scssc` is the entry point.
* In summary:
* The `scssc` class creates an instance of the parser, feeds it SCSS code,
* then transforms the resulting tree to a CSS tree. This class also holds the
* evaluation context, such as all available mixins and variables at any given
* time.
* The `scss_parser` class is only concerned with parsing its input.
* The `scss_formatter` takes a CSS tree, and dumps it to a formatted string,
* handling things like indentation.
* SCSS compiler
* @author Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
class scssc {
static public $VERSION = 'v0.0.12';
static protected $operatorNames = array(
'+' => "add",
'-' => "sub",
'*' => "mul",
'/' => "div",
'%' => "mod",
'==' => "eq",
'!=' => "neq",
'<' => "lt",
'>' => "gt",
'<=' => "lte",
'>=' => "gte",
static protected $namespaces = array(
"special" => "%",
"mixin" => "@",
"function" => "^",
static protected $unitTable = array(
"in" => array(
"in" => 1,
"pt" => 72,
"pc" => 6,
"cm" => 2.54,
"mm" => 25.4,
"px" => 96,
static public $true = array("keyword", "true");
static public $false = array("keyword", "false");
static public $null = array("null");
static public $defaultValue = array("keyword", "");
static public $selfSelector = array("self");
protected $importPaths = array("");
protected $importCache = array();
protected $userFunctions = array();
protected $registeredVars = array();
protected $numberPrecision = 5;
protected $formatter = "scss_formatter_nested";
* Compile scss
* @param string $code
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function compile($code, $name = null)
$this->indentLevel = -1;
$this->commentsSeen = array();
$this->extends = array();
$this->extendsMap = array();
$this->parsedFiles = array();
$this->env = null;
$this->scope = null;
$locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0);
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
$this->parser = new scss_parser($name);
$tree = $this->parser->parse($code);
$this->formatter = new $this->formatter();
$out = $this->formatter->format($this->scope);
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
return $out;
protected function isSelfExtend($target, $origin) {
foreach ($origin as $sel) {
if (in_array($target, $sel)) {
return true;
return false;
protected function pushExtends($target, $origin) {
if ($this->isSelfExtend($target, $origin)) {
$i = count($this->extends);
$this->extends[] = array($target, $origin);
foreach ($target as $part) {
if (isset($this->extendsMap[$part])) {
$this->extendsMap[$part][] = $i;
} else {
$this->extendsMap[$part] = array($i);
protected function makeOutputBlock($type, $selectors = null) {
$out = new stdClass;
$out->type = $type;
$out->lines = array();
$out->children = array();
$out->parent = $this->scope;
$out->selectors = $selectors;
$out->depth = $this->env->depth;
return $out;
protected function matchExtendsSingle($single, &$outOrigin) {
$counts = array();
foreach ($single as $part) {
if (!is_string($part)) return false; // hmm
if (isset($this->extendsMap[$part])) {
foreach ($this->extendsMap[$part] as $idx) {
$counts[$idx] =
isset($counts[$idx]) ? $counts[$idx] + 1 : 1;
$outOrigin = array();
$found = false;
foreach ($counts as $idx => $count) {
list($target, $origin) = $this->extends[$idx];
// check count
if ($count != count($target)) continue;
// check if target is subset of single
if (array_diff(array_intersect($single, $target), $target)) continue;
$rem = array_diff($single, $target);
foreach ($origin as $j => $new) {
// prevent infinite loop when target extends itself
foreach ($new as $new_selector) {
if (!array_diff($single, $new_selector)) {
continue 2;
$origin[$j][count($origin[$j]) - 1] = $this->combineSelectorSingle(end($new), $rem);
$outOrigin = array_merge($outOrigin, $origin);
$found = true;
return $found;
protected function combineSelectorSingle($base, $other) {
$tag = null;
$out = array();
foreach (array($base, $other) as $single) {
foreach ($single as $part) {
if (preg_match('/^[^\[.#:]/', $part)) {
$tag = $part;
} else {
$out[] = $part;
if ($tag) {
array_unshift($out, $tag);
return $out;
protected function matchExtends($selector, &$out, $from = 0, $initial=true) {
foreach ($selector as $i => $part) {
if ($i < $from) continue;
if ($this->matchExtendsSingle($part, $origin)) {
$before = array_slice($selector, 0, $i);
$after = array_slice($selector, $i + 1);
foreach ($origin as $new) {
$k = 0;
// remove shared parts
if ($initial) {
foreach ($before as $k => $val) {
if (!isset($new[$k]) || $val != $new[$k]) {
$result = array_merge(
$k > 0 ? array_slice($new, $k) : $new,
if ($result == $selector) continue;
$out[] = $result;
// recursively check for more matches
$this->matchExtends($result, $out, $i, false);
// selector sequence merging
if (!empty($before) && count($new) > 1) {
$result2 = array_merge(
array_slice($new, 0, -1),
$k > 0 ? array_slice($before, $k) : $before,
array_slice($new, -1),
$out[] = $result2;
protected function flattenSelectors($block, $parentKey = null) {
if ($block->selectors) {
$selectors = array();
foreach ($block->selectors as $s) {
$selectors[] = $s;
if (!is_array($s)) continue;
// check extends
if (!empty($this->extendsMap)) {
$this->matchExtends($s, $selectors);
$block->selectors = array();
$placeholderSelector = false;
foreach ($selectors as $selector) {
if ($this->hasSelectorPlaceholder($selector)) {
$placeholderSelector = true;
$block->selectors[] = $this->compileSelector($selector);
if ($placeholderSelector && 0 == count($block->selectors) && null !== $parentKey) {
foreach ($block->children as $key => $child) {
$this->flattenSelectors($child, $key);
protected function compileRoot($rootBlock)
$this->scope = $this->makeOutputBlock('root');
$this->compileChildren($rootBlock->children, $this->scope);
protected function compileMedia($media) {
$mediaQuery = $this->compileMediaQuery($this->multiplyMedia($this->env));
if (!empty($mediaQuery)) {
$this->scope = $this->makeOutputBlock("media", array($mediaQuery));
$parentScope = $this->mediaParent($this->scope);
$parentScope->children[] = $this->scope;
// top level properties in a media cause it to be wrapped
$needsWrap = false;
foreach ($media->children as $child) {
$type = $child[0];
if ($type !== 'block' && $type !== 'media' && $type !== 'directive') {
$needsWrap = true;
if ($needsWrap) {
$wrapped = (object)array(
"selectors" => array(),
"children" => $media->children
$media->children = array(array("block", $wrapped));
$this->compileChildren($media->children, $this->scope);
$this->scope = $this->scope->parent;
protected function mediaParent($scope) {
while (!empty($scope->parent)) {
if (!empty($scope->type) && $scope->type != "media") {
$scope = $scope->parent;
return $scope;
// TODO refactor compileNestedBlock and compileMedia into same thing
protected function compileNestedBlock($block, $selectors) {
$this->scope = $this->makeOutputBlock($block->type, $selectors);
$this->scope->parent->children[] = $this->scope;
$this->compileChildren($block->children, $this->scope);
$this->scope = $this->scope->parent;
* Recursively compiles a block.
* A block is analogous to a CSS block in most cases. A single SCSS document
* is encapsulated in a block when parsed, but it does not have parent tags
* so all of its children appear on the root level when compiled.
* Blocks are made up of selectors and children.
* The children of a block are just all the blocks that are defined within.
* Compiling the block involves pushing a fresh environment on the stack,
* and iterating through the props, compiling each one.
* @see scss::compileChild()
* @param \StdClass $block
protected function compileBlock($block) {
$env = $this->pushEnv($block);
$env->selectors =
array_map(array($this, "evalSelector"), $block->selectors);
$out = $this->makeOutputBlock(null, $this->multiplySelectors($env));
$this->scope->children[] = $out;
$this->compileChildren($block->children, $out);
// joins together .classes and #ids
protected function flattenSelectorSingle($single) {
$joined = array();
foreach ($single as $part) {
if (empty($joined) ||
!is_string($part) ||
preg_match('/[\[.:#%]/', $part))
$joined[] = $part;
if (is_array(end($joined))) {
$joined[] = $part;
} else {
$joined[count($joined) - 1] .= $part;
return $joined;
// replaces all the interpolates
protected function evalSelector($selector) {
return array_map(array($this, "evalSelectorPart"), $selector);
protected function evalSelectorPart($piece) {
foreach ($piece as &$p) {
if (!is_array($p)) continue;
switch ($p[0]) {
case "interpolate":
$p = $this->compileValue($p);
case "string":
$p = $this->compileValue($p);
return $this->flattenSelectorSingle($piece);
// compiles to string
// self(&) should have been replaced by now
protected function compileSelector($selector) {
if (!is_array($selector)) return $selector; // media and the like
return implode(" ", array_map(
array($this, "compileSelectorPart"), $selector));
protected function compileSelectorPart($piece) {
foreach ($piece as &$p) {
if (!is_array($p)) continue;
switch ($p[0]) {
case "self":
$p = "&";
$p = $this->compileValue($p);
return implode($piece);
protected function hasSelectorPlaceholder($selector)
if (!is_array($selector)) return false;
foreach ($selector as $parts) {
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ('%' == $part[0]) {
return true;
return false;
protected function compileChildren($stms, $out) {
foreach ($stms as $stm) {
$ret = $this->compileChild($stm, $out);
if (isset($ret)) return $ret;
protected function compileMediaQuery($queryList) {
$out = "@media";
$first = true;
foreach ($queryList as $query){
$type = null;
$parts = array();
foreach ($query as $q) {
switch ($q[0]) {
case "mediaType":
if ($type) {
$type = $this->mergeMediaTypes($type, array_map(array($this, "compileValue"), array_slice($q, 1)));
if (empty($type)) { // merge failed
return null;
} else {
$type = array_map(array($this, "compileValue"), array_slice($q, 1));
case "mediaExp":
if (isset($q[2])) {
$parts[] = "(". $this->compileValue($q[1]) . $this->formatter->assignSeparator . $this->compileValue($q[2]) . ")";
} else {
$parts[] = "(" . $this->compileValue($q[1]) . ")";
if ($type) {
array_unshift($parts, implode(' ', array_filter($type)));
if (!empty($parts)) {
if ($first) {
$first = false;
$out .= " ";
} else {
$out .= $this->formatter->tagSeparator;
$out .= implode(" and ", $parts);
return $out;
protected function mergeMediaTypes($type1, $type2) {
if (empty($type1)) {
return $type2;
if (empty($type2)) {
return $type1;
$m1 = '';
$t1 = '';
if (count($type1) > 1) {
$m1= strtolower($type1[0]);
$t1= strtolower($type1[1]);
} else {
$t1 = strtolower($type1[0]);
$m2 = '';
$t2 = '';
if (count($type2) > 1) {
$m2 = strtolower($type2[0]);
$t2 = strtolower($type2[1]);
} else {
$t2 = strtolower($type2[0]);
if (($m1 == 'not') ^ ($m2 == 'not')) {
if ($t1 == $t2) {
return null;
return array(
$m1 == 'not' ? $m2 : $m1,
$m1 == 'not' ? $t2 : $t1
} elseif ($m1 == 'not' && $m2 == 'not') {
# CSS has no way of representing "neither screen nor print"
if ($t1 != $t2) {
return null;
return array('not', $t1);
} elseif ($t1 != $t2) {
return null;
} else { // t1 == t2, neither m1 nor m2 are "not"
return array(empty($m1)? $m2 : $m1, $t1);
// returns true if the value was something that could be imported
protected function compileImport($rawPath, $out) {
if ($rawPath[0] == "string") {
$path = $this->compileStringContent($rawPath);
if ($path = $this->findImport($path)) {
$this->importFile($path, $out);
return true;
return false;
if ($rawPath[0] == "list") {
// handle a list of strings
if (count($rawPath[2]) == 0) return false;
foreach ($rawPath[2] as $path) {
if ($path[0] != "string") return false;
foreach ($rawPath[2] as $path) {
$this->compileImport($path, $out);
return true;
return false;
// return a value to halt execution
protected function compileChild($child, $out) {
$this->sourcePos = isset($child[-1]) ? $child[-1] : -1;
$this->sourceParser = isset($child[-2]) ? $child[-2] : $this->parser;
switch ($child[0]) {
case "import":
list(,$rawPath) = $child;
$rawPath = $this->reduce($rawPath);
if (!$this->compileImport($rawPath, $out)) {
$out->lines[] = "@import " . $this->compileValue($rawPath) . ";";
case "directive":
list(, $directive) = $child;
$s = "@" . $directive->name;
if (!empty($directive->value)) {
$s .= " " . $this->compileValue($directive->value);
$this->compileNestedBlock($directive, array($s));
case "media":
case "block":
case "charset":
$out->lines[] = "@charset ".$this->compileValue($child[1]).";";
case "assign":
list(,$name, $value) = $child;
if ($name[0] == "var") {
$isDefault = !empty($child[3]);
if ($isDefault) {
$existingValue = $this->get($name[1], true);
$shouldSet = $existingValue === true || $existingValue == self::$null;
if (!$isDefault || $shouldSet) {
$this->set($name[1], $this->reduce($value));
// if the value reduces to null from something else then
// the property should be discarded
if ($value[0] != "null") {
$value = $this->reduce($value);
if ($value[0] == "null") {
$compiledValue = $this->compileValue($value);
$out->lines[] = $this->formatter->property(
case "comment":
$out->lines[] = $child[1];
case "mixin":
case "function":
list(,$block) = $child;
$this->set(self::$namespaces[$block->type] . $block->name, $block);
case "extend":
list(, $selectors) = $child;
foreach ($selectors as $sel) {
// only use the first one
$sel = current($this->evalSelector($sel));
$this->pushExtends($sel, $out->selectors);
case "if":
list(, $if) = $child;
if ($this->isTruthy($this->reduce($if->cond, true))) {
return $this->compileChildren($if->children, $out);
} else {
foreach ($if->cases as $case) {
if ($case->type == "else" ||
$case->type == "elseif" && $this->isTruthy($this->reduce($case->cond)))
return $this->compileChildren($case->children, $out);
case "return":
return $this->reduce($child[1], true);
case "each":
list(,$each) = $child;
$list = $this->coerceList($this->reduce($each->list));
foreach ($list[2] as $item) {
$this->set($each->var, $item);
// TODO: allow return from here
$this->compileChildren($each->children, $out);
case "while":
list(,$while) = $child;
while ($this->isTruthy($this->reduce($while->cond, true))) {
$ret = $this->compileChildren($while->children, $out);
if ($ret) return $ret;
case "for":
list(,$for) = $child;
$start = $this->reduce($for->start, true);
$start = $start[1];
$end = $this->reduce($for->end, true);
$end = $end[1];
$d = $start < $end ? 1 : -1;
while (true) {
if ((!$for->until && $start - $d == $end) ||
($for->until && $start == $end))
$this->set($for->var, array("number", $start, ""));
$start += $d;
$ret = $this->compileChildren($for->children, $out);
if ($ret) return $ret;
case "nestedprop":
list(,$prop) = $child;
$prefixed = array();
$prefix = $this->compileValue($prop->prefix) . "-";
foreach ($prop->children as $child) {
if ($child[0] == "assign") {
array_unshift($child[1][2], $prefix);
if ($child[0] == "nestedprop") {
array_unshift($child[1]->prefix[2], $prefix);
$prefixed[] = $child;
$this->compileChildren($prefixed, $out);
case "include": // including a mixin
list(,$name, $argValues, $content) = $child;
$mixin = $this->get(self::$namespaces["mixin"] . $name, false);
if (!$mixin) {
$this->throwError("Undefined mixin $name");
$callingScope = $this->env;
// push scope, apply args
if ($this->env->depth > 0) {
if (isset($content)) {
$content->scope = $callingScope;
$this->setRaw(self::$namespaces["special"] . "content", $content);
if (isset($mixin->args)) {
$this->applyArguments($mixin->args, $argValues);
foreach ($mixin->children as $child) {
$this->compileChild($child, $out);
case "mixin_content":
$content = $this->get(self::$namespaces["special"] . "content");
if (!isset($content)) {
$this->throwError("Expected @content inside of mixin");
$strongTypes = array('include', 'block', 'for', 'while');
foreach ($content->children as $child) {
$this->storeEnv = (in_array($child[0], $strongTypes))
? null
: $content->scope;
$this->compileChild($child, $out);
case "debug":
list(,$value, $pos) = $child;
$line = $this->parser->getLineNo($pos);
$value = $this->compileValue($this->reduce($value, true));
fwrite(STDERR, "Line $line DEBUG: $value\n");
$this->throwError("unknown child type: $child[0]");
protected function expToString($exp) {
list(, $op, $left, $right, $inParens, $whiteLeft, $whiteRight) = $exp;
$content = array($this->reduce($left));
if ($whiteLeft) $content[] = " ";
$content[] = $op;
if ($whiteRight) $content[] = " ";
$content[] = $this->reduce($right);
return array("string", "", $content);
protected function isTruthy($value) {
return $value != self::$false && $value != self::$null;
// should $value cause its operand to eval
protected function shouldEval($value) {
switch ($value[0]) {
case "exp":
if ($value[1] == "/") {
return $this->shouldEval($value[2], $value[3]);
case "var":
case "fncall":
return true;
return false;
protected function reduce($value, $inExp = false) {
list($type) = $value;
switch ($type) {
case "exp":
list(, $op, $left, $right, $inParens) = $value;
$opName = isset(self::$operatorNames[$op]) ? self::$operatorNames[$op] : $op;
$inExp = $inExp || $this->shouldEval($left) || $this->shouldEval($right);
$left = $this->reduce($left, true);
$right = $this->reduce($right, true);
// only do division in special cases
if ($opName == "div" && !$inParens && !$inExp) {
if ($left[0] != "color" && $right[0] != "color") {
return $this->expToString($value);
$left = $this->coerceForExpression($left);
$right = $this->coerceForExpression($right);
$ltype = $left[0];
$rtype = $right[0];
// this tries:
// 1. op_[op name]_[left type]_[right type]
// 2. op_[left type]_[right type] (passing the op as first arg
// 3. op_[op name]
$fn = "op_${opName}_${ltype}_${rtype}";
if (is_callable(array($this, $fn)) ||
(($fn = "op_${ltype}_${rtype}") &&
is_callable(array($this, $fn)) &&
$passOp = true) ||
(($fn = "op_${opName}") &&
is_callable(array($this, $fn)) &&
$genOp = true))
$unitChange = false;
if (!isset($genOp) &&
$left[0] == "number" && $right[0] == "number")
if ($opName == "mod" && $right[2] != "") {
$this->throwError("Cannot modulo by a number with units: $right[1]$right[2].");
$unitChange = true;
$emptyUnit = $left[2] == "" || $right[2] == "";
$targetUnit = "" != $left[2] ? $left[2] : $right[2];
if ($opName != "mul") {
$left[2] = "" != $left[2] ? $left[2] : $targetUnit;
$right[2] = "" != $right[2] ? $right[2] : $targetUnit;
if ($opName != "mod") {
$left = $this->normalizeNumber($left);
$right = $this->normalizeNumber($right);
if ($opName == "div" && !$emptyUnit && $left[2] == $right[2]) {
$targetUnit = "";
if ($opName == "mul") {
$left[2] = "" != $left[2] ? $left[2] : $right[2];
$right[2] = "" != $right[2] ? $right[2] : $left[2];
} elseif ($opName == "div" && $left[2] == $right[2]) {
$left[2] = "";
$right[2] = "";
$shouldEval = $inParens || $inExp;
if (isset($passOp)) {
$out = $this->$fn($op, $left, $right, $shouldEval);
} else {
$out = $this->$fn($left, $right, $shouldEval);
if (isset($out)) {
if ($unitChange && $out[0] == "number") {
$out = $this->coerceUnit($out, $targetUnit);
return $out;
return $this->expToString($value);
case "unary":
list(, $op, $exp, $inParens) = $value;
$inExp = $inExp || $this->shouldEval($exp);
$exp = $this->reduce($exp);
if ($exp[0] == "number") {
switch ($op) {
case "+":
return $exp;
case "-":
$exp[1] *= -1;
return $exp;
if ($op == "not") {
if ($inExp || $inParens) {
if ($exp == self::$false) {
return self::$true;
} else {
return self::$false;
} else {
$op = $op . " ";
return array("string", "", array($op, $exp));
case "var":
list(, $name) = $value;
return $this->reduce($this->get($name));
case "list":
foreach ($value[2] as &$item) {
$item = $this->reduce($item);
return $value;
case "string":
foreach ($value[2] as &$item) {
if (is_array($item)) {
$item = $this->reduce($item);
return $value;
case "interpolate":
$value[1] = $this->reduce($value[1]);
return $value;
case "fncall":
list(,$name, $argValues) = $value;
// user defined function?
$func = $this->get(self::$namespaces["function"] . $name, false);
if ($func) {
// set the args
if (isset($func->args)) {
$this->applyArguments($func->args, $argValues);
// throw away lines and children
$tmp = (object)array(
"lines" => array(),
"children" => array()
$ret = $this->compileChildren($func->children, $tmp);
return !isset($ret) ? self::$defaultValue : $ret;
// built in function
if ($this->callBuiltin($name, $argValues, $returnValue)) {
return $returnValue;
// need to flatten the arguments into a list
$listArgs = array();
foreach ((array)$argValues as $arg) {
if (empty($arg[0])) {
$listArgs[] = $this->reduce($arg[1]);
return array("function", $name, array("list", ",", $listArgs));
return $value;
public function normalizeValue($value) {
$value = $this->coerceForExpression($this->reduce($value));
list($type) = $value;
switch ($type) {
case "list":
$value = $this->extractInterpolation($value);
if ($value[0] != "list") {
return array("keyword", $this->compileValue($value));
foreach ($value[2] as $key => $item) {
$value[2][$key] = $this->normalizeValue($item);
return $value;
case "number":
return $this->normalizeNumber($value);
return $value;
// just does physical lengths for now
protected function normalizeNumber($number) {
list(, $value, $unit) = $number;
if (isset(self::$unitTable["in"][$unit])) {
$conv = self::$unitTable["in"][$unit];
return array("number", $value / $conv, "in");
return $number;
// $number should be normalized
protected function coerceUnit($number, $unit) {
list(, $value, $baseUnit) = $number;
if (isset(self::$unitTable[$baseUnit][$unit])) {
$value = $value * self::$unitTable[$baseUnit][$unit];
return array("number", $value, $unit);
protected function op_add_number_number($left, $right) {
return array("number", $left[1] + $right[1], $left[2]);
protected function op_mul_number_number($left, $right) {
return array("number", $left[1] * $right[1], $left[2]);
protected function op_sub_number_number($left, $right) {
return array("number", $left[1] - $right[1], $left[2]);
protected function op_div_number_number($left, $right) {
return array("number", $left[1] / $right[1], $left[2]);
protected function op_mod_number_number($left, $right) {
return array("number", $left[1] % $right[1], $left[2]);
// adding strings
protected function op_add($left, $right) {
if ($strLeft = $this->coerceString($left)) {
if ($right[0] == "string") {
$right[1] = "";
$strLeft[2][] = $right;
return $strLeft;
if ($strRight = $this->coerceString($right)) {
if ($left[0] == "string") {
$left[1] = "";
array_unshift($strRight[2], $left);
return $strRight;
protected function op_and($left, $right, $shouldEval) {
if (!$shouldEval) return;
if ($left != self::$false) return $right;
return $left;
protected function op_or($left, $right, $shouldEval) {
if (!$shouldEval) return;
if ($left != self::$false) return $left;
return $right;
protected function op_color_color($op, $left, $right) {
$out = array('color');
foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) {
$lval = isset($left[$i]) ? $left[$i] : 0;
$rval = isset($right[$i]) ? $right[$i] : 0;
switch ($op) {
case '+':
$out[] = $lval + $rval;
case '-':
$out[] = $lval - $rval;
case '*':
$out[] = $lval * $rval;
case '%':
$out[] = $lval % $rval;
case '/':
if ($rval == 0) {
$this->throwError("color: Can't divide by zero");
$out[] = $lval / $rval;
case "==":
return $this->op_eq($left, $right);
case "!=":
return $this->op_neq($left, $right);
$this->throwError("color: unknown op $op");
if (isset($left[4])) $out[4] = $left[4];
elseif (isset($right[4])) $out[4] = $right[4];
return $this->fixColor($out);
protected function op_color_number($op, $left, $right) {
$value = $right[1];
return $this->op_color_color($op, $left,
array("color", $value, $value, $value));
protected function op_number_color($op, $left, $right) {
$value = $left[1];
return $this->op_color_color($op,
array("color", $value, $value, $value), $right);
protected function op_eq($left, $right) {
if (($lStr = $this->coerceString($left)) && ($rStr = $this->coerceString($right))) {
$lStr[1] = "";
$rStr[1] = "";
return $this->toBool($this->compileValue($lStr) == $this->compileValue($rStr));
return $this->toBool($left == $right);
protected function op_neq($left, $right) {
return $this->toBool($left != $right);
protected function op_gte_number_number($left, $right) {
return $this->toBool($left[1] >= $right[1]);
protected function op_gt_number_number($left, $right) {
return $this->toBool($left[1] > $right[1]);
protected function op_lte_number_number($left, $right) {
return $this->toBool($left[1] <= $right[1]);
protected function op_lt_number_number($left, $right) {
return $this->toBool($left[1] < $right[1]);
public function toBool($thing) {
return $thing ? self::$true : self::$false;
* Compiles a primitive value into a CSS property value.
* Values in scssphp are typed by being wrapped in arrays, their format is
* typically:
* array(type, contents [, additional_contents]*)
* The input is expected to be reduced. This function will not work on
* things like expressions and variables.
* @param array $value
protected function compileValue($value) {
$value = $this->reduce($value);
list($type) = $value;
switch ($type) {
case "keyword":
return $value[1];
case "color":
// [1] - red component (either number for a %)
// [2] - green component
// [3] - blue component
// [4] - optional alpha component
list(, $r, $g, $b) = $value;
$r = round($r);
$g = round($g);
$b = round($b);
if (count($value) == 5 && $value[4] != 1) { // rgba
return 'rgba('.$r.', '.$g.', '.$b.', '.$value[4].')';
$h = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $r, $g, $b);
// Converting hex color to short notation (e.g. #003399 to #039)
if ($h[1] === $h[2] && $h[3] === $h[4] && $h[5] === $h[6]) {
$h = '#' . $h[1] . $h[3] . $h[5];
return $h;
case "number":
return round($value[1], $this->numberPrecision) . $value[2];
case "string":
return $value[1] . $this->compileStringContent($value) . $value[1];
case "function":
$args = !empty($value[2]) ? $this->compileValue($value[2]) : "";
return "$value[1]($args)";
case "list":
$value = $this->extractInterpolation($value);
if ($value[0] != "list") return $this->compileValue($value);
list(, $delim, $items) = $value;
$filtered = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item[0] == "null") continue;
$filtered[] = $this->compileValue($item);
return implode("$delim ", $filtered);
case "interpolated": # node created by extractInterpolation
list(, $interpolate, $left, $right) = $value;
list(,, $whiteLeft, $whiteRight) = $interpolate;
$left = count($left[2]) > 0 ?
$this->compileValue($left).$whiteLeft : "";
$right = count($right[2]) > 0 ?
$whiteRight.$this->compileValue($right) : "";
return $left.$this->compileValue($interpolate).$right;
case "interpolate": # raw parse node
list(, $exp) = $value;
// strip quotes if it's a string
$reduced = $this->reduce($exp);
switch ($reduced[0]) {
case "string":
$reduced = array("keyword",
case "null":
$reduced = array("keyword", "");
return $this->compileValue($reduced);
case "null":
return "null";
$this->throwError("unknown value type: $type");
protected function compileStringContent($string) {
$parts = array();
foreach ($string[2] as $part) {
if (is_array($part)) {
$parts[] = $this->compileValue($part);
} else {
$parts[] = $part;
return implode($parts);
// doesn't need to be recursive, compileValue will handle that
protected function extractInterpolation($list) {
$items = $list[2];
foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
if ($item[0] == "interpolate") {
$before = array("list", $list[1], array_slice($items, 0, $i));
$after = array("list", $list[1], array_slice($items, $i + 1));
return array("interpolated", $item, $before, $after);
return $list;
// find the final set of selectors
protected function multiplySelectors($env) {
$envs = array();
while (null !== $env) {
if (!empty($env->selectors)) {
$envs[] = $env;
$env = $env->parent;
$selectors = array();
$parentSelectors = array(array());
while ($env = array_pop($envs)) {
$selectors = array();
foreach ($env->selectors as $selector) {
foreach ($parentSelectors as $parent) {
$selectors[] = $this->joinSelectors($parent, $selector);
$parentSelectors = $selectors;
return $selectors;
// looks for & to replace, or append parent before child
protected function joinSelectors($parent, $child) {
$setSelf = false;
$out = array();
foreach ($child as $part) {
$newPart = array();
foreach ($part as $p) {
if ($p == self::$selfSelector) {
$setSelf = true;
foreach ($parent as $i => $parentPart) {
if ($i > 0) {
$out[] = $newPart;
$newPart = array();
foreach ($parentPart as $pp) {
$newPart[] = $pp;
} else {
$newPart[] = $p;
$out[] = $newPart;
return $setSelf ? $out : array_merge($parent, $child);
protected function multiplyMedia($env, $childQueries = null) {
if (!isset($env) ||
!empty($env->block->type) && $env->block->type != "media")
return $childQueries;
// plain old block, skip
if (empty($env->block->type)) {
return $this->multiplyMedia($env->parent, $childQueries);
$parentQueries = $env->block->queryList;
if ($childQueries == null) {
$childQueries = $parentQueries;
} else {
$originalQueries = $childQueries;
$childQueries = array();
foreach ($parentQueries as $parentQuery){
foreach ($originalQueries as $childQuery) {
$childQueries []= array_merge($parentQuery, $childQuery);
return $this->multiplyMedia($env->parent, $childQueries);
// convert something to list
protected function coerceList($item, $delim = ",") {
if (isset($item) && $item[0] == "list") {
return $item;
return array("list", $delim, !isset($item) ? array(): array($item));
protected function applyArguments($argDef, $argValues) {
$hasVariable = false;
$args = array();
foreach ($argDef as $i => $arg) {
list($name, $default, $isVariable) = $argDef[$i];
$args[$name] = array($i, $name, $default, $isVariable);
$hasVariable |= $isVariable;
$keywordArgs = array();
$deferredKeywordArgs = array();
$remaining = array();
// assign the keyword args
foreach ((array) $argValues as $arg) {
if (!empty($arg[0])) {
if (!isset($args[$arg[0][1]])) {
if ($hasVariable) {
$deferredKeywordArgs[$arg[0][1]] = $arg[1];
} else {
$this->throwError("Mixin or function doesn't have an argument named $%s.", $arg[0][1]);
} elseif ($args[$arg[0][1]][0] < count($remaining)) {
$this->throwError("The argument $%s was passed both by position and by name.", $arg[0][1]);
} else {
$keywordArgs[$arg[0][1]] = $arg[1];
} elseif (count($keywordArgs)) {
$this->throwError('Positional arguments must come before keyword arguments.');
} elseif ($arg[2] == true) {
$val = $this->reduce($arg[1], true);
if ($val[0] == "list") {
foreach ($val[2] as $name => $item) {
if (!is_numeric($name)) {
$keywordArgs[$name] = $item;
} else {
$remaining[] = $item;
} else {
$remaining[] = $val;
} else {
$remaining[] = $arg[1];
foreach ($args as $arg) {
list($i, $name, $default, $isVariable) = $arg;
if ($isVariable) {
$val = array("list", ",", array());
for ($count = count($remaining); $i < $count; $i++) {
$val[2][] = $remaining[$i];
foreach ($deferredKeywordArgs as $itemName => $item) {
$val[2][$itemName] = $item;
} elseif (isset($remaining[$i])) {
$val = $remaining[$i];
} elseif (isset($keywordArgs[$name])) {
$val = $keywordArgs[$name];
} elseif (!empty($default)) {
$val = $default;
} else {
$this->throwError("Missing argument $name");
$this->set($name, $this->reduce($val, true), true);
protected function pushEnv($block=null) {
$env = new stdClass;
$env->parent = $this->env;
$env->store = array();
$env->block = $block;
$env->depth = isset($this->env->depth) ? $this->env->depth + 1 : 0;
$this->env = $env;
return $env;
protected function normalizeName($name) {
return str_replace("-", "_", $name);
protected function getStoreEnv() {
return isset($this->storeEnv) ? $this->storeEnv : $this->env;
protected function set($name, $value, $shadow=false) {
$name = $this->normalizeName($name);
if ($shadow) {
$this->setRaw($name, $value);
} else {
$this->setExisting($name, $value);
protected function setExisting($name, $value, $env = null) {
if (!isset($env)) $env = $this->getStoreEnv();
if (isset($env->store[$name]) || !isset($env->parent)) {
$env->store[$name] = $value;
} else {
$this->setExisting($name, $value, $env->parent);
protected function setRaw($name, $value) {
$env = $this->getStoreEnv();
$env->store[$name] = $value;
public function get($name, $defaultValue = null, $env = null) {
$name = $this->normalizeName($name);
if (!isset($env)) $env = $this->getStoreEnv();
if (!isset($defaultValue)) $defaultValue = self::$defaultValue;
if (isset($env->store[$name])) {
return $env->store[$name];
} elseif (isset($env->parent)) {
return $this->get($name, $defaultValue, $env->parent);
return $defaultValue; // found nothing
protected function injectVariables(array $args)
if (empty($args)) {
$parser = new scss_parser(__METHOD__, false);
foreach ($args as $name => $strValue) {
if ($name[0] === '$') {
$name = substr($name, 1);
$parser->env = null;
$parser->count = 0;
$parser->buffer = (string) $strValue;
$parser->inParens = false;
$parser->eatWhiteDefault = true;
$parser->insertComments = true;
if ( ! $parser->valueList($value)) {
throw new Exception("failed to parse passed in variable $name: $strValue");
$this->set($name, $value);
* Set variables
* @param array $variables
public function setVariables(array $variables)
$this->registeredVars = array_merge($this->registeredVars, $variables);
* Unset variable
* @param string $name
public function unsetVariable($name)
protected function popEnv() {
$env = $this->env;
$this->env = $this->env->parent;
return $env;
public function getParsedFiles() {
return $this->parsedFiles;
public function addImportPath($path) {
$this->importPaths[] = $path;
public function setImportPaths($path) {
$this->importPaths = (array)$path;
public function setNumberPrecision($numberPrecision) {
$this->numberPrecision = $numberPrecision;
public function setFormatter($formatterName) {
$this->formatter = $formatterName;
public function registerFunction($name, $func) {
$this->userFunctions[$this->normalizeName($name)] = $func;
public function unregisterFunction($name) {
protected function importFile($path, $out) {
// see if tree is cached
$realPath = realpath($path);
if (isset($this->importCache[$realPath])) {
$tree = $this->importCache[$realPath];
} else {
$code = file_get_contents($path);
$parser = new scss_parser($path, false);
$tree = $parser->parse($code);
$this->parsedFiles[] = $path;
$this->importCache[$realPath] = $tree;
$pi = pathinfo($path);
array_unshift($this->importPaths, $pi['dirname']);
$this->compileChildren($tree->children, $out);
// results the file path for an import url if it exists
public function findImport($url) {
$urls = array();
// for "normal" scss imports (ignore vanilla css and external requests)
if (!preg_match('/\.css|^http:\/\/$/', $url)) {
// try both normal and the _partial filename
$urls = array($url, preg_replace('/[^\/]+$/', '_\0', $url));
foreach ($this->importPaths as $dir) {
if (is_string($dir)) {
// check urls for normal import paths
foreach ($urls as $full) {
$full = $dir .
(!empty($dir) && substr($dir, -1) != '/' ? '/' : '') .
if ($this->fileExists($file = $full.'.scss') ||
$this->fileExists($file = $full))
return $file;
} else {
// check custom callback for import path
$file = call_user_func($dir,$url,$this);
if ($file !== null) {
return $file;
return null;
protected function fileExists($name) {
return is_file($name);
protected function callBuiltin($name, $args, &$returnValue) {
// try a lib function
$name = $this->normalizeName($name);
$libName = "lib_".$name;
$f = array($this, $libName);
if (is_callable($f)) {
$prototype = isset(self::$$libName) ? self::$$libName : null;
$sorted = $this->sortArgs($prototype, $args);
foreach ($sorted as &$val) {
$val = $this->reduce($val, true);
$returnValue = call_user_func($f, $sorted, $this);
} elseif (isset($this->userFunctions[$name])) {
// see if we can find a user function
$fn = $this->userFunctions[$name];
foreach ($args as &$val) {
$val = $this->reduce($val[1], true);
$returnValue = call_user_func($fn, $args, $this);
if (isset($returnValue)) {
// coerce a php value into a scss one
if (is_numeric($returnValue)) {
$returnValue = array('number', $returnValue, "");
} elseif (is_bool($returnValue)) {
$returnValue = $returnValue ? self::$true : self::$false;
} elseif (!is_array($returnValue)) {
$returnValue = array('keyword', $returnValue);
return true;
return false;
// sorts any keyword arguments
// TODO: merge with apply arguments
protected function sortArgs($prototype, $args) {
$keyArgs = array();
$posArgs = array();
foreach ($args as $arg) {
list($key, $value) = $arg;
$key = $key[1];
if (empty($key)) {
$posArgs[] = $value;
} else {
$keyArgs[$key] = $value;
if (!isset($prototype)) return $posArgs;
$finalArgs = array();
foreach ($prototype as $i => $names) {
if (isset($posArgs[$i])) {
$finalArgs[] = $posArgs[$i];
$set = false;
foreach ((array)$names as $name) {
if (isset($keyArgs[$name])) {
$finalArgs[] = $keyArgs[$name];
$set = true;
if (!$set) {
$finalArgs[] = null;
return $finalArgs;
protected function coerceForExpression($value) {
if ($color = $this->coerceColor($value)) {
return $color;
return $value;
protected function coerceColor($value) {
switch ($value[0]) {
case "color": return $value;
case "keyword":
$name = $value[1];
if (isset(self::$cssColors[$name])) {
$rgba = explode(',', self::$cssColors[$name]);
return isset($rgba[3])
? array('color', (int) $rgba[0], (int) $rgba[1], (int) $rgba[2], (int) $rgba[3])
: array('color', (int) $rgba[0], (int) $rgba[1], (int) $rgba[2]);
return null;
return null;
protected function coerceString($value) {
switch ($value[0]) {
case "string":
return $value;
case "keyword":
return array("string", "", array($value[1]));
return null;
public function assertList($value) {
if ($value[0] != "list")
$this->throwError("expecting list");
return $value;
public function assertColor($value) {
if ($color = $this->coerceColor($value)) return $color;
$this->throwError("expecting color");
public function assertNumber($value) {
if ($value[0] != "number")
$this->throwError("expecting number");
return $value[1];
protected function coercePercent($value) {
if ($value[0] == "number") {
if ($value[2] == "%") {
return $value[1] / 100;
return $value[1];
return 0;
// make sure a color's components don't go out of bounds
protected function fixColor($c) {
foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) {
if ($c[$i] < 0) $c[$i] = 0;
if ($c[$i] > 255) $c[$i] = 255;
return $c;
public function toHSL($red, $green, $blue) {
$min = min($red, $green, $blue);
$max = max($red, $green, $blue);
$l = $min + $max;
if ($min == $max) {
$s = $h = 0;
} else {
$d = $max - $min;
if ($l < 255)
$s = $d / $l;
$s = $d / (510 - $l);
if ($red == $max)
$h = 60 * ($green - $blue) / $d;
elseif ($green == $max)
$h = 60 * ($blue - $red) / $d + 120;
elseif ($blue == $max)
$h = 60 * ($red - $green) / $d + 240;
return array('hsl', fmod($h, 360), $s * 100, $l / 5.1);
public function hueToRGB($m1, $m2, $h) {
if ($h < 0)
$h += 1;
elseif ($h > 1)
$h -= 1;
if ($h * 6 < 1)
return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * $h * 6;
if ($h * 2 < 1)
return $m2;
if ($h * 3 < 2)
return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * (2/3 - $h) * 6;
return $m1;
// H from 0 to 360, S and L from 0 to 100
public function toRGB($hue, $saturation, $lightness) {
if ($hue < 0) {
$hue += 360;
$h = $hue / 360;
$s = min(100, max(0, $saturation)) / 100;
$l = min(100, max(0, $lightness)) / 100;
$m2 = $l <= 0.5 ? $l * ($s + 1) : $l + $s - $l * $s;
$m1 = $l * 2 - $m2;
$r = $this->hueToRGB($m1, $m2, $h + 1/3) * 255;
$g = $this->hueToRGB($m1, $m2, $h) * 255;
$b = $this->hueToRGB($m1, $m2, $h - 1/3) * 255;
$out = array('color', $r, $g, $b);
return $out;
// Built in functions
protected static $lib_if = array("condition", "if-true", "if-false");
protected function lib_if($args) {
list($cond,$t, $f) = $args;
if (!$this->isTruthy($cond)) return $f;
return $t;
protected static $lib_index = array("list", "value");
protected function lib_index($args) {
list($list, $value) = $args;
$list = $this->assertList($list);
$values = array();
foreach ($list[2] as $item) {
$values[] = $this->normalizeValue($item);
$key = array_search($this->normalizeValue($value), $values);
return false === $key ? false : $key + 1;
protected static $lib_rgb = array("red", "green", "blue");
protected function lib_rgb($args) {
list($r,$g,$b) = $args;
return array("color", $r[1], $g[1], $b[1]);
protected static $lib_rgba = array(
array("red", "color"),
"green", "blue", "alpha");
protected function lib_rgba($args) {
if ($color = $this->coerceColor($args[0])) {
$num = !isset($args[1]) ? $args[3] : $args[1];
$alpha = $this->assertNumber($num);
$color[4] = $alpha;
return $color;
list($r,$g,$b, $a) = $args;
return array("color", $r[1], $g[1], $b[1], $a[1]);
// helper function for adjust_color, change_color, and scale_color
protected function alter_color($args, $fn) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
foreach (array(1,2,3,7) as $i) {
if (isset($args[$i])) {
$val = $this->assertNumber($args[$i]);
$ii = $i == 7 ? 4 : $i; // alpha
$color[$ii] =
$this->$fn(isset($color[$ii]) ? $color[$ii] : 0, $val, $i);
if (isset($args[4]) || isset($args[5]) || isset($args[6])) {
$hsl = $this->toHSL($color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
foreach (array(4,5,6) as $i) {
if (isset($args[$i])) {
$val = $this->assertNumber($args[$i]);
$hsl[$i - 3] = $this->$fn($hsl[$i - 3], $val, $i);
$rgb = $this->toRGB($hsl[1], $hsl[2], $hsl[3]);
if (isset($color[4])) $rgb[4] = $color[4];
$color = $rgb;
return $color;
protected static $lib_adjust_color = array(
"color", "red", "green", "blue",
"hue", "saturation", "lightness", "alpha"
protected function adjust_color_helper($base, $alter, $i) {
return $base += $alter;
protected function lib_adjust_color($args) {
return $this->alter_color($args, "adjust_color_helper");
protected static $lib_change_color = array(
"color", "red", "green", "blue",
"hue", "saturation", "lightness", "alpha"
protected function change_color_helper($base, $alter, $i) {
return $alter;
protected function lib_change_color($args) {
return $this->alter_color($args, "change_color_helper");
protected static $lib_scale_color = array(
"color", "red", "green", "blue",
"hue", "saturation", "lightness", "alpha"
protected function scale_color_helper($base, $scale, $i) {
// 1,2,3 - rgb
// 4, 5, 6 - hsl
// 7 - a
switch ($i) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
$max = 255; break;
case 4:
$max = 360; break;
case 7:
$max = 1; break;
$max = 100;
$scale = $scale / 100;
if ($scale < 0) {
return $base * $scale + $base;
} else {
return ($max - $base) * $scale + $base;
protected function lib_scale_color($args) {
return $this->alter_color($args, "scale_color_helper");
protected static $lib_ie_hex_str = array("color");
protected function lib_ie_hex_str($args) {
$color = $this->coerceColor($args[0]);
$color[4] = isset($color[4]) ? round(255*$color[4]) : 255;
return sprintf('#%02X%02X%02X%02X', $color[4], $color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
protected static $lib_red = array("color");
protected function lib_red($args) {
$color = $this->coerceColor($args[0]);
return $color[1];
protected static $lib_green = array("color");
protected function lib_green($args) {
$color = $this->coerceColor($args[0]);
return $color[2];
protected static $lib_blue = array("color");
protected function lib_blue($args) {
$color = $this->coerceColor($args[0]);
return $color[3];
protected static $lib_alpha = array("color");
protected function lib_alpha($args) {
if ($color = $this->coerceColor($args[0])) {
return isset($color[4]) ? $color[4] : 1;
// this might be the IE function, so return value unchanged
return null;
protected static $lib_opacity = array("color");
protected function lib_opacity($args) {
$value = $args[0];
if ($value[0] === 'number') return null;
return $this->lib_alpha($args);
// mix two colors
protected static $lib_mix = array("color-1", "color-2", "weight");
protected function lib_mix($args) {
list($first, $second, $weight) = $args;
$first = $this->assertColor($first);
$second = $this->assertColor($second);
if (!isset($weight)) {
$weight = 0.5;
} else {
$weight = $this->coercePercent($weight);
$firstAlpha = isset($first[4]) ? $first[4] : 1;
$secondAlpha = isset($second[4]) ? $second[4] : 1;
$w = $weight * 2 - 1;
$a = $firstAlpha - $secondAlpha;
$w1 = (($w * $a == -1 ? $w : ($w + $a)/(1 + $w * $a)) + 1) / 2.0;
$w2 = 1.0 - $w1;
$new = array('color',
$w1 * $first[1] + $w2 * $second[1],
$w1 * $first[2] + $w2 * $second[2],
$w1 * $first[3] + $w2 * $second[3],
if ($firstAlpha != 1.0 || $secondAlpha != 1.0) {
$new[] = $firstAlpha * $weight + $secondAlpha * ($weight - 1);
return $this->fixColor($new);
protected static $lib_hsl = array("hue", "saturation", "lightness");
protected function lib_hsl($args) {
list($h, $s, $l) = $args;
return $this->toRGB($h[1], $s[1], $l[1]);
protected static $lib_hsla = array("hue", "saturation",
"lightness", "alpha");
protected function lib_hsla($args) {
list($h, $s, $l, $a) = $args;
$color = $this->toRGB($h[1], $s[1], $l[1]);
$color[4] = $a[1];
return $color;
protected static $lib_hue = array("color");
protected function lib_hue($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$hsl = $this->toHSL($color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
return array("number", $hsl[1], "deg");
protected static $lib_saturation = array("color");
protected function lib_saturation($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$hsl = $this->toHSL($color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
return array("number", $hsl[2], "%");
protected static $lib_lightness = array("color");
protected function lib_lightness($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$hsl = $this->toHSL($color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
return array("number", $hsl[3], "%");
protected function adjustHsl($color, $idx, $amount) {
$hsl = $this->toHSL($color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
$hsl[$idx] += $amount;
$out = $this->toRGB($hsl[1], $hsl[2], $hsl[3]);
if (isset($color[4])) $out[4] = $color[4];
return $out;
protected static $lib_adjust_hue = array("color", "degrees");
protected function lib_adjust_hue($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$degrees = $this->assertNumber($args[1]);
return $this->adjustHsl($color, 1, $degrees);
protected static $lib_lighten = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_lighten($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$amount = 100*$this->coercePercent($args[1]);
return $this->adjustHsl($color, 3, $amount);
protected static $lib_darken = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_darken($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$amount = 100*$this->coercePercent($args[1]);
return $this->adjustHsl($color, 3, -$amount);
protected static $lib_saturate = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_saturate($args) {
$value = $args[0];
if ($value[0] === 'number') return null;
$color = $this->assertColor($value);
$amount = 100*$this->coercePercent($args[1]);
return $this->adjustHsl($color, 2, $amount);
protected static $lib_desaturate = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_desaturate($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$amount = 100*$this->coercePercent($args[1]);
return $this->adjustHsl($color, 2, -$amount);
protected static $lib_grayscale = array("color");
protected function lib_grayscale($args) {
$value = $args[0];
if ($value[0] === 'number') return null;
return $this->adjustHsl($this->assertColor($value), 2, -100);
protected static $lib_complement = array("color");
protected function lib_complement($args) {
return $this->adjustHsl($this->assertColor($args[0]), 1, 180);
protected static $lib_invert = array("color");
protected function lib_invert($args) {
$value = $args[0];
if ($value[0] === 'number') return null;
$color = $this->assertColor($value);
$color[1] = 255 - $color[1];
$color[2] = 255 - $color[2];
$color[3] = 255 - $color[3];
return $color;
// increases opacity by amount
protected static $lib_opacify = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_opacify($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$amount = $this->coercePercent($args[1]);
$color[4] = (isset($color[4]) ? $color[4] : 1) + $amount;
$color[4] = min(1, max(0, $color[4]));
return $color;
protected static $lib_fade_in = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_fade_in($args) {
return $this->lib_opacify($args);
// decreases opacity by amount
protected static $lib_transparentize = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_transparentize($args) {
$color = $this->assertColor($args[0]);
$amount = $this->coercePercent($args[1]);
$color[4] = (isset($color[4]) ? $color[4] : 1) - $amount;
$color[4] = min(1, max(0, $color[4]));
return $color;
protected static $lib_fade_out = array("color", "amount");
protected function lib_fade_out($args) {
return $this->lib_transparentize($args);
protected static $lib_unquote = array("string");
protected function lib_unquote($args) {
$str = $args[0];
if ($str[0] == "string") $str[1] = "";
return $str;
protected static $lib_quote = array("string");
protected function lib_quote($args) {
$value = $args[0];
if ($value[0] == "string" && !empty($value[1]))
return $value;
return array("string", '"', array($value));
protected static $lib_percentage = array("value");
protected function lib_percentage($args) {
return array("number",
$this->coercePercent($args[0]) * 100,
protected static $lib_round = array("value");
protected function lib_round($args) {
$num = $args[0];
$num[1] = round($num[1]);
return $num;
protected static $lib_floor = array("value");
protected function lib_floor($args) {
$num = $args[0];
$num[1] = floor($num[1]);
return $num;
protected static $lib_ceil = array("value");
protected function lib_ceil($args) {
$num = $args[0];
$num[1] = ceil($num[1]);
return $num;
protected static $lib_abs = array("value");
protected function lib_abs($args) {
$num = $args[0];
$num[1] = abs($num[1]);
return $num;
protected function lib_min($args) {
$numbers = $this->getNormalizedNumbers($args);
$min = null;
foreach ($numbers as $key => $number) {
if (null === $min || $number[1] <= $min[1]) {
$min = array($key, $number[1]);
return $args[$min[0]];
protected function lib_max($args) {
$numbers = $this->getNormalizedNumbers($args);
$max = null;
foreach ($numbers as $key => $number) {
if (null === $max || $number[1] >= $max[1]) {
$max = array($key, $number[1]);
return $args[$max[0]];
protected function getNormalizedNumbers($args) {
$unit = null;
$originalUnit = null;
$numbers = array();
foreach ($args as $key => $item) {
if ('number' != $item[0]) {
$this->throwError("%s is not a number", $item[0]);
$number = $this->normalizeNumber($item);
if (null === $unit) {
$unit = $number[2];
$originalUnit = $item[2];
} elseif ($unit !== $number[2]) {
$this->throwError('Incompatible units: "%s" and "%s".', $originalUnit, $item[2]);
$numbers[$key] = $number;
return $numbers;
protected static $lib_length = array("list");
protected function lib_length($args) {
$list = $this->coerceList($args[0]);
return count($list[2]);
protected static $lib_nth = array("list", "n");
protected function lib_nth($args) {
$list = $this->coerceList($args[0]);
$n = $this->assertNumber($args[1]) - 1;
return isset($list[2][$n]) ? $list[2][$n] : self::$defaultValue;
protected function listSeparatorForJoin($list1, $sep) {
if (!isset($sep)) return $list1[1];
switch ($this->compileValue($sep)) {
case "comma":
return ",";
case "space":
return "";
return $list1[1];
protected static $lib_join = array("list1", "list2", "separator");
protected function lib_join($args) {
list($list1, $list2, $sep) = $args;
$list1 = $this->coerceList($list1, " ");
$list2 = $this->coerceList($list2, " ");
$sep = $this->listSeparatorForJoin($list1, $sep);
return array("list", $sep, array_merge($list1[2], $list2[2]));
protected static $lib_append = array("list", "val", "separator");
protected function lib_append($args) {
list($list1, $value, $sep) = $args;
$list1 = $this->coerceList($list1, " ");
$sep = $this->listSeparatorForJoin($list1, $sep);
return array("list", $sep, array_merge($list1[2], array($value)));
protected function lib_zip($args) {
foreach ($args as $arg) {
$lists = array();
$firstList = array_shift($args);
foreach ($firstList[2] as $key => $item) {
$list = array("list", "", array($item));
foreach ($args as $arg) {
if (isset($arg[2][$key])) {
$list[2][] = $arg[2][$key];
} else {
break 2;
$lists[] = $list;
return array("list", ",", $lists);
protected static $lib_type_of = array("value");
protected function lib_type_of($args) {
$value = $args[0];
switch ($value[0]) {
case "keyword":
if ($value == self::$true || $value == self::$false) {
return "bool";
if ($this->coerceColor($value)) {
return "color";
return "string";
return $value[0];
protected static $lib_unit = array("number");
protected function lib_unit($args) {
$num = $args[0];
if ($num[0] == "number") {
return array("string", '"', array($num[2]));
return "";
protected static $lib_unitless = array("number");
protected function lib_unitless($args) {
$value = $args[0];
return $value[0] == "number" && empty($value[2]);
protected static $lib_comparable = array("number-1", "number-2");
protected function lib_comparable($args) {
list($number1, $number2) = $args;
if (!isset($number1[0]) || $number1[0] != "number" || !isset($number2[0]) || $number2[0] != "number") {
$this->throwError('Invalid argument(s) for "comparable"');
$number1 = $this->normalizeNumber($number1);
$number2 = $this->normalizeNumber($number2);
return $number1[2] == $number2[2] || $number1[2] == "" || $number2[2] == "";
* Workaround IE7's content counter bug.
* @param array $args
protected function lib_counter($args) {
$list = array_map(array($this, 'compileValue'), $args);
return array('string', '', array('counter(' . implode(',', $list) . ')'));
public function throwError($msg = null) {
if (func_num_args() > 1) {
$msg = call_user_func_array("sprintf", func_get_args());
if ($this->sourcePos >= 0 && isset($this->sourceParser)) {
$this->sourceParser->throwParseError($msg, $this->sourcePos);
throw new Exception($msg);
* CSS Colors
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color
static protected $cssColors = array(
'aliceblue' => '240,248,255',
'antiquewhite' => '250,235,215',
'aqua' => '0,255,255',
'aquamarine' => '127,255,212',
'azure' => '240,255,255',
'beige' => '245,245,220',
'bisque' => '255,228,196',
'black' => '0,0,0',
'blanchedalmond' => '255,235,205',
'blue' => '0,0,255',
'blueviolet' => '138,43,226',
'brown' => '165,42,42',
'burlywood' => '222,184,135',
'cadetblue' => '95,158,160',
'chartreuse' => '127,255,0',
'chocolate' => '210,105,30',
'coral' => '255,127,80',
'cornflowerblue' => '100,149,237',
'cornsilk' => '255,248,220',
'crimson' => '220,20,60',
'cyan' => '0,255,255',
'darkblue' => '0,0,139',
'darkcyan' => '0,139,139',
'darkgoldenrod' => '184,134,11',
'darkgray' => '169,169,169',
'darkgreen' => '0,100,0',
'darkgrey' => '169,169,169',
'darkkhaki' => '189,183,107',
'darkmagenta' => '139,0,139',
'darkolivegreen' => '85,107,47',
'darkorange' => '255,140,0',
'darkorchid' => '153,50,204',
'darkred' => '139,0,0',
'darksalmon' => '233,150,122',
'darkseagreen' => '143,188,143',
'darkslateblue' => '72,61,139',
'darkslategray' => '47,79,79',
'darkslategrey' => '47,79,79',
'darkturquoise' => '0,206,209',
'darkviolet' => '148,0,211',
'deeppink' => '255,20,147',
'deepskyblue' => '0,191,255',
'dimgray' => '105,105,105',
'dimgrey' => '105,105,105',
'dodgerblue' => '30,144,255',
'firebrick' => '178,34,34',
'floralwhite' => '255,250,240',
'forestgreen' => '34,139,34',
'fuchsia' => '255,0,255',
'gainsboro' => '220,220,220',
'ghostwhite' => '248,248,255',
'gold' => '255,215,0',
'goldenrod' => '218,165,32',
'gray' => '128,128,128',
'green' => '0,128,0',
'greenyellow' => '173,255,47',
'grey' => '128,128,128',
'honeydew' => '240,255,240',
'hotpink' => '255,105,180',
'indianred' => '205,92,92',
'indigo' => '75,0,130',
'ivory' => '255,255,240',
'khaki' => '240,230,140',
'lavender' => '230,230,250',
'lavenderblush' => '255,240,245',
'lawngreen' => '124,252,0',
'lemonchiffon' => '255,250,205',
'lightblue' => '173,216,230',
'lightcoral' => '240,128,128',
'lightcyan' => '224,255,255',
'lightgoldenrodyellow' => '250,250,210',
'lightgray' => '211,211,211',
'lightgreen' => '144,238,144',
'lightgrey' => '211,211,211',
'lightpink' => '255,182,193',
'lightsalmon' => '255,160,122',
'lightseagreen' => '32,178,170',
'lightskyblue' => '135,206,250',
'lightslategray' => '119,136,153',
'lightslategrey' => '119,136,153',
'lightsteelblue' => '176,196,222',
'lightyellow' => '255,255,224',
'lime' => '0,255,0',
'limegreen' => '50,205,50',
'linen' => '250,240,230',
'magenta' => '255,0,255',
'maroon' => '128,0,0',
'mediumaquamarine' => '102,205,170',
'mediumblue' => '0,0,205',
'mediumorchid' => '186,85,211',
'mediumpurple' => '147,112,219',
'mediumseagreen' => '60,179,113',
'mediumslateblue' => '123,104,238',
'mediumspringgreen' => '0,250,154',
'mediumturquoise' => '72,209,204',
'mediumvioletred' => '199,21,133',
'midnightblue' => '25,25,112',
'mintcream' => '245,255,250',
'mistyrose' => '255,228,225',
'moccasin' => '255,228,181',
'navajowhite' => '255,222,173',
'navy' => '0,0,128',
'oldlace' => '253,245,230',
'olive' => '128,128,0',
'olivedrab' => '107,142,35',
'orange' => '255,165,0',
'orangered' => '255,69,0',
'orchid' => '218,112,214',
'palegoldenrod' => '238,232,170',
'palegreen' => '152,251,152',
'paleturquoise' => '175,238,238',
'palevioletred' => '219,112,147',
'papayawhip' => '255,239,213',
'peachpuff' => '255,218,185',
'peru' => '205,133,63',
'pink' => '255,192,203',
'plum' => '221,160,221',
'powderblue' => '176,224,230',
'purple' => '128,0,128',
'red' => '255,0,0',
'rosybrown' => '188,143,143',
'royalblue' => '65,105,225',
'saddlebrown' => '139,69,19',
'salmon' => '250,128,114',
'sandybrown' => '244,164,96',
'seagreen' => '46,139,87',
'seashell' => '255,245,238',
'sienna' => '160,82,45',
'silver' => '192,192,192',
'skyblue' => '135,206,235',
'slateblue' => '106,90,205',
'slategray' => '112,128,144',
'slategrey' => '112,128,144',
'snow' => '255,250,250',
'springgreen' => '0,255,127',
'steelblue' => '70,130,180',
'tan' => '210,180,140',
'teal' => '0,128,128',
'thistle' => '216,191,216',
'tomato' => '255,99,71',
'transparent' => '0,0,0,0',
'turquoise' => '64,224,208',
'violet' => '238,130,238',
'wheat' => '245,222,179',
'white' => '255,255,255',
'whitesmoke' => '245,245,245',
'yellow' => '255,255,0',
'yellowgreen' => '154,205,50'
* SCSS parser
* @author Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
class scss_parser {
static protected $precedence = array(
"or" => 0,
"and" => 1,
'==' => 2,
'!=' => 2,
'<=' => 2,
'>=' => 2,
'=' => 2,
'<' => 3,
'>' => 2,
'+' => 3,
'-' => 3,
'*' => 4,
'/' => 4,
'%' => 4,
static protected $operators = array("+", "-", "*", "/", "%",
"==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">", "and", "or");
static protected $operatorStr;
static protected $whitePattern;
static protected $commentMulti;
static protected $commentSingle = "//";
static protected $commentMultiLeft = "/*";
static protected $commentMultiRight = "*/";
* Constructor
* @param string $sourceName
* @param boolean $rootParser
public function __construct($sourceName = null, $rootParser = true) {
$this->sourceName = $sourceName;
$this->rootParser = $rootParser;
if (empty(self::$operatorStr)) {
self::$operatorStr = $this->makeOperatorStr(self::$operators);
$commentSingle = $this->preg_quote(self::$commentSingle);
$commentMultiLeft = $this->preg_quote(self::$commentMultiLeft);
$commentMultiRight = $this->preg_quote(self::$commentMultiRight);
self::$commentMulti = $commentMultiLeft.'.*?'.$commentMultiRight;
self::$whitePattern = '/'.$commentSingle.'[^\n]*\s*|('.self::$commentMulti.')\s*|\s+/Ais';
static protected function makeOperatorStr($operators) {
return '('.implode('|', array_map(array('scss_parser','preg_quote'),
* Parser buffer
* @param string $buffer;
* @return \StdClass
public function parse($buffer)
$this->count = 0;
$this->env = null;
$this->inParens = false;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = true;
$this->insertComments = true;
$this->buffer = $buffer;
$this->pushBlock(null); // root block
while (false !== $this->parseChunk())
if ($this->count != strlen($this->buffer)) {
if (!empty($this->env->parent)) {
$this->throwParseError("unclosed block");
$this->env->isRoot = true;
return $this->env;
* Parse a single chunk off the head of the buffer and append it to the
* current parse environment.
* Returns false when the buffer is empty, or when there is an error.
* This function is called repeatedly until the entire document is
* parsed.
* This parser is most similar to a recursive descent parser. Single
* functions represent discrete grammatical rules for the language, and
* they are able to capture the text that represents those rules.
* Consider the function scssc::keyword(). (All parse functions are
* structured the same.)
* The function takes a single reference argument. When calling the
* function it will attempt to match a keyword on the head of the buffer.
* If it is successful, it will place the keyword in the referenced
* argument, advance the position in the buffer, and return true. If it
* fails then it won't advance the buffer and it will return false.
* All of these parse functions are powered by scssc::match(), which behaves
* the same way, but takes a literal regular expression. Sometimes it is
* more convenient to use match instead of creating a new function.
* Because of the format of the functions, to parse an entire string of
* grammatical rules, you can chain them together using &&.
* But, if some of the rules in the chain succeed before one fails, then
* the buffer position will be left at an invalid state. In order to
* avoid this, scssc::seek() is used to remember and set buffer positions.
* Before parsing a chain, use $s = $this->seek() to remember the current
* position into $s. Then if a chain fails, use $this->seek($s) to
* go back where we started.
* @return boolean
protected function parseChunk() {
$s = $this->seek();
// the directives
if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] == "@") {
if ($this->literal("@media") && $this->mediaQueryList($mediaQueryList) && $this->literal("{")) {
$media = $this->pushSpecialBlock("media");
$media->queryList = $mediaQueryList[2];
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@mixin") &&
$this->keyword($mixinName) &&
($this->argumentDef($args) || true) &&
$mixin = $this->pushSpecialBlock("mixin");
$mixin->name = $mixinName;
$mixin->args = $args;
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@include") &&
$this->keyword($mixinName) &&
($this->literal("(") &&
($this->argValues($argValues) || true) &&
$this->literal(")") || true) &&
($this->end() ||
$this->literal("{") && $hasBlock = true))
$child = array("include",
$mixinName, isset($argValues) ? $argValues : null, null);
if (!empty($hasBlock)) {
$include = $this->pushSpecialBlock("include");
$include->child = $child;
} else {
$this->append($child, $s);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@import") &&
$this->valueList($importPath) &&
$this->append(array("import", $importPath), $s);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@extend") &&
$this->selectors($selector) &&
$this->append(array("extend", $selector), $s);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@function") &&
$this->keyword($fnName) &&
$this->argumentDef($args) &&
$func = $this->pushSpecialBlock("function");
$func->name = $fnName;
$func->args = $args;
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@return") && $this->valueList($retVal) && $this->end()) {
$this->append(array("return", $retVal), $s);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@each") &&
$this->variable($varName) &&
$this->literal("in") &&
$this->valueList($list) &&
$each = $this->pushSpecialBlock("each");
$each->var = $varName[1];
$each->list = $list;
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@while") &&
$this->expression($cond) &&
$while = $this->pushSpecialBlock("while");
$while->cond = $cond;
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@for") &&
$this->variable($varName) &&
$this->literal("from") &&
$this->expression($start) &&
($this->literal("through") ||
($forUntil = true && $this->literal("to"))) &&
$this->expression($end) &&
$for = $this->pushSpecialBlock("for");
$for->var = $varName[1];
$for->start = $start;
$for->end = $end;
$for->until = isset($forUntil);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@if") && $this->valueList($cond) && $this->literal("{")) {
$if = $this->pushSpecialBlock("if");
$if->cond = $cond;
$if->cases = array();
return true;
} else {
if (($this->literal("@debug") || $this->literal("@warn")) &&
$this->valueList($value) &&
$this->end()) {
$this->append(array("debug", $value, $s), $s);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("@content") && $this->end()) {
$this->append(array("mixin_content"), $s);
return true;
} else {
$last = $this->last();
if (isset($last) && $last[0] == "if") {
list(, $if) = $last;
if ($this->literal("@else")) {
if ($this->literal("{")) {
$else = $this->pushSpecialBlock("else");
} elseif ($this->literal("if") && $this->valueList($cond) && $this->literal("{")) {
$else = $this->pushSpecialBlock("elseif");
$else->cond = $cond;
if (isset($else)) {
$else->dontAppend = true;
$if->cases[] = $else;
return true;
if ($this->literal("@charset") &&
$this->valueList($charset) && $this->end())
$this->append(array("charset", $charset), $s);
return true;
} else {
// doesn't match built in directive, do generic one
if ($this->literal("@", false) && $this->keyword($dirName) &&
($this->openString("{", $dirValue) || true) &&
$directive = $this->pushSpecialBlock("directive");
$directive->name = $dirName;
if (isset($dirValue)) $directive->value = $dirValue;
return true;
return false;
// property shortcut
// captures most properties before having to parse a selector
if ($this->keyword($name, false) &&
$this->literal(": ") &&
$this->valueList($value) &&
$name = array("string", "", array($name));
$this->append(array("assign", $name, $value), $s);
return true;
} else {
// variable assigns
if ($this->variable($name) &&
$this->literal(":") &&
$this->valueList($value) && $this->end())
// check for !default
$defaultVar = $value[0] == "list" && $this->stripDefault($value);
$this->append(array("assign", $name, $value, $defaultVar), $s);
return true;
} else {
// misc
if ($this->literal("-->")) {
return true;
// opening css block
$oldComments = $this->insertComments;
$this->insertComments = false;
if ($this->selectors($selectors) && $this->literal("{")) {
$this->insertComments = $oldComments;
return true;
} else {
$this->insertComments = $oldComments;
// property assign, or nested assign
if ($this->propertyName($name) && $this->literal(":")) {
$foundSomething = false;
if ($this->valueList($value)) {
$this->append(array("assign", $name, $value), $s);
$foundSomething = true;
if ($this->literal("{")) {
$propBlock = $this->pushSpecialBlock("nestedprop");
$propBlock->prefix = $name;
$foundSomething = true;
} elseif ($foundSomething) {
$foundSomething = $this->end();
if ($foundSomething) {
return true;
} else {
// closing a block
if ($this->literal("}")) {
$block = $this->popBlock();
if (isset($block->type) && $block->type == "include") {
$include = $block->child;
$include[3] = $block;
$this->append($include, $s);
} elseif (empty($block->dontAppend)) {
$type = isset($block->type) ? $block->type : "block";
$this->append(array($type, $block), $s);
return true;
// extra stuff
if ($this->literal(";") ||
return true;
return false;
protected function stripDefault(&$value) {
$def = end($value[2]);
if ($def[0] == "keyword" && $def[1] == "!default") {
$value = $this->flattenList($value);
return true;
if ($def[0] == "list") {
return $this->stripDefault($value[2][count($value[2]) - 1]);
return false;
protected function literal($what, $eatWhitespace = null) {
if (!isset($eatWhitespace)) $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
// shortcut on single letter
if (!isset($what[1]) && isset($this->buffer[$this->count])) {
if ($this->buffer[$this->count] == $what) {
if (!$eatWhitespace) {
return true;
// goes below...
} else {
return false;
return $this->match($this->preg_quote($what), $m, $eatWhitespace);
// tree builders
protected function pushBlock($selectors) {
$b = new stdClass;
$b->parent = $this->env; // not sure if we need this yet
$b->selectors = $selectors;
$b->children = array();
$this->env = $b;
return $b;
protected function pushSpecialBlock($type) {
$block = $this->pushBlock(null);
$block->type = $type;
return $block;
protected function popBlock() {
if (empty($this->env->parent)) {
$this->throwParseError("unexpected }");
$old = $this->env;
$this->env = $this->env->parent;
return $old;
protected function append($statement, $pos=null) {
if ($pos !== null) {
$statement[-1] = $pos;
if (!$this->rootParser) $statement[-2] = $this;
$this->env->children[] = $statement;
// last child that was appended
protected function last() {
$i = count($this->env->children) - 1;
if (isset($this->env->children[$i]))
return $this->env->children[$i];
// high level parsers (they return parts of ast)
protected function mediaQueryList(&$out) {
return $this->genericList($out, "mediaQuery", ",", false);
protected function mediaQuery(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$expressions = null;
$parts = array();
if (($this->literal("only") && ($only = true) || $this->literal("not") && ($not = true) || true) && $this->mixedKeyword($mediaType)) {
$prop = array("mediaType");
if (isset($only)) $prop[] = array("keyword", "only");
if (isset($not)) $prop[] = array("keyword", "not");
$media = array("list", "", array());
foreach ((array)$mediaType as $type) {
if (is_array($type)) {
$media[2][] = $type;
} else {
$media[2][] = array("keyword", $type);
$prop[] = $media;
$parts[] = $prop;
if (empty($parts) || $this->literal("and")) {
$this->genericList($expressions, "mediaExpression", "and", false);
if (is_array($expressions)) $parts = array_merge($parts, $expressions[2]);
$out = $parts;
return true;
protected function mediaExpression(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$value = null;
if ($this->literal("(") &&
$this->expression($feature) &&
($this->literal(":") && $this->expression($value) || true) &&
$out = array("mediaExp", $feature);
if ($value) $out[] = $value;
return true;
return false;
protected function argValues(&$out) {
if ($this->genericList($list, "argValue", ",", false)) {
$out = $list[2];
return true;
return false;
protected function argValue(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$keyword = null;
if (!$this->variable($keyword) || !$this->literal(":")) {
$keyword = null;
if ($this->genericList($value, "expression")) {
$out = array($keyword, $value, false);
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("...")) {
$out[2] = true;
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Parse list
* @param string $out
* @return boolean
public function valueList(&$out)
return $this->genericList($out, 'spaceList', ',');
protected function spaceList(&$out)
return $this->genericList($out, 'expression');
protected function genericList(&$out, $parseItem, $delim="", $flatten=true) {
$s = $this->seek();
$items = array();
while ($this->$parseItem($value)) {
$items[] = $value;
if ($delim) {
if (!$this->literal($delim)) break;
if (count($items) == 0) {
return false;
if ($flatten && count($items) == 1) {
$out = $items[0];
} else {
$out = array("list", $delim, $items);
return true;
protected function expression(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("(")) {
if ($this->literal(")")) {
$out = array("list", "", array());
return true;
if ($this->valueList($out) && $this->literal(')') && $out[0] == "list") {
return true;
if ($this->value($lhs)) {
$out = $this->expHelper($lhs, 0);
return true;
return false;
protected function expHelper($lhs, $minP) {
$opstr = self::$operatorStr;
$ss = $this->seek();
$whiteBefore = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) &&
ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]);
while ($this->match($opstr, $m) && self::$precedence[$m[1]] >= $minP) {
$whiteAfter = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) &&
ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]);
$op = $m[1];
// don't turn negative numbers into expressions
if ($op == "-" && $whiteBefore) {
if (!$whiteAfter) break;
if (!$this->value($rhs)) break;
// peek and see if rhs belongs to next operator
if ($this->peek($opstr, $next) && self::$precedence[$next[1]] > self::$precedence[$op]) {
$rhs = $this->expHelper($rhs, self::$precedence[$next[1]]);
$lhs = array("exp", $op, $lhs, $rhs, $this->inParens, $whiteBefore, $whiteAfter);
$ss = $this->seek();
$whiteBefore = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) &&
ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]);
return $lhs;
protected function value(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("not", false) && $this->whitespace() && $this->value($inner)) {
$out = array("unary", "not", $inner, $this->inParens);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->literal("+") && $this->value($inner)) {
$out = array("unary", "+", $inner, $this->inParens);
return true;
} else {
// negation
if ($this->literal("-", false) &&
($this->variable($inner) ||
$this->unit($inner) ||
$out = array("unary", "-", $inner, $this->inParens);
return true;
} else {
if ($this->parenValue($out)) return true;
if ($this->interpolation($out)) return true;
if ($this->variable($out)) return true;
if ($this->color($out)) return true;
if ($this->unit($out)) return true;
if ($this->string($out)) return true;
if ($this->func($out)) return true;
if ($this->progid($out)) return true;
if ($this->keyword($keyword)) {
if ($keyword == "null") {
$out = array("null");
} else {
$out = array("keyword", $keyword);
return true;
return false;
// value wrappen in parentheses
protected function parenValue(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$inParens = $this->inParens;
if ($this->literal("(") &&
($this->inParens = true) && $this->expression($exp) &&
$out = $exp;
$this->inParens = $inParens;
return true;
} else {
$this->inParens = $inParens;
return false;
protected function progid(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("progid:", false) &&
$this->openString("(", $fn) &&
$this->openString(")", $args, "(");
if ($this->literal(")")) {
$out = array("string", "", array(
"progid:", $fn, "(", $args, ")"
return true;
return false;
protected function func(&$func) {
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->keyword($name, false) &&
if ($name == "alpha" && $this->argumentList($args)) {
$func = array("function", $name, array("string", "", $args));
return true;
if ($name != "expression" && !preg_match("/^(-[a-z]+-)?calc$/", $name)) {
$ss = $this->seek();
if ($this->argValues($args) && $this->literal(")")) {
$func = array("fncall", $name, $args);
return true;
if (($this->openString(")", $str, "(") || true ) &&
$args = array();
if (!empty($str)) {
$args[] = array(null, array("string", "", array($str)));
$func = array("fncall", $name, $args);
return true;
return false;
protected function argumentList(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$args = array();
while ($this->keyword($var)) {
$ss = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("=") && $this->expression($exp)) {
$args[] = array("string", "", array($var."="));
$arg = $exp;
} else {
$args[] = $arg;
if (!$this->literal(",")) break;
$args[] = array("string", "", array(", "));
if (!$this->literal(")") || !count($args)) {
return false;
$out = $args;
return true;
protected function argumentDef(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$args = array();
while ($this->variable($var)) {
$arg = array($var[1], null, false);
$ss = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal(":") && $this->genericList($defaultVal, "expression")) {
$arg[1] = $defaultVal;
} else {
$ss = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("...")) {
$sss = $this->seek();
if (!$this->literal(")")) {
$this->throwParseError("... has to be after the final argument");
$arg[2] = true;
} else {
$args[] = $arg;
if (!$this->literal(",")) break;
if (!$this->literal(")")) {
return false;
$out = $args;
return true;
protected function color(&$out) {
$color = array('color');
if ($this->match('(#([0-9a-f]{6})|#([0-9a-f]{3}))', $m)) {
if (isset($m[3])) {
$num = $m[3];
$width = 16;
} else {
$num = $m[2];
$width = 256;
$num = hexdec($num);
foreach (array(3,2,1) as $i) {
$t = $num % $width;
$num /= $width;
$color[$i] = $t * (256/$width) + $t * floor(16/$width);
$out = $color;
return true;
return false;
protected function unit(&$unit) {
if ($this->match('([0-9]*(\.)?[0-9]+)([%a-zA-Z]+)?', $m)) {
$unit = array("number", $m[1], empty($m[3]) ? "" : $m[3]);
return true;
return false;
protected function string(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal('"', false)) {
$delim = '"';
} elseif ($this->literal("'", false)) {
$delim = "'";
} else {
return false;
$content = array();
$oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = false;
while ($this->matchString($m, $delim)) {
$content[] = $m[1];
if ($m[2] == "#{") {
$this->count -= strlen($m[2]);
if ($this->interpolation($inter, false)) {
$content[] = $inter;
} else {
$this->count += strlen($m[2]);
$content[] = "#{"; // ignore it
} elseif ($m[2] == '\\') {
$content[] = $m[2];
if ($this->literal($delim, false)) {
$content[] = $delim;
} else {
$this->count -= strlen($delim);
break; // delim
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
if ($this->literal($delim)) {
$out = array("string", $delim, $content);
return true;
return false;
protected function mixedKeyword(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$parts = array();
$oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = false;
while (true) {
if ($this->keyword($key)) {
$parts[] = $key;
if ($this->interpolation($inter)) {
$parts[] = $inter;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
if (count($parts) == 0) return false;
if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) {
$out = $parts;
return true;
// an unbounded string stopped by $end
protected function openString($end, &$out, $nestingOpen=null) {
$oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = false;
$stop = array("'", '"', "#{", $end);
$stop = array_map(array($this, "preg_quote"), $stop);
$stop[] = self::$commentMulti;
$patt = '(.*?)('.implode("|", $stop).')';
$nestingLevel = 0;
$content = array();
while ($this->match($patt, $m, false)) {
if (isset($m[1]) && $m[1] !== '') {
$content[] = $m[1];
if ($nestingOpen) {
$nestingLevel += substr_count($m[1], $nestingOpen);
$tok = $m[2];
$this->count-= strlen($tok);
if ($tok == $end) {
if ($nestingLevel == 0) {
} else {
if (($tok == "'" || $tok == '"') && $this->string($str)) {
$content[] = $str;
if ($tok == "#{" && $this->interpolation($inter)) {
$content[] = $inter;
$content[] = $tok;
$this->count+= strlen($tok);
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
if (count($content) == 0) return false;
// trim the end
if (is_string(end($content))) {
$content[count($content) - 1] = rtrim(end($content));
$out = array("string", "", $content);
return true;
// $lookWhite: save information about whitespace before and after
protected function interpolation(&$out, $lookWhite=true) {
$oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = true;
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("#{") && $this->valueList($value) && $this->literal("}", false)) {
// TODO: don't error if out of bounds
if ($lookWhite) {
$left = preg_match('/\s/', $this->buffer[$s - 1]) ? " " : "";
$right = preg_match('/\s/', $this->buffer[$this->count]) ? " ": "";
} else {
$left = $right = false;
$out = array("interpolate", $value, $left, $right);
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) $this->whitespace();
return true;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
return false;
// low level parsers
// returns an array of parts or a string
protected function propertyName(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$parts = array();
$oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = false;
while (true) {
if ($this->interpolation($inter)) {
$parts[] = $inter;
} elseif ($this->keyword($text)) {
$parts[] = $text;
} elseif (count($parts) == 0 && $this->match('[:.#]', $m, false)) {
// css hacks
$parts[] = $m[0];
} else {
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
if (count($parts) == 0) return false;
// match comment hack
if (preg_match(self::$whitePattern,
$this->buffer, $m, null, $this->count))
if (!empty($m[0])) {
$parts[] = $m[0];
$this->count += strlen($m[0]);
$this->whitespace(); // get any extra whitespace
$out = array("string", "", $parts);
return true;
// comma separated list of selectors
protected function selectors(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
$selectors = array();
while ($this->selector($sel)) {
$selectors[] = $sel;
if (!$this->literal(",")) break;
while ($this->literal(",")); // ignore extra
if (count($selectors) == 0) {
return false;
$out = $selectors;
return true;
// whitespace separated list of selectorSingle
protected function selector(&$out) {
$selector = array();
while (true) {
if ($this->match('[>+~]+', $m)) {
$selector[] = array($m[0]);
} elseif ($this->selectorSingle($part)) {
$selector[] = $part;
} elseif ($this->match('\/[^\/]+\/', $m)) {
$selector[] = array($m[0]);
} else {
if (count($selector) == 0) {
return false;
$out = $selector;
return true;
// the parts that make up
// div[yes=no]#something.hello.world:nth-child(-2n+1)%placeholder
protected function selectorSingle(&$out) {
$oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$this->eatWhiteDefault = false;
$parts = array();
if ($this->literal("*", false)) {
$parts[] = "*";
while (true) {
// see if we can stop early
if ($this->match("\s*[{,]", $m)) {
$s = $this->seek();
// self
if ($this->literal("&", false)) {
$parts[] = scssc::$selfSelector;
if ($this->literal(".", false)) {
$parts[] = ".";
if ($this->literal("|", false)) {
$parts[] = "|";
// for keyframes
if ($this->unit($unit)) {
$parts[] = $unit;
if ($this->keyword($name)) {
$parts[] = $name;
if ($this->interpolation($inter)) {
$parts[] = $inter;
if ($this->literal('%', false) && $this->placeholder($placeholder)) {
$parts[] = '%';
$parts[] = $placeholder;
if ($this->literal("#", false)) {
$parts[] = "#";
// a pseudo selector
if ($this->match("::?", $m) && $this->mixedKeyword($nameParts)) {
$parts[] = $m[0];
foreach ($nameParts as $sub) {
$parts[] = $sub;
$ss = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("(") &&
($this->openString(")", $str, "(") || true ) &&
$parts[] = "(";
if (!empty($str)) $parts[] = $str;
$parts[] = ")";
} else {
} else {
// attribute selector
// TODO: replace with open string?
if ($this->literal("[", false)) {
$attrParts = array("[");
// keyword, string, operator
while (true) {
if ($this->literal("]", false)) {
break; // get out early
if ($this->match('\s+', $m)) {
$attrParts[] = " ";
if ($this->string($str)) {
$attrParts[] = $str;
if ($this->keyword($word)) {
$attrParts[] = $word;
if ($this->interpolation($inter, false)) {
$attrParts[] = $inter;
// operator, handles attr namespace too
if ($this->match('[|-~\$\*\^=]+', $m)) {
$attrParts[] = $m[0];
if ($this->literal("]", false)) {
$attrParts[] = "]";
foreach ($attrParts as $part) {
$parts[] = $part;
// should just break here?
$this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite;
if (count($parts) == 0) return false;
$out = $parts;
return true;
protected function variable(&$out) {
$s = $this->seek();
if ($this->literal("$", false) && $this->keyword($name)) {
$out = array("var", $name);
return true;
return false;
protected function keyword(&$word, $eatWhitespace = null) {
if ($this->match('([\w_\-\*!"\'\\\\][\w\-_"\'\\\\]*)',
$m, $eatWhitespace))
$word = $m[1];
return true;
return false;
protected function placeholder(&$placeholder) {
if ($this->match('([\w\-_]+)', $m)) {
$placeholder = $m[1];
return true;
return false;
// consume an end of statement delimiter
protected function end() {
if ($this->literal(';')) {
return true;
} elseif ($this->count == strlen($this->buffer) || $this->buffer[$this->count] == '}') {
// if there is end of file or a closing block next then we don't need a ;
return true;
return false;
// advance counter to next occurrence of $what
// $until - don't include $what in advance
// $allowNewline, if string, will be used as valid char set
protected function to($what, &$out, $until = false, $allowNewline = false) {
if (is_string($allowNewline)) {
$validChars = $allowNewline;
} else {
$validChars = $allowNewline ? "." : "[^\n]";
if (!$this->match('('.$validChars.'*?)'.$this->preg_quote($what), $m, !$until)) return false;
if ($until) $this->count -= strlen($what); // give back $what
$out = $m[1];
return true;
public function throwParseError($msg = "parse error", $count = null) {
$count = !isset($count) ? $this->count : $count;
$line = $this->getLineNo($count);
if (!empty($this->sourceName)) {
$loc = "$this->sourceName on line $line";
} else {
$loc = "line: $line";
if ($this->peek("(.*?)(\n|$)", $m, $count)) {
throw new Exception("$msg: failed at `$m[1]` $loc");
} else {
throw new Exception("$msg: $loc");
public function getLineNo($pos) {
return 1 + substr_count(substr($this->buffer, 0, $pos), "\n");
* Match string looking for either ending delim, escape, or string interpolation
* {@internal This is a workaround for preg_match's 250K string match limit. }}
* @param array $m Matches (passed by reference)
* @param string $delim Delimeter
* @return boolean True if match; false otherwise
protected function matchString(&$m, $delim) {
$token = null;
$end = strpos($this->buffer, "\n", $this->count);
if ($end === false || $this->buffer[$end - 1] == '\\' || $this->buffer[$end - 2] == '\\' && $this->buffer[$end - 1] == "\r") {
$end = strlen($this->buffer);
// look for either ending delim, escape, or string interpolation
foreach (array('#{', '\\', $delim) as $lookahead) {
$pos = strpos($this->buffer, $lookahead, $this->count);
if ($pos !== false && $pos < $end) {
$end = $pos;
$token = $lookahead;
if (!isset($token)) {
return false;
$match = substr($this->buffer, $this->count, $end - $this->count);
$m = array(
$match . $token,
$this->count = $end + strlen($token);
return true;
// try to match something on head of buffer
protected function match($regex, &$out, $eatWhitespace = null) {
if (!isset($eatWhitespace)) $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault;
$r = '/'.$regex.'/Ais';
if (preg_match($r, $this->buffer, $out, null, $this->count)) {
$this->count += strlen($out[0]);
if ($eatWhitespace) $this->whitespace();
return true;
return false;
// match some whitespace
protected function whitespace() {
$gotWhite = false;
while (preg_match(self::$whitePattern, $this->buffer, $m, null, $this->count)) {
if ($this->insertComments) {
if (isset($m[1]) && empty($this->commentsSeen[$this->count])) {
$this->append(array("comment", $m[1]));
$this->commentsSeen[$this->count] = true;
$this->count += strlen($m[0]);
$gotWhite = true;
return $gotWhite;
protected function peek($regex, &$out, $from=null) {
if (!isset($from)) $from = $this->count;
$r = '/'.$regex.'/Ais';
$result = preg_match($r, $this->buffer, $out, null, $from);
return $result;
protected function seek($where = null) {
if ($where === null) return $this->count;
else $this->count = $where;
return true;
static function preg_quote($what) {
return preg_quote($what, '/');
protected function show() {
if ($this->peek("(.*?)(\n|$)", $m, $this->count)) {
return $m[1];
return "";
// turn list of length 1 into value type
protected function flattenList($value) {
if ($value[0] == "list" && count($value[2]) == 1) {
return $this->flattenList($value[2][0]);
return $value;
* SCSS base formatter
* @author Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
class scss_formatter {
public $indentChar = " ";
public $break = "\n";
public $open = " {";
public $close = "}";
public $tagSeparator = ", ";
public $assignSeparator = ": ";
public function __construct() {
$this->indentLevel = 0;
public function indentStr($n = 0) {
return str_repeat($this->indentChar, max($this->indentLevel + $n, 0));
public function property($name, $value) {
return $name . $this->assignSeparator . $value . ";";
protected function block($block) {
if (empty($block->lines) && empty($block->children)) return;
$inner = $pre = $this->indentStr();
if (!empty($block->selectors)) {
echo $pre .
implode($this->tagSeparator, $block->selectors) .
$this->open . $this->break;
$inner = $this->indentStr();
if (!empty($block->lines)) {
$glue = $this->break.$inner;
echo $inner . implode($glue, $block->lines);
if (!empty($block->children)) {
echo $this->break;
foreach ($block->children as $child) {
if (!empty($block->selectors)) {
if (empty($block->children)) echo $this->break;
echo $pre . $this->close . $this->break;
public function format($block) {
$out = ob_get_clean();
return $out;
* SCSS nested formatter
* @author Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
class scss_formatter_nested extends scss_formatter {
public $close = " }";
// adjust the depths of all children, depth first
public function adjustAllChildren($block) {
// flatten empty nested blocks
$children = array();
foreach ($block->children as $i => $child) {
if (empty($child->lines) && empty($child->children)) {
if (isset($block->children[$i + 1])) {
$block->children[$i + 1]->depth = $child->depth;
$children[] = $child;
$count = count($children);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$depth = $children[$i]->depth;
$j = $i + 1;
if (isset($children[$j]) && $depth < $children[$j]->depth) {
$childDepth = $children[$j]->depth;
for (; $j < $count; $j++) {
if ($depth < $children[$j]->depth && $childDepth >= $children[$j]->depth) {
$children[$j]->depth = $depth + 1;
$block->children = $children;
// make relative to parent
foreach ($block->children as $child) {
$child->depth = $child->depth - $block->depth;
protected function block($block) {
if ($block->type == "root") {
$inner = $pre = $this->indentStr($block->depth - 1);
if (!empty($block->selectors)) {
echo $pre .
implode($this->tagSeparator, $block->selectors) .
$this->open . $this->break;
$inner = $this->indentStr($block->depth - 1);
if (!empty($block->lines)) {
$glue = $this->break.$inner;
echo $inner . implode($glue, $block->lines);
if (!empty($block->children)) echo $this->break;
foreach ($block->children as $i => $child) {
// echo "*** block: ".$block->depth." child: ".$child->depth."\n";
if ($i < count($block->children) - 1) {
echo $this->break;
if (isset($block->children[$i + 1])) {
$next = $block->children[$i + 1];
if ($next->depth == max($block->depth, 1) && $child->depth >= $next->depth) {
echo $this->break;
if (!empty($block->selectors)) {
echo $this->close;
if ($block->type == "root") {
echo $this->break;
* SCSS compressed formatter
* @author Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
class scss_formatter_compressed extends scss_formatter {
public $open = "{";
public $tagSeparator = ",";
public $assignSeparator = ":";
public $break = "";
public function indentStr($n = 0) {
return "";
* SCSS server
* @author Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
class scss_server {
* Join path components
* @param string $left Path component, left of the directory separator
* @param string $right Path component, right of the directory separator
* @return string
protected function join($left, $right) {
return rtrim($left, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ltrim($right, '/\\');
* Get name of requested .scss file
* @return string|null
protected function inputName() {
switch (true) {
case isset($_GET['p']):
return $_GET['p'];
case isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']):
return $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
case isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI']):
return substr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI'], strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
* Get path to requested .scss file
* @return string
protected function findInput() {
if (($input = $this->inputName())
&& strpos($input, '..') === false
&& substr($input, -5) === '.scss'
) {
$name = $this->join($this->dir, $input);
if (is_file($name) && is_readable($name)) {
return $name;
return false;
* Get path to cached .css file
* @return string
protected function cacheName($fname) {
return $this->join($this->cacheDir, md5($fname) . '.css');
* Get path to cached imports
* @return string
protected function importsCacheName($out) {
return $out . '.imports';
* Determine whether .scss file needs to be re-compiled.
* @param string $in Input path
* @param string $out Output path
* @return boolean True if compile required.
protected function needsCompile($in, $out) {
if (!is_file($out)) return true;
$mtime = filemtime($out);
if (filemtime($in) > $mtime) return true;
// look for modified imports
$icache = $this->importsCacheName($out);
if (is_readable($icache)) {
$imports = unserialize(file_get_contents($icache));
foreach ($imports as $import) {
if (filemtime($import) > $mtime) return true;
return false;
* Get If-Modified-Since header from client request
* @return string
protected function getModifiedSinceHeader()
$modifiedSince = '';
$modifiedSince = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'];
if (false !== ($semicolonPos = strpos($modifiedSince, ';'))) {
$modifiedSince = substr($modifiedSince, 0, $semicolonPos);
return $modifiedSince;
* Compile .scss file
* @param string $in Input path (.scss)
* @param string $out Output path (.css)
* @return string
protected function compile($in, $out) {
$start = microtime(true);
$css = $this->scss->compile(file_get_contents($in), $in);
$elapsed = round((microtime(true) - $start), 4);
$v = scssc::$VERSION;
$t = @date('r');
$css = "/* compiled by scssphp $v on $t (${elapsed}s) */\n\n" . $css;
file_put_contents($out, $css);
return $css;
* Compile requested scss and serve css. Outputs HTTP response.
* @param string $salt Prefix a string to the filename for creating the cache name hash
public function serve($salt = '') {
$protocol = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])
: 'HTTP/1.0';
if ($input = $this->findInput()) {
$output = $this->cacheName($salt . $input);
if ($this->needsCompile($input, $output)) {
try {
$css = $this->compile($input, $output);
$lastModified = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($output)) . ' GMT';
header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastModified);
header('Content-type: text/css');
echo $css;
} catch (Exception $e) {
header($protocol . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
header('Content-type: text/plain');
echo 'Parse error: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
header('X-SCSS-Cache: true');
header('Content-type: text/css');
$modifiedSince = $this->getModifiedSinceHeader();
$mtime = filemtime($output);
if (@strtotime($modifiedSince) === $mtime) {
header($protocol . ' 304 Not Modified');
$lastModified = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime) . ' GMT';
header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastModified);
echo file_get_contents($output);
header($protocol . ' 404 Not Found');
header('Content-type: text/plain');
$v = scssc::$VERSION;
echo "/* INPUT NOT FOUND scss $v */\n";
* Constructor
* @param string $dir Root directory to .scss files
* @param string $cacheDir Cache directory
* @param \scssc|null $scss SCSS compiler instance
public function __construct($dir, $cacheDir=null, $scss=null) {
$this->dir = $dir;
if (!isset($cacheDir)) {
$cacheDir = $this->join($dir, 'scss_cache');
$this->cacheDir = $cacheDir;
if (!is_dir($this->cacheDir)) mkdir($this->cacheDir, 0755, true);
if (!isset($scss)) {
$scss = new scssc();
$this->scss = $scss;
* Helper method to serve compiled scss
* @param string $path Root path
static public function serveFrom($path) {
$server = new self($path);