-`createSimpleDownloadableProduct` component which creates a simple downloadable product, containing four parameters for title, price, download name and download limit.
-`orderPageSaveChanges()` to save changes in the order page.
-`getSelectorAttribute( selector, attribute )` to retrieve the desired HTML attribute from an element.
-`verifyValueOfElementAttribute( selector, attribute, expectedValue )` to check that a specific HTML attribute from an element matches the expected value.
-`withRestApi.deleteProduct()` that deletes a single product.
-`withRestApi.deleteOrder()` that deletes a single order.
-`merchant.addDownloadableProductPermission()` to add a downloadable product permission to an order.
-`merchant.updateDownloadableProductPermission()` to update the attributes of an existing downloadable product permission.
-`merchant.revokeDownloadableProductPermission()` to remove the existing downloadable product permission from an order.
-`merchant.verifyDownloadableProductPermission()` to check that the attributes of an existing downloadable product permission are correct.
-`merchant.openDownloadLink()` to open the url of a download in a new tab.
-`merchant.verifyCannotDownloadFromBecause()` to check that a download cannot happen for a specific reason.
- Added `deleteAllProductAttributes()`, `deleteAllProductCategories()`, and `deleteAllProductTags()` to clean up meta data added when products are imported
-`selectOptionInSelect2( selector, value )` util helper method that search and select in any select2 type field
-`searchForOrder( value, orderId, customerName )` util helper method that search order with different terms
-`addShippingZoneAndMethod( zoneName, zoneLocation, zipCode, zoneMethod )` util helper method for adding shipping zones with shipping methods
-`createSimpleProductWithCategory` component which creates a simple product with categories, containing three parameters for title, price and category name.
-`applyCoupon( couponName )` util helper method which applies previously created coupon to cart or checkout
-`removeCoupon()` util helper method that removes a single coupon within cart or checkout
-`selectOrderAction( action )` util helper method to select and initiate an order action in the Order Action postbox
-`merchant.openEmailLog()` go to the WP Mail Log page
-`deleteAllEmailLogs` delete all email logs in the WP Mail Log plugin
-`clickUpdateOrder( noticeText, waitForSave )` util helper that clicks the `Update` button on an order
## Changed
- Added coupon type parameter to `createCoupon( couponAmount, couponType )`. Default coupon type is fixed cart.
-`createCoupon( couponAmount )` component which accepts a coupon amount string (it defaults to 5) and creates a basic coupon. Returns the generated coupon code.
- Updated `verifyAndPublish( noticeText )` component by add a new parameter, `noticeText`, that allows passing in the accepted update notice text. For example, with variations on creation or update.