'<p>'.__('Welcome to WooCommerce Admin. Here you can set up your store and customise it to fit your needs. The sections available from the settings page include:','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('General','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('General settings such as your shop base, currency, and script/styling options which affect features used in your store.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Pages','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('This is where important store page are defined. You can also set up other pages (such as a Terms page) here.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Catalog','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Options for how things like price, images and weights appear in your product catalog.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Inventory','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Options concerning stock and stock notices.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Tax','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Options concerning tax, including international and local tax rates.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Shipping','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('This is where shipping options are defined, and shipping methods are set up.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Payment Methods','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('This is where payment gateway options are defined, and individual payment gateways are set up.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Emails','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Here you can customise the way WooCommerce emails appear.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Integration','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('The integration section contains options for third party services which integrate with WooCommerce.','woocommerce').'</p>'
'<p>'.__('The reports section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you can generate reports for sales and customers.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Sales','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Reports for sales based on date, top sellers and top earners.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Customers','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Customer reports, such as signups per day.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p><strong>'.__('Stock','woocommerce').'</strong> - '.__('Stock reports for low sotck and out of stock items.','woocommerce').'</p>'
'<p>'.__('The orders section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you can view and manage customer orders.','woocommerce').'</p>'.
'<p>'.__('Orders can also be added from this section if you want to set them up for a customer manually.','woocommerce').'</p>'
'<p>'.__('Coupons can be managed from this section. Once added, customers will be able to enter coupon codes on the cart/checkout page. If a customer uses a coupon code they will be viewable when viewing orders.','woocommerce').'</p>'