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# Changelog
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [1.2.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woocommerce/product-editor/v/1.2.0) - 2023-12-20
- Patch - Fix menu not being pinned correctly with certain screen widths [#42791]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: fix Input control issue in Manage download limit form [#41796]
- Minor - Add ordering support to the product list [#41709]
- Minor - Add product list block [#41653]
- Minor - Add step prop to NumberControl [#42928]
- Minor - Add useProductMetadata hook to perform update in multiple meta entries at same time [#42961]
- Minor - Allow uploading downloadable products by drag & drop and without the Media Library component [#42702]
- Minor - Create section description block [#41929]
- Minor - Move action button ( reorder and add products ) inline with the section header [#42929]
- Minor - Support HTML in checkbox-control tooltip and Label tooltip [#42926]
- Minor - Use DisplayState as a direct wrapper of the woocommerce/conditional block [#42909]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: add story for Label component [#42953]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: introduce UI state [#41859]
- Minor - Expose Taxonomy and TaxonomyMetadata types [#42962]
- Minor - Remove deprecated use of position for Dropdown component, using popoverProps.placement instead. [#41845]
- Minor - Update products list field to add re-order option. [#42766]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: expose Label component [#42959]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: move modal editor out of the description block edit component [#41878]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: propagate content from description inner blocks to Modal editor [#42768]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: replace custom preview component by BlockPreview core [#42019]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: replace description button by editable block [#41862]
- Minor - Add empty state when no attributes #41679 [#41679]
- Minor - Add max-width to tooltip #41797 [#41797]
- Minor - Show feedback bar only once #41787 [#41787]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: minor Summary block enhancements [#41839]
- Patch - [Product Block editor]: rename component edit function [#41741]
## [1.1.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woocommerce/product-editor/v/1.1.0) - 2023-11-28
- Patch - Update internal dependency.
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: remove unused block attributes [#41674]
- Minor - Remove downloads list fixed height #41744 [#41744]
## [1.0.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woocommerce/product-editor/v/1.0.0) - 2023-11-27
- Patch - Add cursor: not-allowed; to the disabled Quick updates button [#40448]
- Patch - Feedback bar is mis-aligned; transient notices overlap [#39233]
- Patch - Fix attributes dropdown jumping when focusing on add new attribute modal shown [#39989]
- Patch - Fix currency breaking lines when 2 or more characters [#41548]
- Patch - Fix double scroll in General tab and image upload overlapping with other blocks [#40977]
- Patch - Fix font sizes difference between chips used in the variations options table and variations list [#40447]
- Patch - Fixing more menu width. [#38053]
- Patch - Fixing spacing when no images added on image gallery block. [#38151]
- Patch - Fix issue where scrollbar was not showing up on block inserter panel within IFrame block editor modal. [#39491]
- Patch - Fix manage limits for downloads in a single variant [#41508]
- Patch - Fix overlapping TransientNotices with product editor footer [#38698]
- Patch - Fix product summary field margin. [#38251]
- Patch - Fix regression setting readOnlyWhenClosed to false by default on attribute term input field [#40519]
- Patch - Fix scrolling of editor and sidebar in modal editor. [#39212]
- Patch - Fix selection in currency and number fields to only select if field still has focus. [#41171]
- Patch - Fix sidebar scroll behavior when using new product editor [#41375]
- Patch - Fix spacing between pricing fields [#38146]
- Patch - Fix the position and sizing of the pagination controls in variations table [#40439]
- Patch - Fix toolbar button text not showing in WP 6.3 [#39572]
- Patch - Fix visibility and filterable icons [#40419]
- Patch - Get the exact variation ids of those ones that do not have price [#40876]
- Patch - Invalidate resolution for paginated variations after removing any from the single variation page [#40900]
- Patch - Limit 'email me when stock reaches' field to numerical only#38244 [#38353]
- Patch - List price gets reset on blur when error is shown#38221 [#38414]
- Patch - Prevent click event when the element is aria-disabled" [#37577]
- Patch - Prevent theme styles from being used in the product editor. [#38491]
- Patch - Product route not updated after save initially failed and succeeded after#38319 [#38507]
- Patch - Remove editor-styles-wrapper from product editor [#38681]
- Patch - Remove empty values from the shipping class request so slug can be generated server side [#40847]
- Patch - Removing WritingFlow component which was suppressing tabbing behavior in form. [#38105]
- Patch - Select the product name block initially if set to autofocus. [#41189]
- Patch - The Select all and Clear selection buttons are only displayed when at least 1 item is selected [#40434]
- Patch - Add dialogNameHelpText attribute to product-taxonomy-field block [#40059]
- Patch - Disable dragging and dropping of images within Product Images block. [#38045]
- Patch - Rename woocommerce/taxonomy-field to woocommerce/product-taxonomy-field [#40021]
- Patch - update references to woocommerce.com to now reference woo.com [#41241]
- Patch - Fixed some i18n related lint rule violations. [#41450]
- Patch - Lint fixes for @wordpress/i18n lint rule violation [#41450]
- Patch - Lint fixes [#38523]
- Patch - Make eslint emit JSON report for annotating PRs. [#39704]
- Patch - Update eslint to 8.32.0 across the monorepo. [#36700]
- Patch - Update webpack config to use @woocommerce/internal-style-build's parser config [#37195]
- Patch - Disable autocomplete for the product name field. [#39211]
- Patch - Improve Variable product editor tour [#41250]
- Patch - Product Blocks editor: enable/disable header Update button depending on product content chnages [#41473]
- Patch - Remove __experimentalDetailsCategoriesField and woocommerce/product-category-field block [#40021]
- Patch - [Product blocks editor]: Add help text to Shipping toggle [#41590]
- Patch - [Product Blocks editor]: set max width for the description general field [#41555]
- Patch - Do not allow to select text in the Paginator component [#41405]
- Patch - Show feedback bar even after feedback is given. [#38773]
- Minor - Add editor styles to product editor and iframe editor [#38168]
- Minor - Adding apifetch middleware to override product api endpoint only for the product editor. [#37621]
- Minor - Add missing Tracks events to attribute modals #40517 [#40517]
- Minor - Disable toolbars in all relevant product editor blocks [#37912]
- Minor - Fix attributes modal incorrect notice #40976 [#40976]
- Minor - Fix block header style in description modal #41338 [#41338]
- Minor - Fix blocks product editor variation actions styles [#40220]
- Minor - Fix bug where the form was dirty still after adding product variations for the first time. [#39938]
- Minor - Fix CES modal [#38643]
- Minor - Fix delete variation in block product editor [#40219]
- Minor - Fix double scrollbars on product editor page [#38281]
- Minor - Fix dropdown and list behavior in attributes variation modals #40496 [#40496]
- Minor - Fix empty state for currency inputs in product editor [#38697]
- Minor - Fix error displaying block after removing variation #40255 [#40255]
- Minor - Fix infinite category loading state [#40073]
- Minor - Fix issue with category parent select control clearing search value when typing. [#37574]
- Minor - Fix positioning of fixed block toolbar in IFrame editor used for product description, to make work with latest WordPress versions. [#39873]
- Minor - Fix styles for attribute list [#40378]
- Minor - Fix styles for modals [#38775]
- Minor - Fix summary toolbar positioning and selection on blur [#38086]
- Minor - Hide `Switch to draft` button on single variation page #40856 [#40856]
- Minor - Open variation preview in a new tab #40414 [#40414]
- Minor - Prevent double debouncing of iframe editor callback [#38087]
- Minor - Prevent duplicate registration of core blocks in client [#37350]
- Minor - Remove use of :has() css selector as it is not compatible with FireFox. [#40843]
- Minor - Remove use of head prop with IFrame component as it has been removed. [#40218]
- Minor - Remove invalid dev package dependency. [#41712]
- Minor - Set attributes to visible by default. [#38777]
- Minor - Show "Save draft" instead of "Saved" on initial product page [#38609]
- Minor - Show error message when single variation price is empty #40885 [#40885]
- Minor - Show one help text when user clicks tooltip button #41435 [#41435]
- Minor - Wait for editor changes to be debounced before closing modal [#38262]
- Minor - [Individual variation] Fix empty state illustration visibility #41337 [#41337]
- Minor - Add "Copy all content" menu item to description modal editor. [#39199]
- Minor - Add 'min' and 'max' attributes to number block [#40715]
- Minor - Add 'Show in product details' checkbox under Edit attribute modal [#40006]
- Minor - Add 'tooltip' and 'required' attributes for number and text blocks [#40908]
- Minor - Add action buttons to the editor header [#37461]
- Minor - Add a product header component to the blocks interface [#37152]
- Minor - Add a visibility toggle to the Quick actions list [#40464]
- Minor - Add block inspector to modal iframe editor [#38011]
- Minor - Add block related assets entry points to build [#37318]
- Minor - Add button on product description toolbar to show and hide block inspector [#39090]
- Minor - Add ContentPreview component for previewing block content [#37990]
- Minor - Add custom validation hook [#37196]
- Minor - Add download file list product block [#40526]
- Minor - Add edit button to each variation to redirect to the single variation page [#40709]
- Minor - Add editor history and undo/redo toolbar buttons [#38573]
- Minor - Add empty state to images block #41165 [#41165]
- Minor - Add error specific messages to product save functionality [#38307]
- Minor - Add global quick actions dropdown menu to the Variations table header [#39950]
- Minor - Add iframe block editor [#37570]
- Minor - Add iframe editor header toolbar and block inserter [#38549]
- Minor - Add images block to product editor [#37455]
- Minor - Adding AddNewShippingClass modal and implementing on product block editor. [#37968]
- Minor - Adding attributes components, block and styles. [#38051]
- Minor - Adding basic ordering to product tabs slot-fill. [#38081]
- Minor - Adding Collapsible block with support for flexible rendering. [#37305]
- Minor - Adding DetailsNameField and associated hooks/components. [#36945]
- Minor - Adding global styling for product block editor. [#37805]
- Minor - Adding initial build/package files for brand new package: @woocommere/product-editor. [#36600]
- Minor - Adding inventory email, conditional and checkbox blocks. [#37646]
- Minor - Adding LayoutContext support for tracks events context. [#37720]
- Minor - Adding name field block to product editor. [#37132]
- Minor - Adding section icons to assets directory. [#37869]
- Minor - Adding sku block to product editor. [#37623]
- Minor - Add Inventory item to the global Quick Update dropdown [#39972]
- Minor - Add isInSelectedTab context to tab blocks for use in nested blocks. [#39673]
- Minor - Add missing track events to product editing experience [#38728]
- Minor - Add ModalEditor with nested IframeEditor for use in product description [#37937]
- Minor - Add more menu to modal editor. [#39178]
- Minor - Add multiselection to the Variations table under Variations tab [#39937]
- Minor - Add new action menu item to variations list for managing inventory. [#39935]
- Minor - Add new attribute modal to variations field and include tests for useProductAttributes hook. [#39522]
- Minor - Add new file dropdown menu [#40731]
- Minor - Add new option in attributes control for a delete confirmation modal instead of the window.alert. [#39733]
- Minor - Add new pricing block to the product editor package. [#37211]
- Minor - Add new VariationSwitcherFooter component for switching variations on edit variation page. [#40713]
- Minor - Add notice to variations when variations do not have prices set. [#40281]
- Minor - Add Pricing item to the Quick Actions menu per Variation item [#39872]
- Minor - Add pricing section to the pricing tab [#37513]
- Minor - Add product category block. [#37295]
- Minor - Add product editor utils [#36730]
- Minor - Add product radio block and tax class to product blocks editor [#37529]
- Minor - Add product schedule sale pricing block [#37567]
- Minor - Add product shipping fee block [#37642]
- Minor - Add product track inventory block [#37585]
- Minor - Add product variation items block [#39657]
- Minor - Add quick actions dropdown menu to variation items [#39816]
- Minor - Add redirection to product edit page if variations are added before it being saved. [#40225]
- Minor - Add regular price as default value if available when generating new product variations. [#40343]
- Minor - Add Sale price validation#37985 [#38078]
- Minor - Add section block for use in product editor [#37153]
- Minor - Add set default value checkbox to the edit attribute options modal [#39570]
- Minor - Add Shipping item to the global Quick Update dropdown [#39973]
- Minor - Add Shipping item to the Quick Actions menu per Variation item [#39925]
- Minor - Add sub section and section spacing [#38325]
- Minor - Add summary block [#37302]
- Minor - Add suport for context post type to blocks related to the ProductVariationTemplate [#40636]
- Minor - Add support for context post type to blocks related to the ProductVariationTemplate [#40637]
- Minor - Add support for custom validation message to the generic text block [#41442]
- Minor - Add support for disabled state for checkbox, number, pricing, taxonomy, and text blocks [#41307]
- Minor - Add support for persisting automatically in post_meta for generic blocks [#40600]
- Minor - Add support to attribute input field for creating global attributes by default and enable this for variation blocks. [#39548]
- Minor - Add support to downloads block to use the context postType [#40807]
- Minor - Add tabs block and tabs to product editor [#37174]
- Minor - Add tags (or general taxonomy ) block [#39966]
- Minor - Add tests around product block editor tabs [#37225]
- Minor - Add the columns header to the variations table [#41550]
- Minor - Add the list view component and button to the modal editor [#38809]
- Minor - Add the product description block [#37852]
- Minor - Add tool selector option to iframe editor [#38686]
- Minor - Add tracking events to add edit and update attribute [#39914]
- Minor - Add tracks events on product edit and update [#37770]
- Minor - Add unregister function to the validation provider and trigger this from the useValidation hook. [#40780]
- Minor - Add useVariationSwitcher hook and make use of it in the VariationSwitcherFooter. [#40780]
- Minor - Add variation options block [#39256]
- Minor - Add virtual and downloads related controls to variation management quick actions [#40567]
- Minor - Add visibility and filter icons to attributes list with tooltip. [#39685]
- Minor - Add woocommerce/product-number-field block [#40619]
- Minor - Add woocommerce/product-text-field block [#40337]
- Minor - Add woocommerce/taxonomy-field block [#39947]
- Minor - Allow the user to delete the description [#39229]
- Minor - append a unique string to the filename if the settings are configured to do so [#41621]
- Minor - Auto select one or more attribute terms when selecting an attribute [#40004]
- Minor - Check for unsaved changes before leaving product editor [#38430]
- Minor - Copy over the product slot fill components from @woocommerce/components [#36830]
- Minor - Create 'woocommerce/product-password-field' block [#39464]
- Minor - Create ManageDownloadLimitsModal component [#40797]
- Minor - Create product page skeleton [#40939]
- Minor - Create product search and catalog visibility blocks [#39477]
- Minor - Create product variations filter component [#40978]
- Minor - Create TableEmptyState component [#40940]
- Minor - Create the product block editor [#37023]
- Minor - Create woocommerce/product-shipping-dimensions-fields block [#37683]
- Minor - Create woocommerce/product-variations-fields block [#39038]
- Minor - Disable attributes used in different sections [#39770]
- Minor - Display an alert icon for variations that contains "any" values [#41433]
- Minor - Fix validation behavior#37984 [#38194]
- Minor - Focus the first attribute field when opening the modal [#39549]
- Minor - Images block now supports one or multiple images. Checkbox block now supports another property type. [#40633]
- Minor - Invert the useValidation hook behavior to return an error instead of a boolean value [#37695]
- Minor - Let the toogle block to use inverted value to be checked [#40809]
- Minor - Make DateTimePickerControl a ForwardedRef [#38306]
- Minor - Modify notice for legacy local attributes #41646 [#41646]
- Minor - Only register blocks when user navigates to the product edit page#38200 [#38303]
- Minor - Product editor: Add attribute empty state image when no attribute has been added [#40956]
- Minor - Refactoring inventory tracking fields block and adding toggle block. [#37906]
- Minor - Refactoring product link modal and adding link to product block editor. [#37612]
- Minor - Remove attribute dropdown constraint to let the users create more than one attribute with the same name [#39827]
- Minor - Remove AUTO-DRAFT in product name field on create new product page #37930 [#37982]
- Minor - Set shipping disabled when the product is virtual [#40735]
- Minor - Show a summary when adding or removing variation option values [#40470]
- Minor - Show feedback bar for the product editor. [#38599]
- Minor - Show post editor Welcome Guide when opening description if it wasn't shown before [#41161]
- Minor - Show sale price and list price in each variation row when the variation is on sale [#40048]
- Minor - Store edited product in product editor context. [#40450]
- Minor - Summary field remove 'inline image' and 'keyboard input' options#37986 [#38012]
- Minor - The BlockIcon component [#37340]
- Minor - The variations table should match the height of number of rows selected [#41140]
- Minor - Track stock quantity for this product should be disabled when Enable stock management within settings is disabled, and enabled otherwise [#37957]
- Minor - Turn off the product_block_editor feature when user choose to use the classic editor [#38551]
- Minor - Update List price Pricing link on the general tab to navigate to the Pricing tab [#37961]
- Minor - Update shipping class block to match new designs#38044 [#38301]
- Minor - Update the select all behavior in the variations table [#41008]
- Minor - [Single Variation] Add missing tracks events #40996 [#40996]
- Minor - Adding header slot fill and more menu to header with slot fill. [#37255]
- Minor - Adjust styling based on internal styling feedback [#38351]
- Minor - Allow plugins to access PostTypeContext and blocks (through core/block-editor data store). [#41106]
- Minor - Bringing in use-product-helper and related hooks. [#37006]
- Minor - Content lock all blocks in the product editor [#37382]
- Minor - Deprecate woocommerce/conditional block in favor of general conditional visibility support. [#40883]
- Minor - Export RemoveConfirmationModal to be used outside of the product editor package [#40672]
- Minor - Fix issue were template was not re-synced when switching between products. [#37283]
- Minor - Improve accessibility around product editor tabs [#37217]
- Minor - Move tabs to header and adjust title position [#37696]
- Minor - Remove css unrelated to the product block editor. [#38247]
- Minor - Remove drag and drop handle in product blocks editor [#38127]
- Minor - Remove SlotFillProvider from Editor component. Needs to be provided higher up in the tree. [#41102]
- Minor - Remove the product block breadcrumbs and sidebar inspector [#37250]
- Minor - Remove use of @automattic/interpolate-components using createInterpolateElement instead. [#37453]
- Minor - Remove visibility toggle from variations table and remove with tooltip icon. [#40150]
- Minor - Support ordering of more menu items in product editor header. [#41104]
- Minor - Update blocks to use registerWooBlockType and useWooBlockProps from @woocommerce/block-templates. Deprecates initBlock. [#40263]
- Minor - Update current block names to reflect use case and avoid conflicts#37704 [#37851]
- Minor - Update Editor and BlockEditor components to add support for multiple product/post types. [#40605]
- Minor - Update pagination look of the Pagination table. [#39967]
- Minor - Update pricing, and schedule field blocks to use postType context value. [#40642]
- Minor - Update product CES modal design and fields [#38592]
- Minor - Update shipping dimensions image in new product blocks editor [#38101]
- Minor - Update styling of block editor to remove highlighting of selected blocks. [#38000]
- Minor - Update the IframeEditor to use a fixed toolbar [#38031]
- Minor - Update the variation name, by using the wc_get_formatted_variation. [#40905]
- Minor - Update use of blocks within block editor to always make use of template. [#37206]
- Minor - Update variation options block to auto create variations upon options update. [#39673]
- Minor - Update Variation Switcher to not loop, but hide next/previous buttons if at the end or beginning. [#40901]
- Minor - Use SelectTree component in product editor's category field [#37479]
- Minor - Add custom image in downloads editor #41342 [#41342]
- Minor - Add edit downloads modal #40599 [#40599]
- Minor - Add error state to variation list #41525 [#41525]
- Minor - Add header buttons to the description editor modal #39156 [#39156]
- Minor - Add notice to "track inventory" toggle #40011 [#40011]
- Minor - Add preview and replace button to downloads edit #40835 [#40835]
- Minor - Allow users to select multiple items from the media library while adding images #39741 [#39741]
- Minor - Change the blocks editor header to support variations #40606 [#40606]
- Minor - Display notice at the top single variations #40679 [#40679]
- Minor - Fix broken assertion with comma separated list in category select control [#38052]
- Minor - Fix field label styling in the edit attribute modal #40449 [#40449]
- Minor - Fix lint issues [#36988]
- Minor - Improve copy in variation management notifications #40467 [#40467]
- Minor - Move CES-related components to @woocommerce/product-editor [#37131]
- Minor - Remove confirmation modal for dismissing unsaved attributes or variation options #40500 [#40500]
- Minor - Split product editor blocks into 'generic' and 'product-fields' directories [#40571]
- Minor - Suppress errant TS lint errors. [#37094]
- Minor - Sync @wordpress package versions via syncpack. [#37034]
- Minor - Update block registration calls. [#40722]
- Minor - Update copy in the add variation options modal [#40280]
- Minor - Update section description design #41251 [#41251]
- Minor - Update selected item styling dropdown #41217 [#41217]
- Minor - Upgrade TypeScript to 5.1.6 [#39531]
- Minor - [Product Block Editor] Disable tabs in parent product page with variations #39459 [#39675]
- Minor - [Product Block Editor] Remove additional create attribute term modal [#39610]
- Minor - Change variation option labels cardinality to 3 [#39856]
- Minor - Export the ProductEditorSettings type. [#37123]
- Minor - New product block editor modal text enhancements [#39055]
- Minor - Remove the margin bottom of the checkbox label [#39232]
- Minor - Update default visibility settings for variation options [#40949]
- Minor - Use SelectTree in the Parent Category field [#38261]
[See legacy changelogs for previous versions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/68581955106947918d2b17607a01bdfdf22288a9/packages/js/product-editor/CHANGELOG.md).