The Store Notices Store allows to register and unregister containers for notices. This is useful for displaying notices in a specific location, such as a custom block.
## Usage
To utilize this store you will import the `STORE_NOTICES_STORE_KEY` in any module referencing it. Assuming `@woocommerce/block-data` is registered as an external pointing to `wc.wcBlocksData` you can import the key via:
> 💡 Internally, the `StoreNoticesContainer` component will dispatch the `registerContainer` action.
Please note that this is a simple example. In practice, you will want to trigger the `createNotice` action in response to a user action, such as submitting a form.
## Actions
### registerContainer( containerContext )
This action will register a new container.
#### _Parameters_ <!-- omit in toc -->
-_containerContext_`string`: The context or identifier of the container to be registered.
#### _Returns_ <!-- omit in toc -->
-`object`: An action object with the following properties:
-_type_`string`: The type of the action.
-_containerContext_`string`: The passed _containerContext_.
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