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Add/product galleries (#11665) * register prettyPhoto but don't enqueue. #10721 * Remove lightbox option. #10721 Also registers the prettyPhoto styles instead of enqueueing * Stip all prettyPhoto related stuff from the templates and tidy up some logic. #10721 * Add flexslider assets #10721 * styling and re-adds `woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html`. #10721. * Add zoom functionality. #10721 * Move js to single-product.js. #10721 * styling of the gallery thumbnails when using the `product_page` shortcode. #10721 * Only enable the zoom if the image is large enough. #10721 * Use a 4 column layout by default. #10721 * Make the carousel options filterable. #10721 * rtl styles for gallery. #10721 * Don't zoom on handheld devices. #10721 * markup tweaks in prep for photoswipe * disable zoom for now * Add and enqueue photoswipe assets * add the photoswipe template * initialise photoswipe - it's alive! * tidy up js. add title. add separate trigger. #10721 * Move photoswipe functions to single-product.js. #10721 * reactivate the zoom! #10721 * style the photoswipe trigger. #10721 * disable flexslider animation loop. #10721 * js tidy up. #10721 * Fix jshint * Abstract the product gallery scripts * Minify * Fixed conflict with the admin bar * Photoswipe conflict with admin bar * Index. #10721 * photoswipe button styles. #10721 * Styling. #10721 * No animation on zoom * Image width on mobile * No shadows please. #10721 Looking at you, Twenty Twelve. * code tidy and add class to placeholder figure. #10721 * simplify rtl query * photoswipe button styles * Comma should not be here * zoom icon #10721 * gallery thumb styles. #10721 * trigger icon. #10721 * Image margins. #10721 * icon hover states. #10721 * Variation handling * Fix zoom and heights * Resize after timeout
2016-10-13 14:25:42 +00:00
2018-05-08 13:48:25 +00:00
Zoom 1.7.21
Add/product galleries (#11665) * register prettyPhoto but don't enqueue. #10721 * Remove lightbox option. #10721 Also registers the prettyPhoto styles instead of enqueueing * Stip all prettyPhoto related stuff from the templates and tidy up some logic. #10721 * Add flexslider assets #10721 * styling and re-adds `woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html`. #10721. * Add zoom functionality. #10721 * Move js to single-product.js. #10721 * styling of the gallery thumbnails when using the `product_page` shortcode. #10721 * Only enable the zoom if the image is large enough. #10721 * Use a 4 column layout by default. #10721 * Make the carousel options filterable. #10721 * rtl styles for gallery. #10721 * Don't zoom on handheld devices. #10721 * markup tweaks in prep for photoswipe * disable zoom for now * Add and enqueue photoswipe assets * add the photoswipe template * initialise photoswipe - it's alive! * tidy up js. add title. add separate trigger. #10721 * Move photoswipe functions to single-product.js. #10721 * reactivate the zoom! #10721 * style the photoswipe trigger. #10721 * disable flexslider animation loop. #10721 * js tidy up. #10721 * Fix jshint * Abstract the product gallery scripts * Minify * Fixed conflict with the admin bar * Photoswipe conflict with admin bar * Index. #10721 * photoswipe button styles. #10721 * Styling. #10721 * No animation on zoom * Image width on mobile * No shadows please. #10721 Looking at you, Twenty Twelve. * code tidy and add class to placeholder figure. #10721 * simplify rtl query * photoswipe button styles * Comma should not be here * zoom icon #10721 * gallery thumb styles. #10721 * trigger icon. #10721 * Image margins. #10721 * icon hover states. #10721 * Variation handling * Fix zoom and heights * Resize after timeout
2016-10-13 14:25:42 +00:00
license: MIT
2020-07-17 04:44:49 +00:00
!function(d){var n={url:!1,callback:!1,target:!1,duration:120,on:"mouseover",touch:!0,onZoomIn:!1,onZoomOut:!1,magnify:1};d.zoom=function(o,t,n,e){var i,u,a,c,r,l,m,s=d(o),f=s.css("position"),h=d(t);return o.style.position=/(absolute|fixed)/.test(f)?f:"relative",o.style.overflow="hidden",n.style.width=n.style.height="",d(n).addClass("zoomImg").css({position:"absolute",top:0,left:0,opacity:0,width:n.width*e,height:n.height*e,border:"none",maxWidth:"none",maxHeight:"none"}).appendTo(o),{init:function(){u=s.outerWidth(),i=s.outerHeight(),a=t===o?(c=u,i):(c=h.outerWidth(),h.outerHeight()),r=(n.width-u)/c,l=(n.height-i)/a,m=h.offset()},move:function(o){var t=o.pageX-m.left,e=o.pageY-m.top;e=Math.max(Math.min(e,a),0),t=Math.max(Math.min(t,c),0),n.style.left=t*-r+"px",n.style.top=e*-l+"px"}}},d.fn.zoom=function(e){return this.each(function(){var i=d.extend({},n,e||{}),u=i.target&&d(i.target)[0]||this,o=this,a=d(o),c=document.createElement("img"),r=d(c),l="mousemove.zoom",m=!1,s=!1;if(!i.url){var t=o.querySelector("img");if(t&&(i.url=t.getAttribute("data-src")||t.currentSrc||t.src,i.alt=t.getAttribute("data-alt")||t.alt),!i.url)return}a.one("zoom.destroy",function(o,t){a.off(".zoom"),u.style.position=o,u.style.overflow=t,c.onload=null,r.remove()}.bind(this,u.style.position,u.style.overflow)),c.onload=function(){var t=d.zoom(u,o,c,i.magnify);function e(o){t.init(),t.move(o),r.stop().fadeTo(d.support.opacity?i.duration:0,1,!!d.isFunction(i.onZoomIn)&&i.onZoomIn.call(c))}function n(){r.stop().fadeTo(i.duration,0,!!d.isFunction(i.onZoomOut)&&i.onZoomOut.call(c))}"grab"===i.on?a.on("mousedown.zoom",function(o){1===o.which&&(d(document).one("mouseup.zoom",function(){n(),d(document).off(l,t.move)}),e(o),d(document).on(l,t.move),o.preventDefault())}):"click"===i.on?a.on("click.zoom",function(o){return m?void 0:(m=!0,e(o),d(document).on(l,t.move),d(document).one("click.zoom",function(){n(),m=!1,d(document).off(l,t.move)}),!1)}):"toggle"===i.on?a.on("click.zoom",function(o){m?n():e(o),m=!m}):"mouseover"===i.on&&(t.init(),a.on("mouseenter.zoom",e).on("mouseleave.zoom",n).on(l,t.move)),i.touch&&a.on("touchstart.zoom",function(o){o.preventDefault(),s?(s=!1,n()):(s=!0,e(o.originalEvent.touches[0]||o.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]))}).on("touchmove.zoom",function(o){o.preventDefault(),t.move(o.originalEvent.touches[0]||o.originalEvent.changedTouches[0])}).on("touchend.zoom",function(o){o.preventDefault(),s&&(s=!1,n())}),d.isFunction(i.callback)&&i.callback.call(c)},c.setAttribute("role","presentation"),c.alt=i.alt||"",c.src=i.url})},d.fn.zoom.defaults=n}(window.jQuery);