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Move WC Pay welcome page from wc-calypso-bridge (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8151) * Move WC Pay welcome page from wc-calypso-bridge (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8083) * Add wc-pay-welcome-screen flags * Add wc pay welcome page from wc calpyso bridge * Add changelog * Rename var to pageViewTimestamp to prevent confusion * Remove unused code * Make sure hasViewedWelcomePage is a boolean value * Simplify storeViewWelcome * Add payments remind me later note (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8085) * Add payments remind me later note Fix wcpay path * Add changelogs * Update src/Notes/PaymentsRemindMeLater.php Co-authored-by: Joshua T Flowers <joshuatf@gmail.com> * Fix possibly_add_note syntax error Update Events.php Co-authored-by: Joshua T Flowers <joshuatf@gmail.com> * Replace flag icon with component and svg background to png (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8101) * Activate promo note after WC Pay is activated (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8104) * Activate promo after wcpay is a\ctivated * Add changelogs * Add experimental to promo API path and limit the promo names * Use ExPlat to render the WC Pay menu conditionally (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8115) * Check ExPlat to render the menu conditionally * Update the experiment name * Fix letter case to follow feature class naming convention * Enable wc-pay-welcome-page feature in core config (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8124) * Use wc_calypso_bridge_payments_dismissed option name to respect the previously saved setting from wp.com * Missed wc_calypso_bridge_payments_dismissed rename * Use the existing code to prevent duplication * Fix warning (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8141) * Change experiment to come after checks (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8142) * Change track path to (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/8143) Co-authored-by: Chi-Hsuan Huang <chihsuan.tw@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Joshua T Flowers <joshuatf@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ilyas Foo <foo.ilyas@gmail.com> * Replace deprecated wc-admin-settings package Co-authored-by: Moon <moon.kyong@automattic.com> Co-authored-by: Chi-Hsuan Huang <chihsuan.tw@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Joshua T Flowers <joshuatf@gmail.com>
2022-01-12 06:46:33 +00:00
export default () => (
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d="M33.473 17.5973H33.494H33.5346H33.5752H33.6158H33.6564H33.697H33.7376H33.7782H33.8188H33.8594H33.9H33.9406H33.9812H34.0218H34.0624H34.103H34.1436H34.1842H34.2248H34.2654H34.306H34.3466H34.3872H34.4278H34.4684H34.509H34.5496H34.5902H34.6308H34.6714H34.712H34.7527H34.7932H34.8338H34.8745H34.915H34.9556H34.9963H35.0368H35.0774H35.1181H35.1586H35.1992H35.2399H35.2805H35.321H35.3617H35.4023H35.4428H35.4835H35.5241H35.5646H35.6053H35.6459H35.6864H35.7271H35.7677H35.8083H35.8489H35.8895H35.9233L35.9301 17.5975C35.9426 17.5978 35.9563 17.5984 35.9707 17.5991C35.9837 17.5999 35.9973 17.6008 36.0113 17.6018C36.0246 17.6028 36.0383 17.604 36.0519 17.6052C36.0656 17.6065 36.0792 17.6079 36.0925 17.6093C36.1064 17.6109 36.1201 17.6126 36.1331 17.6143C36.1476 17.6163 36.1613 17.6183 36.1737 17.6205C36.1826 17.622 36.1909 17.6235 36.1982 17.6251L36.2143 17.6288C36.2279 17.632 36.2414 17.6354 36.2549 17.6392C36.2685 17.643 36.282 17.647 36.2955 17.6513C36.3091 17.6557 36.3227 17.6603 36.3361 17.6653C36.3497 17.6702 36.3632 17.6755 36.3767 17.681C36.3903 17.6866 36.4039 17.6926 36.4173 17.6987C36.431 17.705 36.4445 17.7116 36.4579 17.7185C36.4716 17.7254 36.4851 17.7328 36.4985 17.7403C36.5122 17.7481 36.5257 17.7562 36.5391 17.7646C36.5528 17.7732 36.5664 17.7821 36.5797 17.7913C36.5934 17.8008 36.607 17.8105 36.6203 17.8206C36.634 17.8311 36.6476 17.8419 36.6609 17.8531C36.6747 17.8646 36.6882 17.8766 36.7015 17.8889C36.7154 17.9017 36.7289 17.9148 36.7421 17.9284C36.7561 17.9426 36.7695 17.9574 36.7827 17.9725C36.7967 17.9885 36.8102 18.005 36.8233 18.0219C36.8374 18.0401 36.8509 18.0587 36.8639 18.0779C36.8781 18.0989 36.8917 18.1205 36.9045 18.1426C36.919 18.1675 36.9325 18.1932 36.9451 18.2196C36.96 18.2508 36.9736 18.283 36.9857 18.3161C37.002 18.3606 37.0156 18.4067 37.0263 18.4544C37.0449 18.5369 37.0549 18.6238 37.0549 18.7145C37.0549 18.8057 37.0449 18.893 37.0263 18.9758C37.0156 19.0235 37.002 19.0698 36.9857 19.1143C36.9736 19.1476 36.96 19.1798 36.9451 19.2111C36.9325 19.2375 36.919 19.2632 36.9045 19.2882C36.8917 19.3103 36.8782 19.3319 36.8639 19.3529C36.8509 19.3721 36.8374 19.3908 36.8233 19.409C36.8102 19.4259 36.7967 19.4423 36.7827 19.4584C36.7695 19.4734 36.756 19.4881 36.7421 19.5024C36.7289 19.516 36.7153 19.5291 36.7015 19.5419C36.6882 19.5541 36.6747 19.566 36.6609 19.5775C36.6476 19.5886 36.6341 19.5995 36.6203 19.6099C36.607 19.62 36.5934 19.6297 36.5797 19.6391C36.5664 19.6483 36.5528 19.6572 36.5391 19.6657C36.5257 19.674 36.5122 19.6821 36.4985 19.6898C36.4851 19.6974 36.4716 19.7046 36.4579 19.7116C36.4445 19.7184 36.431 19.7249 36.4173 19.7312C36.4039 19.7373 36.3903 19.7432 36.3767 19.7488C36.3632 19.7542 36.3497 19.7595 36.3361 19.7644C36.3227 19.7692 36.3091 19.7738 36.2955 19.7781C36.282 19.7824 36.2685 19.7863 36.2549 19.7901C36.2414 19.7937 36.2279 19.7971 36.2143 19.8003L36.1982 19.8039C36.1909 19.8056 36.1826 19.8073 36.1737 19.8089C36.1613 19.8111 36.1476 19.8132 36.1331 19.8152C36.1201 19.8169 36.1064 19.8186 36.0925 19.8202C36.0792 19.8217 36.0656 19.823 36.0519 19.8243C36.0383 19.8255 36.0246 19.8266 36.0113 19.8276C35.9973 19.8286 35.9837 19.8295 35.9707 19.8301C35.9563 19.8309 35.9426 19.8314 35.9301 19.8317L35.9083 19.832H35.8895H35.8489H35.8083H35.7677H35.7271H35.6864H35.6459H35.6053H35.5646H35.5241H35.4835H35.4428H35.4023H35.3617H35.321H35.2805H35.2399H35.1992H35.1586H35.1181H35.0774H35.0368H34.9963H34.9556H34.915H34.8745H34.8338H34.7932H34.7527H34.712H34.6714H34.6308H34.5902H34.5496H34.509H34.4684H34.4278H34.3872H34.3466H34.306H34.2654H34.2248H34.1842H34.1436H34.103H34.0624H34.0218H33.9812H33.9406H33.9H33.8594H33.8188H33.7782H33.7376H33.697H33.6564H33.6158H33.5752H33.5346H33.494H33.473V17.5973ZM36.7423 15.0681C36.7586 15.1431 36.7673 15.2226 36.7673 15.3062C36.7673 15.3898 36.7586 15.4691 36.7423 15.5441C36.7318 15.5923 36.7181 15.6385 36.7016 15.6829C36.6896 15.7153 36.676 15.7467 36.661 15.7769C36.6485 15.8023 36.6349 15.8269 36.6204 15.8508C36.6076 15.8718 36.594 15.8923 36.5798 15.9122C36.5668 15.9303 36.5533 15.9478 36.5392 15.9649C36.5261 15.9807 36.5126 15.9961 36.4986 16.0
d="M8.1377 19.0723V8.61115C8.1377 8.31608 8.16772 8.02805 8.22476 7.74998C8.23702 7.69027 8.25061 7.63111 8.26532 7.57235C8.27791 7.52203 8.29147 7.47212 8.30584 7.42254C8.31867 7.37836 8.3322 7.33451 8.34637 7.29093C8.35936 7.25105 8.37279 7.21133 8.38692 7.17196C8.40001 7.13553 8.41341 7.09931 8.42744 7.06336C8.44054 7.02974 8.45407 6.99623 8.468 6.96302C8.48116 6.93171 8.49466 6.9006 8.50852 6.8697C8.52172 6.84032 8.53525 6.81118 8.54904 6.78217C8.56224 6.75445 8.57583 6.72694 8.5896 6.69956C8.60283 6.67326 8.61636 6.64717 8.63012 6.62121C8.64338 6.59617 8.65691 6.5713 8.67064 6.54656C8.68394 6.52261 8.69744 6.49879 8.7112 6.47513C8.72453 6.45216 8.73796 6.42925 8.75172 6.40655C8.76505 6.38459 8.77858 6.3628 8.79228 6.34112C8.80554 6.32011 8.81917 6.29923 8.8328 6.27846C8.84616 6.25813 8.85963 6.23787 8.87332 6.21777C8.88679 6.19805 8.90011 6.17836 8.91388 6.15888C8.92717 6.14007 8.94081 6.1215 8.9544 6.1029C8.9678 6.0846 8.98129 6.06644 8.99496 6.04838C9.00839 6.03062 9.02178 6.01273 9.03548 5.99518C9.04881 5.97813 9.06244 5.96136 9.076 5.94452C9.0894 5.92788 9.10289 5.91131 9.11656 5.89487C9.12999 5.87871 9.14342 5.86258 9.15708 5.84662C9.17044 5.831 9.18404 5.81565 9.19764 5.80023C9.21107 5.78495 9.2245 5.7697 9.23816 5.75466C9.25152 5.73992 9.26512 5.72538 9.27868 5.71084C9.29211 5.69644 9.30561 5.68217 9.31924 5.66798C9.33267 5.65398 9.34613 5.63999 9.35976 5.62616C9.37316 5.61257 9.38675 5.59919 9.40032 5.5858C9.41381 5.57249 9.42717 5.55907 9.44084 5.54595C9.4542 5.53311 9.46783 5.52057 9.48136 5.5079C9.49486 5.49526 9.50825 5.48259 9.52192 5.47015C9.53531 5.45795 9.54891 5.44599 9.56244 5.43396C9.57594 5.422 9.58936 5.41 9.603 5.39821C9.61642 5.38659 9.62995 5.37517 9.64352 5.36372C9.65695 5.35237 9.67044 5.34101 9.68404 5.32983C9.69747 5.31878 9.71103 5.30784 9.7246 5.29693C9.73806 5.28612 9.75152 5.27541 9.76512 5.26477C9.77855 5.25423 9.79211 5.24383 9.80567 5.23346C9.81914 5.22319 9.83263 5.21296 9.8462 5.20286L9.88672 5.17311C9.90018 5.16332 9.91368 5.15359 9.92728 5.14397C9.9407 5.13445 9.95423 5.12503 9.9678 5.11567C9.98126 5.10635 9.99476 5.0971 10.0083 5.08795C10.0218 5.07891 10.0353 5.07 10.0489 5.06108C10.0623 5.05224 10.0758 5.04333 10.0894 5.03462C10.1028 5.02601 10.1164 5.01761 10.13 5.00914C10.1435 5.0007 10.1569 4.99216 10.1705 4.98389C10.1839 4.97573 10.1975 4.9678 10.211 4.95977C10.2245 4.95173 10.2379 4.94357 10.2516 4.93567C10.265 4.92791 10.2786 4.92049 10.2921 4.91287C10.3056 4.90524 10.319 4.89752 10.3326 4.89003C10.3461 4.88264 10.3596 4.87553 10.3732 4.86831C10.3867 4.86109 10.4001 4.85384 10.4137 4.84676C10.4271 4.83974 10.4407 4.83286 10.4542 4.82598L10.4948 4.80572C10.5083 4.79905 10.5217 4.79237 10.5353 4.78586C10.5488 4.77939 10.5623 4.77312 10.5758 4.76679C10.5894 4.76045 10.6028 4.75398 10.6164 4.74781C10.6298 4.74168 10.6434 4.73592 10.6569 4.72995C10.6704 4.72399 10.6839 4.71792 10.6974 4.71209C10.7109 4.70633 10.7245 4.70078 10.738 4.69515L10.7785 4.67848L10.819 4.66228L10.8596 4.64676C10.8731 4.64161 10.8865 4.63629 10.9001 4.63128C10.9135 4.62633 10.9272 4.62172 10.9407 4.61691C10.9542 4.6121 10.9676 4.60722 10.9812 4.60254L11.0217 4.58889L11.0623 4.57564C11.0758 4.5713 11.0892 4.56686 11.1028 4.56266C11.1162 4.55849 11.1298 4.55453 11.1433 4.55049C11.1568 4.54643 11.1703 4.54229 11.1839 4.53836C11.1973 4.53447 11.2109 4.53084 11.2244 4.52708L11.265 4.516C11.2784 4.51241 11.2919 4.50875 11.3055 4.50529C11.3189 4.50183 11.3325 4.49868 11.346 4.49536C11.3595 4.49204 11.373 4.48858 11.3866 4.4854C11.4 4.48225 11.4136 4.4793 11.4271 4.47628L11.4676 4.46741C11.4811 4.46449 11.4946 4.46154 11.5082 4.4588C11.5216 4.45609 11.5352 4.45358 11.5487 4.45097C11.5622 4.44836 11.5757 4.44565 11.5892 4.44318C11.6027 4.4407 11.6162 4.43847 11.6298 4.43613L11.6703 4.42935C11.6838 4.42718 11.6973 4.42485 11.7108 4.42278C11.7243 4.42071 11.7379 4.41898 11.7514 4.41705C11.7648 4.41515 11.7783 4.41312 11.7919 4.41133L11.8324 4.40621L11.873 4.40157C11.8865 4.40004 11.8999 4.39828 11.9135 4.39689C11.927 4.3955 11.9405 4.39448 11.954 4.39323L11.9946 4.38964C12.0081 4.38849 12.0216 4.38737 12.03
d="M19.8644 14.0838C19.8348 14.1079 19.8057 14.1321 19.7773 14.1567V8.61115C19.7773 8.31625 19.8074 8.02839 19.8644 7.75042C19.8766 7.69075 19.8902 7.63162 19.9049 7.57289C19.9175 7.52251 19.9311 7.47253 19.9455 7.42288C19.9583 7.37866 19.9718 7.33475 19.986 7.29114C19.999 7.25129 20.0124 7.21164 20.0265 7.17233C20.0396 7.1359 20.0531 7.09965 20.0671 7.06369C20.0802 7.03008 20.0937 6.99663 20.1076 6.96343C20.1208 6.93212 20.1343 6.90101 20.1481 6.87007C20.1613 6.84069 20.1749 6.81152 20.1887 6.78251C20.2019 6.75479 20.2154 6.72734 20.2292 6.69997C20.2424 6.67367 20.256 6.64758 20.2698 6.62159C20.283 6.59655 20.2966 6.57167 20.3103 6.54694C20.3236 6.52298 20.3371 6.49912 20.3508 6.47547C20.3642 6.4525 20.3776 6.42963 20.3914 6.40692C20.4047 6.385 20.4182 6.36321 20.4319 6.34156C20.4452 6.32048 20.4588 6.29964 20.4725 6.27883C20.4858 6.25847 20.4993 6.23824 20.513 6.21814C20.5264 6.19842 20.5398 6.1787 20.5535 6.15925C20.5668 6.14041 20.5805 6.12188 20.5941 6.10331C20.6074 6.08501 20.6209 6.06681 20.6346 6.04875C20.648 6.03096 20.6614 6.01314 20.6751 5.99558C20.6884 5.97854 20.7021 5.96173 20.7157 5.94489C20.7291 5.92825 20.7426 5.91168 20.7562 5.89528C20.7696 5.87908 20.7831 5.86295 20.7968 5.84699C20.8101 5.83141 20.8237 5.81602 20.8373 5.80064C20.8507 5.78539 20.8642 5.77007 20.8778 5.75499C20.8912 5.74025 20.9048 5.72568 20.9183 5.71115C20.9317 5.69678 20.9453 5.68251 20.9589 5.66832C20.9723 5.65432 20.9858 5.64033 20.9994 5.6265C21.0128 5.61295 21.0264 5.59956 21.0399 5.58618C21.0534 5.57286 21.0668 5.55944 21.0805 5.54629C21.0938 5.53345 21.1075 5.52091 21.121 5.50824C21.1345 5.4956 21.1479 5.48293 21.1616 5.47049C21.175 5.45829 21.1886 5.4463 21.2021 5.43427C21.2156 5.42227 21.229 5.41031 21.2426 5.39852C21.2561 5.38689 21.2696 5.37548 21.2832 5.36402C21.2966 5.35267 21.3101 5.34132 21.3237 5.3301C21.3372 5.31906 21.3507 5.30811 21.3642 5.29723C21.3777 5.28642 21.3912 5.27568 21.4048 5.26504C21.4182 5.25454 21.4318 5.24413 21.4453 5.23377C21.4588 5.2235 21.4723 5.21326 21.4858 5.20317C21.4993 5.19314 21.5128 5.18324 21.5264 5.17338C21.5399 5.16362 21.5534 5.15386 21.5669 5.14424C21.5804 5.13472 21.5939 5.12533 21.6075 5.11594C21.6209 5.10663 21.6344 5.09734 21.648 5.08819C21.6614 5.07914 21.675 5.07023 21.6886 5.06132C21.702 5.05244 21.7155 5.04356 21.7291 5.03486C21.7425 5.02625 21.7561 5.01785 21.7696 5.00937C21.7831 5.00094 21.7966 4.9924 21.8102 4.98413C21.8236 4.97593 21.8372 4.968 21.8507 4.95997C21.8642 4.95194 21.8776 4.94374 21.8912 4.93588C21.9046 4.92812 21.9183 4.92066 21.9318 4.91304C21.9453 4.90541 21.9587 4.89772 21.9723 4.89027C21.9857 4.88288 21.9993 4.87576 22.0128 4.86851C22.0263 4.86129 22.0398 4.85404 22.0534 4.84696L22.0939 4.82619L22.1345 4.80589C22.1479 4.79925 22.1614 4.79254 22.175 4.78603C22.1885 4.77956 22.202 4.77329 22.2156 4.76696C22.2291 4.76065 22.2425 4.75415 22.2561 4.74798C22.2695 4.74185 22.2831 4.73609 22.2966 4.73012C22.3101 4.72416 22.3236 4.71809 22.3372 4.71226C22.3506 4.7065 22.3641 4.70091 22.3777 4.69529L22.4182 4.67862C22.4317 4.67316 22.4452 4.6677 22.4588 4.66238C22.4722 4.6571 22.4858 4.65202 22.4993 4.64686C22.5128 4.64171 22.5262 4.63639 22.5398 4.63138C22.5533 4.62643 22.5669 4.62182 22.5804 4.61701C22.5939 4.6122 22.6073 4.60732 22.6209 4.60264C22.6344 4.59797 22.6479 4.59349 22.6615 4.58899L22.702 4.57574C22.7155 4.5714 22.729 4.56696 22.7425 4.56273C22.756 4.55856 22.7696 4.55463 22.7831 4.5506C22.7966 4.54653 22.8101 4.54236 22.8236 4.53843C22.8371 4.53453 22.8506 4.53091 22.8641 4.52715L22.9047 4.51607C22.9182 4.51247 22.9317 4.50881 22.9452 4.50536C22.9587 4.50194 22.9722 4.49872 22.9857 4.4954C22.9992 4.49208 23.0127 4.48862 23.0263 4.48543C23.0398 4.48228 23.0533 4.47933 23.0668 4.47632L23.1074 4.46744C23.1209 4.46456 23.1343 4.46158 23.1479 4.45883C23.1614 4.45609 23.1749 4.45361 23.1885 4.45101C23.202 4.4484 23.2154 4.44565 23.229 4.44318L23.2695 4.43613L23.3101 4.42939C23.3236 4.42718 23.337 4.42485 23.3506 4.42278C23.3641 4.42071 23.3776 4.41898 23.3911 4.41705C23.4046 4.41515 23.4181 4.41316 23.4317 4.41136L23.4722 4.40624L23.5127 4.40157C23.5263 4
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