
135 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* External dependencies
import { getAdminLink } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings';
* Get the full URL if a relative path is passed.
* @param {string} url URL
* @return {string} Full URL
export const getFullUrl = ( url ) => {
const { origin, pathname, search } = window.location;
if ( url.indexOf( '#' ) === 0 ) {
return origin + pathname + search + url;
if ( url.indexOf( 'http' ) === 0 ) {
return url;
return origin + url;
* Get a match score for a menu item given a location.
* @param {Object} location Window location
* @param {string} itemUrl URL to compare
* @param {string} itemExpression Custom match expression
* @return {number} Number of matches or 0 if not matched.
export const getMatchScore = ( location, itemUrl, itemExpression = null ) => {
if ( ! itemUrl ) {
const fullUrl = getFullUrl( itemUrl );
const { href } = location;
// Return highest possible score for exact match.
if ( fullUrl === href ) {
return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
const defaultExpression = getDefaultMatchExpression( fullUrl );
const regexp = new RegExp( itemExpression || defaultExpression, 'i' );
return ( decodeURIComponent( href ).match( regexp ) || [] ).length;
* Get a default expression to match the path and provided params.
* @param {string} url URL to match.
* @return {string} Regex expression.
export const getDefaultMatchExpression = ( url ) => {
const escapedUrl = url.replace( /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/gi, '\\$&' );
const [ path, args, hash ] = escapedUrl.split( /\\\?|#/ );
const hashExpression = hash ? `(.*#${ hash }$)` : '';
const argsExpression = args
? args.split( '&' ).reduce( ( acc, param ) => {
return `${ acc }(?=.*[?|&]${ param }(&|$|#))`;
}, '' )
: '';
return '^' + path + argsExpression + hashExpression;
* Adds a listener that runs on history change.
* @param {Function} listener Listener to add on history change.
* @return {Function} Function to remove listeners.
export const addHistoryListener = ( listener ) => {
// Monkey patch pushState to allow trigger the pushstate event listener.
if ( ! window.wcNavigation.historyPatched ) {
( ( history ) => {
/* global CustomEvent */
const pushState = history.pushState;
const replaceState = history.replaceState;
history.pushState = function ( state ) {
const pushStateEvent = new CustomEvent( 'pushstate', {
} );
window.dispatchEvent( pushStateEvent );
return pushState.apply( history, arguments );
history.replaceState = function ( state ) {
const replaceStateEvent = new CustomEvent( 'replacestate', {
} );
window.dispatchEvent( replaceStateEvent );
return replaceState.apply( history, arguments );
window.wcNavigation.historyPatched = true;
} )( window.history );
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', listener );
window.addEventListener( 'pushstate', listener );
window.addEventListener( 'replacestate', listener );
return () => {
window.removeEventListener( 'popstate', listener );
window.removeEventListener( 'pushstate', listener );
window.removeEventListener( 'replacestate', listener );
* Get the closest matching item.
* @param {Array} items An array of items to match against.
export const getMatchingItem = ( items ) => {
let matchedItem = null;
let highestMatchScore = 0;
items.forEach( ( item ) => {
const score = getMatchScore(
getAdminLink( item.url ),
if ( score > 0 && score >= highestMatchScore ) {
highestMatchScore = score;
matchedItem = item;
} );
return matchedItem || null;