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/* eslint-disable no-console */
const inquirer = require( 'inquirer' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const childProcess = require( 'child_process' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
* Utility to run a child script
* @typedef {NodeJS.ProcessEnv} Env
* @param {string} script Script to run.
* @param {string=} cwd Working directory.
* @param {Env=} env Additional environment variables to pass to the script.
function runShellScript( script, cwd, env = {} ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
env: {
NO_CHECKS: 'true',
PATH: process.env.PATH,
HOME: process.env.HOME,
USER: process.env.USER,
function ( error, stdout, stderr ) {
if ( error ) {
console.log( stdout ); // Sometimes the error message is thrown via stdout.
console.log( stderr );
reject( error );
} else {
resolve( true );
} );
* Small utility used to read an uncached version of a JSON file
* @param {string} fileName
function readJSONFile( fileName ) {
const data = fs.readFileSync( fileName, 'utf8' );
return JSON.parse( data );
* Asks the user for a confirmation to continue or abort otherwise.
* @param {string} message Confirmation message.
* @param {boolean} isDefault Default reply.
* @param {string} abortMessage Abort message.
async function askForConfirmation(
isDefault = true,
abortMessage = 'Aborting.'
) {
const { isReady } = await inquirer.prompt( [
type: 'confirm',
name: 'isReady',
default: isDefault,
] );
if ( ! isReady ) {
chalk.log( chalk.bold.red( '\n' + abortMessage ) );
process.exit( 1 );
* Scans the given directory and returns an array of file paths.
* @param {string} dir The path to the directory to scan.
* @return {string[]} An array of file paths.
function getFilesFromDir( dir ) {
if ( ! fs.existsSync( dir ) ) {
console.log( 'Directory does not exist: ', dir );
return [];
return fs
.readdirSync( dir, { withFileTypes: true } )
.filter( ( dirent ) => dirent.isFile() )
.map( ( dirent ) => path.join( dir, dirent.name ) );
* A logging helper for printing steps and their substeps.
* @param {number} indent Value to indent the log.
* @param {any} msg Message to log.
* @param {...any} args Rest of the arguments to pass to console.log.
function logAtIndent( indent, msg, ...args ) {
const prefix = indent === 0 ? '▶ ' : '> ';
const newline = indent === 0 ? '\n' : '';
return console.log(
newline + ' '.repeat( indent ) + prefix + msg,
* Sanitizes branch name to be used in a path or a filename.
* @param {string} branch
* @return {string} Sanitized branch name.
function sanitizeBranchName( branch ) {
return branch.replace( /[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, '-' );
* Computes the median number from an array numbers.
* @param {number[]} array
* @return {number|undefined} Median value or undefined if array empty.
function median( array ) {
if ( ! array || ! array.length ) return undefined;
const numbers = [ ...array ].sort( ( a, b ) => a - b );
const middleIndex = Math.floor( numbers.length / 2 );
if ( numbers.length % 2 === 0 ) {
return ( numbers[ middleIndex - 1 ] + numbers[ middleIndex ] ) / 2;
return numbers[ middleIndex ];
module.exports = {