additionalFields: AdditionalValues;// Additional fields values that are collected on Checkout.
calculatingCount: number;// If any of the totals, taxes, shipping, etc need to be calculated, the count will be increased here
customerId: number;// This is the ID of the customer the draft order belongs to.
customerPassword: string;// Customer password for account creation, if applicable.
extensionData: Record<string,Record<string,unknown>>;// Custom checkout data passed to the store API on processing.
hasError: boolean;// True when the checkout is in an error state. Whatever caused the error (validation/payment method) will likely have triggered a notice.
orderId: number;// This is the ID for the draft order if one exists.
orderNotes: string;// Order notes introduced by the user in the checkout form.
prefersCollection?: boolean|undefined;// If customer wants to checkout with a local pickup option.
redirectUrl: string;// This is the url that checkout will redirect to when it's ready.
shouldCreateAccount: boolean;// Should a user account be created?
status: STATUS;// Status of the checkout
useShippingAsBilling: boolean;// Should the billing form be hidden and inherit the shipping address?