Changelog for #13815
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@ -161,68 +161,8 @@ Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](
== Changelog ==
= 3.0.0 - 2017-04-04 =
* New gallery on single product pages with better mobile support, using PhotoSwipe and Zoom. Declare support with add_theme_support() - wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider
* Made the store notice dismissible on the frontend.
* Variable products no longer show striked out prices in combination with ranges for clarity when on sale.
* Prices no longer display as 'free' instead of 0, to fix issues with ranges and localization and for consistency.
* Improved structured product data by using JSON-LD instead of inline Microdata.
* Improved downloads list layout (template file).
* Respect stock status and prevent the "out of stock threshold" setting affecting existing in-stock products.
* Improved handling of shop page rewrite rules to allow subpages.
* Redirect to login after password reset.
* When using authorizations in PayPal Standard, automatically capture funds when the order goes processing/completed.
* On multisite, when a user logs into a store with an account on a site, but not the current site, rather than error, add the user to the current site as a customer.
* Show variable weights/dimensions even when parent values are not set.
* Automatically sort tax rates rather than allow clunky manual sorting.
* When deleting a tax rate class, remove it's tax rates.
* Made WC_Logger pluggable via wc_get_logger function.
* Use 'average rating' post meta for 'rating' product sorting option.
* Show better labels in nav menus metabox.
* Sort “Recently Viewed” products by the view order.
* Removed internal scroll from log viewer.
* Add reply-to to admin emails.
* Improved the zone setup flow.
* Made wc_get_wildcard_postcodes return the orignal postcode plus * since wildcards should match empty strings too.
* Use all paid statuses in $customer->get_total_spent().
* Move location of billing email field to work with password managers.
* Option to restrict selling locations by country.
* Added tool to clear orphaned variations in system status.
* Remove checkbox options in system status tools and replace with constants.
* Added security section in system status report.
* Add image_url setting to PayPal Standard.
* Fixed attribute registration. Attributes are non-hierarchical by default (parent is not supported).
* Add sort parameter to checkout fields to aid with sorting per locale.
* Merged percent and percent product coupon types (they provide the same discount).
* Prevent payment details being cleared after update_checkout events.
* Performance - Converted _featured and _visibility meta data to terms for faster catalog queries. Upgrade routine handles migration. Developers may need to update queries to reflect this change.
* Includes product attributes archives links in "Additional Information" tab.
* Select2 has been upgraded to v4.
* Improved logging system for extensions.
* Tax suffix is now hidden on non-taxable products.
* Performance - Converted rating filters to visibility terms.
* Performance - Added visibility term for outofstock products to speed those queries up also.
* Performance - Introduced a new CRUD (create, read, update, delete) system for Products, Orders, Customers and Shipping Zones.
* Performance - Optimised variable product sync. Upper/lower price meta is no longer stored, just the main prices, if a child has weight, and if a child has dimensions.
* Performance - Removed WP_Query from up-sells.php and related.php and replaced with PHP foreach loop (since we already have the product IDs).
* Performance - Removed the feature where old orders get access to new downloads on product edit. Looping potentially thousands of orders to do this is too much of a performance burden for stores and this can sometimes be unexpected behavior too. This does however updates *edited* downloads.
* Performance - Removed 'items' column on orders screen due to loading excessive data.
* Performance - Deferred email sending for faster checkouts. Now uses CRON.
* API - New Rest API v2 with support for meta_data amongst other things.
* API - Removed last order from customers part of the API due to performance concerns - use orders endpoint instead. Other order data on the endpoint is now transient cached.
* API - Allow oAuth1.0a authentication using headers.
* API - New Shipping Zones endpoints.
* API - New variations endpoints.
* API - New settings endpoints.
* API - Payment gateways and shipping methods endpoints.
* API - Prevented the (broken) ability to manipulate variations directly on the products endpoints.
* CLI - New CLI which uses the REST API endpoints rather than it's own functions.
* Localization - Improved RTL support.
* Localization - Added a language independent permalink setting function.
* Localization - Added inline comments for placeholder strings.
* Localization - Added Nigerian and Pakistan Provinces to i18n/state.
* Localization - US and Poland postcode validation.
* To read more about this release, see our dev blog announcement here:
= 3.1.0 - 2017-xx-xx =
* Included WooCommerce endpoints as options nav menu settings on Customize.
[See changelog for all versions](
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