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Mike Jolley 2016-07-20 13:37:10 +01:00
parent d17b4de6d5
commit 1ba402aa4f
1 changed files with 2 additions and 139 deletions

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@ -158,145 +158,8 @@ Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](
== Changelog ==
= 2.6.4 - xx/xx/16 =
* Fix - Shipping method title display in COD settings.
= 2.6.3 - 19/07/16 =
* Fix - Security - Escape captions in product-thumbnail and product-image templates (template versions have been bumped).
* Fix - Fixed how we calculate shipping tax rates when using more than one tax class.
* Fix - When duplicating product variations, set title, name, and guid.
* Fix - Normalized 'read more' buttons.
* Fix - Add to cart notices for grouped products.
* Fix - Do not sanitize passwords in the settings API.
* Fix - Handle shipping zone location range conversion during update (dashes to ...).
* Fix - Always remove commas while processing flat rate costs.
* Fix - Ensures account page layout is only applied to desktop-sized displays.
* Fix - When getting layered nav counts, take search parameters into consideration.
* Fix - Free shipping show/hide javascript.
* Fix - Strip hash characters when exporting reports.
* Fix - Use permission id to revoke access to downloads to prevent removing wrong rows.
* Fix - When duplicating product variations, set title, name, and guid.
* Fix - Set more appropriate default rounding precision based on currency decimal places.
* Fix - Fix message styles for empty carts.
* Fix - Fixed the load of the WC_Email_Customer_On_Hold_Order class.
* Fix - Don't perform cart update on search submit.
* Dev - API - Added support for WP REST API with custom URL prefixes.
* Dev - API - Delete variations when deleting a variable product.
* Dev - API - Fixed how we check for product types.
* Dev - Added woocommerce_cart_id filter.
* Dev - Add shortcode name param to shortcode_atts function calls.
* Dev - Post custom data when fetching a variation via ajax.
* Dev - Include child prices in grouped_price_html filter.
* Dev - Allow filtering of variation stock quantity.
* Dev - Added $_product argument to 'woocommerce_restock_refunded_item' hook.
* Dev - Added a filter hook for the wc_ajax endpoint url.
* Tweak - Include account page link in new customer account emails.
* Tweak - Updated all URLs from to
* Tweak - Cache the result of WC_Comments::wp_count_comments() in a transient (improves performance).
= 2.6.2 - 30/06/16 =
* Fix - Set max index length on woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta table for utf8mb4 support.
* Fix - is_available check for legacy shipping methods.
* Fix - wc_add_to_cart_message() when non-array is passed.
* Fix - Maximum coupon check should allow the 'maximum' value.
* Fix - Product coupon logic to avoid applying non-applicable coupons.
* Fix - Potential notices when leaving out 'default' field for shipping instances.
* Fix - wp_cache_flush after term meta migration/update.
* Fix - wc_add_to_cart_message() when non-array is passed.
* Fix - woocommerce_redirect_single_search_result type check was incorrect.
* Fix - Javascript show/hide of option in free shipping method.
* Fix - Convert ellipsis to three periods when saving postcodes.
* Fix - Prevent get_terms returning duplicates.
* Fix - Removed non-existent country (Netherlands Antilles) from
* Fix - Grouped product range display when child is free.
* Fix - Remove discount when checking free shipping min amount.
* Fix - Prevent blocking the same element multiple times on cart page.
* Fix - Don't sync ratings right after a new comment to prevent rating sync whilst rating meta does not exist yet.
* Fix - Fix product RSS feeds when using shop base.
* Fix - woocommerce_local_pickup_methods comparison by stripping instance IDs before the check.
* Fix - During password resets, use cookie to store reset key and user login to avoid them being exposed in the URL/referer headers.
* Dev - API - Fixed variable product stock at product level.
* Dev - CLI - Introduces `woocommerce_cli_get_product_variable_types` filter.
* Dev - Allow notices to be grouped on checkout after certain events.
* Dev - API - Allows save images by ID with product variations.
* Tweak - Made customer pay link display if order needs_payment() rather than checking pending status.
* Tweak - Zones - Wording clarifications.
* Tweak - Zones - Match zones with postcodes but no country.
* Tweak - Zones - Match zones with no regions as 'everywhere'.
* Tweak - Added view_admin_dashboard cap for disabling the admin access restriction in custom roles.
* Tweak - Revised stock display based on feedback to hide 'in stock' message if stock management is off and only show available on backorder if notifying customer.
* Tweak - Allow external product SKUs.
* Tweak - PT (Portugal) and JP (Japan) postcode formats.
* Tweak - Sort products from the `[product_category]` shortcode by menu order.
* Tweak - Improve wc_orders_count() performance by running a query to count only posts of the given status.
* Tweak - To allow my account page tabs to be disabled without code, you can now set the endpoint value to a blank string.
= 2.6.1 - 16/06/16 =
* Fix - Added missing localized format for line taxes in orders screen to prevent total miscalculation in manual orders.
* Fix - Improved the hour and time fields validation pattern on the orders screen.
* Fix - PayPal does not allow free products, but paid shipping. Workaround by sending shipping as a line item if it is the only cost.
* Fix - SKUs prop on products shortcode.
* Fix - Layered nav counts when term_id does not match term_taxonomy_id (before splitting).
* Fix - Fixed referer links from cart messages in WP 4.4.
* Fix - Fix the showing/hiding of panels when terms do not exist by using wc_get_product_types() for retrieving product types.
* Dev - content-product.php and content-product_cat.php contained the wrong version.
* Dev - Show "matching zone" notice on the frontend when shipping debug mode is on.
* Dev - Restored missing WC_Settings_API::init_form_fields() method to prevent potential errors in 3rd party gateways.
* Dev - API - Fixed returned data from product images (changed `title` to `name`).
* Dev - API - Fixed products schema for `grouped_products`.
* Dev - API - Fixed products attribute options when contains `,`.
* Tweak - Hide 'payment methods' screen if no methods support it.
* Tweak - If shipping method count changes, reset to default.
* Tweak - Avoid normalization of zone postcodes so wildcard matching can be performed on postcodes with spaces. E.g. SP1 *
* Tweak - Allow max_fee in addition to min_fee in flat rate costs fields.
* Tweak - Wrap order_schema_markup() output in hidden div in case script tag is stripped.
= 2.6.0 - 14/06/16 =
* Feature - Introduced Shipping Zone functionality, and re-usable instance based shipping methods.
* Feature - Tabbed "My Account" area.
* Feature - Cart operations now use ajax (item quantities/remove, coupon apply/remove, shipping options).
* Feature - Layered nav; filter by rating.
* Feature - On-hold order emails.
* Dev - All new REST API based on the WP REST API. The old WC REST API is still available, but the new one is preferred.
* Dev - Added ability for shipping methods to store meta data to the order.
* Dev - Added Payment Gateway Tokenization API for storing and retrieving tokens in a standardized manner.
* Dev - Migrated custom term meta implementation to WP Term Meta.
* Dev - Added new wc_get_orders() function to get order objects and ids instead of direct get_posts() calls.
* Dev - Made coupon optional in cart has_discount() method.
* Dev - Made the review template more editable.
* Dev - Allowed product constructors to throw exceptions if invalid.
* Dev - Wrapped currency symbols in a span to allow styling or replacement.
* Fix - Update download permission user and email when changed.
* Fix - Fixed shipping method unregistration.
* Fix - Stopped create and update webhooks firing at the same time for products.
* Fix - Allow COD to set on-hold status if the order contains downloads.
* Fix - Force CURL to use TLS 1.2 for PayPal connections.
* Tweak - Improved lost password flow.
* Tweak - Show payment dates on order screen.
* Tweak - Ignore catalog visibility on products shortcode when specifying IDs or SKUs.
* Tweak - Added context to checkout error messages.
* Tweak - Added SKU field to grouped products.
* Tweak - Moved SKU field to inventory tab.
* Tweak - Support qty display in cart messages.
* Tweak - Hide min order amount field when not needed in shipping settings.
* Tweak - If shipping < 999.99, use 'shipping' arg when passing values to PayPal.
* Tweak - Show net sales on dashboard.
* Tweak - Replaced credit card icons with SVG.
* Tweak - Enqueue scripts on pages with checkout shortcodes.
* Tweak - Color code the manual, system and customer notes.
* Tweak - Layered Nav Refactoring to improve performance.
* Tweak - Removed tag/cat classes from loops since WP does the same.
* Tweak - Added hash check for orders so that if the cart changes before payment, a new order is made.
* Tweak - Removed unused 'view mode' under screen options.
* Tweak - Added 110 new currencies (including Bitcoin).
* Tweak - New background updater for data upgrades.
* Tweak - Blank slates in admin post screens.
* Tweak - Added blockui when variations are being retrieved via ajax.
* Tweak - Hide empty taxes by default (filterable).
* Tweak - Allow failed orders to be edited.
* Tweak - If there are no shipping methods setup, dont prompt for shipping at checkout.
* Tweak - Allowed country exclusion, rather than just inclusion, in sell to setting.
* Lots, lots more - [see the comparison here](
= 2.7.0 =
* Added Nigerian Provinces to i18n/state.
[See changelog for all versions](