Uninstall and reinstall WC

This commit is contained in:
Jon Lane 2023-09-06 14:37:18 -07:00
parent ad1920ca2e
commit 1f3a0962ff
1 changed files with 87 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,91 @@
const { site } = require( './utils' );
const { chromium, expect } = require( '@playwright/test' );
module.exports = async ( config ) => {
// If BASE_URL is configured, we can assume we're on CI
if ( process.env.API_BASE_URL ) {
await site.reset( process.env.USER_KEY, process.env.USER_SECRET );
const { baseURL, userAgent } = config.projects[ 0 ].use;
const contextOptions = { baseURL, userAgent };
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const setupContext = await browser.newContext( contextOptions );
const setupPage = await setupContext.newPage();
// If API_BASE_URL is configured and doesn't include localhost, running on daily
if (
process.env.API_BASE_URL &&
! process.env.API_BASE_URL.includes( 'localhost' )
) {
let adminLoggedIn = false;
console.log( '--------------------------------------' );
console.log( 'Running daily tests, resetting site...' );
console.log( '--------------------------------------' );
const adminRetries = 5;
for ( let i = 0; i < adminRetries; i++ ) {
try {
console.log( 'Trying to log-in as admin...' );
await setupPage.goto( '/wp-admin' );
await setupPage
.locator( 'input[name="log"]' )
.fill( process.env.USER_KEY );
await setupPage
.locator( 'input[name="pwd"]' )
.fill( process.env.USER_SECRET );
await setupPage.locator( 'text=Log In' ).click();
await expect( setupPage.locator( 'div.wrap > h1' ) ).toHaveText(
console.log( 'Logged-in as admin successfully.' );
adminLoggedIn = true;
} catch ( e ) {
`Admin log-in failed, Retrying... ${ i }/${ adminRetries }`
console.log( e );
if ( ! adminLoggedIn ) {
'Cannot proceed api test, as admin login failed. Please check if the test site has been setup correctly.'
process.exit( 1 );
await setupPage.goto( 'wp-admin/plugins.php' );
await expect( setupPage.locator( 'div.wrap > h1' ) ).toHaveText(
console.log( 'Deactivating WooCommerce Plugin...' );
await setupPage.locator( '#deactivate-woocommerce' ).click();
await expect( setupPage.locator( 'div#message' ) ).toHaveText(
'Plugin deactivated.Dismiss this notice.'
console.log( 'Deleting WooCommerce Plugin...' );
setupPage.on( 'dialog', ( dialog ) => dialog.accept() );
await setupPage.locator( '#delete-woocommerce' ).click();
await expect( setupPage.locator( '#woocommerce-deleted' ) ).toHaveText(
'WooCommerce was successfully deleted.'
console.log( 'Reinstalling WooCommerce Plugin...' );
await setupPage.goto( 'wp-admin/plugin-install.php' );
await setupPage.locator( '#search-plugins' ).type( 'woocommerce' );
await setupPage
.getByRole( 'link', {
name: /Install WooCommerce \d+\.\d+\.\d+ now/g,
} )
await setupPage.getByRole( 'link', { name: 'Activate' } ).click();
console.log( 'WooCommerce Re-installed.' );
await expect(
setupPage.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Welcome to Woo!' } )
// await site.reset( process.env.USER_KEY, process.env.USER_SECRET );