Add generic meta to custom table migrator class, to be used in meta to custom table migrations.

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@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
* Generic migration class to move any entity, entity_meta table combination to custom table.
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\DataBase\Migrations\CustomOrderTable;
* Class MetaToCustomTableMigrator.
* @package Automattic\WooCommerce\DataBase\Migrations\CustomOrderTable
class MetaToCustomTableMigrator {
* Config for tables being migrated and migrated from. See __construct() for detailed config.
* @var array
private $schema_config;
* Meta config, see __construct for detailed config.
* @var array
private $meta_column_mapping;
* Column mapping from source table to destination custom table. See __construct for detailed config.
* @var array
private $core_column_mapping;
* Placeholders that we will use in building $wpdb queries.
* @var string[]
private $wpdb_placeholder_for_type = array(
'int' => '%d',
'decimal' => '%f',
'string' => '%s',
'date' => '%s',
* MetaToCustomTableMigrator constructor.
* @param array $schema_config This parameters provides general but essential information about tables under migrations. Must be of the form-
* array(
* 'entity_schema' =>
* array (
* 'primary_id' => 'primary_id column name of source table',
* 'table_name' => 'name of the source table'.
* ),
* 'entity_meta_schema' =>
* array (
* 'meta_key_column' => 'name of meta_key column in source meta table',
* 'meta_value_column' => 'name of meta_value column in source meta table',
* 'table_name' => 'name of source meta table',
* ),
* 'destination_table' => 'name of destination custom table',
* 'entity_meta_relation' =>
* array (
* 'entity' => 'name of column in source table which is used in source meta table',
* 'meta' => 'name of column in source meta table which contains key of records in source table',
* )
* )
* ).
* @param array $meta_column_mapping Mapping information of keys in source meta table. Must be of the form:
* array(
* '$meta_key_1' => array( // $meta_key_1 is the name of meta_key in source meta table.
* 'type' => 'type of value, could be string/int/date/float',
* 'destination' => 'name of the column in column name where this data should be inserted in.',
* ),
* '$meta_key_2' => array(
* ......
* ),
* ....
* ).
* @param array $core_column_mapping Mapping of keys in source table, similar to meta_column_mapping param, must be of the form:
* array(
* '$source_column_name_1' => array( // $source_column_name_1 is column name in source table.
* 'type' => 'type of value, could be string/int/date/float.',
* 'destination' => 'name of the column in column name where this data should be inserted in.',
* ),
* '$source_column_name_2' => array(
* ......
* ),
* ....
* ).
public function __construct( $schema_config, $meta_column_mapping, $core_column_mapping ) {
// TODO: Add code to validate params.
$this->schema_config = $schema_config;
$this->meta_column_mapping = $meta_column_mapping;
$this->core_column_mapping = $core_column_mapping;
* Generate SQL for data insertion.
* @param array $batch Data to generate queries for. Will be 'data' array returned by `$this->fetch_data_for_migration()` method.
* @param string $insert_switch Insert command to use in generating queries, could be insert, insert_ignore, or replace.
* @return string Generated queries for insertion for this batch, would be of the form:
* INSERT/INSERT IGNORE/REPLACE INTO $table_name ($columns) values
* ($value for row 1)
* ($value for row 2)
* ...
public function generate_insert_sql_for_batch( $batch, $insert_switch ) {
global $wpdb;
// TODO: Add code to validate params.
$table = $this->schema_config['destination_table'];
switch ( $insert_switch ) {
case 'insert_ignore':
$insert_query = 'INSERT IGNORE';
case 'replace':
$insert_query = 'REPLACE';
case 'insert':
$insert_query = 'INSERT';
$columns = array();
$placeholders = array();
foreach ( array_merge( $this->core_column_mapping, $this->meta_column_mapping ) as $prev_column => $schema ) {
$columns[] = $schema['destination'];
$placeholders[] = $this->wpdb_placeholder_for_type[ $schema['type'] ];
$placeholders = "'" . implode( "', '", $placeholders ) . "'";
$values = array();
foreach ( array_values( $batch ) as $row ) {
$query_params = array();
foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
$query_params[] = $row[ $column ] ?? null;
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- $placeholders can only contain combination of placeholders described in $this->>wpdb_placeholder_for_type.
$value_string = '(' . $wpdb->prepare( $placeholders, $query_params ) . ')';
$values[] = $value_string;
$value_sql = implode( ',', $values );
$column_sql = implode( '`, `', $this->escape_backtick( $columns ) );
return "$insert_query INTO $table (`$column_sql`) VALUES $value_sql;"; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, -- $insert_query is hardcoded, $value_sql is already escaped.
* Fetch data for migration.
* @param string $where_clause Where conditions to use while selecting data from source table.
* @param string $batch_size Batch size, will be used in LIMIT clause.
* @param string $order_by Will be used in ORDER BY clause.
* @return array[] Data along with errors (if any), will of the form:
* array(
* 'data' => array(
* 'id_1' => array( 'column1' => value1, 'column2' => value2, ...),
* ...,
* ),
* 'errors' => array(
* 'id_1' => array( 'column1' => error1, 'column2' => value2, ...),
* ...,
* )
public function fetch_data_for_migration( $where_clause, $batch_size, $order_by ) {
global $wpdb;
// TODO: Add code to validate params.
$entity_table_query = $this->build_entity_table_query( $where_clause, $batch_size, $order_by );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Output of $this->build_entity_table_query is already prepared.
$entity_data = $wpdb->get_results( $entity_table_query );
if ( empty( $entity_data ) ) {
return array(
'data' => array(),
'errors' => array(),
$entity_ids = array_column( $entity_data, 'primary_key_id' );
$meta_table_query = $this->build_meta_data_query( $entity_ids );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Output of $this->build_meta_data_query is already prepared.
$meta_data = $wpdb->get_results( $meta_table_query );
return $this->process_and_sanitize_data( $entity_data, $meta_data );
* Helper method to build query used to fetch data from core source table.
* @param string $where_clause Where conditions to use while selecting data from source table.
* @param string $batch_size Batch size, will be used in LIMIT clause.
* @param string $order_by Will be used in ORDER BY clause.
* @return string Query that can be used to fetch data.
private function build_entity_table_query( $where_clause, $batch_size, $order_by ) {
global $wpdb;
$entity_table = $this->escape_backtick( $this->schema_config['entity_schema']['table_name'] );
$primary_id_column = $this->escape_backtick( $this->schema_config['entity_schema']['primary_id'] );
$entity_keys = $this->escape_backtick( array_keys( $this->core_column_mapping ) );
$entity_column_string = '`' . implode( '`, `', $entity_keys ) . '`';
// phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $entity_table, $primary_id_column and $entity_column_string is escaped for backticks. $where clause and $order_by should already be escaped.
$query = $wpdb->prepare(
SELECT `$primary_id_column` as primary_key_id, $entity_column_string FROM $entity_table WHERE $where_clause ORDER BY $order_by LIMIT %d;
// phpcs:enable
return $query;
* Helper method to escape backtick in column and table names.
* WP does not provide a method to escape table/columns names yet, but hopefully soon in @link
* @param string|array $identifier Column or table name.
* @return array|string|string[] Escaped identifier.
private function escape_backtick( $identifier ) {
return str_replace( '`', '``', $identifier );
* Helper method to build query that will be used to fetch data from source meta table.
* @param array $entity_ids List of IDs to fetch metadata for.
* @return string|void Query for fetching meta data.
private function build_meta_data_query( $entity_ids ) {
global $wpdb;
$meta_table = $this->escape_backtick( $this->schema_config['entity_meta_schema']['table_name'] );
$meta_keys = array_keys( $this->meta_column_mapping );
$meta_key_column = $this->escape_backtick( $this->schema_config['entity_meta_schema']['meta_key_column'] );
$meta_value_column = $this->escape_backtick( $this->schema_config['entity_meta_schema']['meta_value_column'] );
$meta_table_relational_key = $this->escape_backtick( $this->schema_config['entity_meta_relation']['meta'] );
$meta_column_string = implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $meta_keys ), '%s' ) );
$entity_id_string = implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $entity_ids ), '%d' ) );
// phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $meta_table_relational_key, $meta_key_column, $meta_value_column and $meta_table is escaped for backticks. $entity_id_string and $meta_column_string are placeholders.
$query = $wpdb->prepare(
SELECT `$meta_table_relational_key` as entity_id, `$meta_key_column` as meta_key, `$meta_value_column` as meta_value
FROM `$meta_table`
`$meta_table_relational_key` IN ( $entity_id_string )
AND `$meta_key_column` IN ( $meta_column_string );
// phpcs:enable
return $query;
* Helper function to validate and combine data before we try to insert.
* @param array $entity_data Data from source table.
* @param array $meta_data Data from meta table.
* @return array[] Validated and combined data with errors.
private function process_and_sanitize_data( $entity_data, $meta_data ) {
* TODO: Add more validations for:
* 1. Column size
* 2. Value limits
$sanitized_entity_data = array();
$error_records = array();
$this->process_and_sanitize_entity_data( $sanitized_entity_data, $error_records, $entity_data );
$this->processs_and_sanitize_meta_data( $sanitized_entity_data, $error_records, $meta_data );
return array(
'data' => $sanitized_entity_data,
'errors' => $error_records,
* Helper method to sanitize core source table.
* @param array $sanitized_entity_data Array containing sanitized data for insertion.
* @param array $error_records Error records.
* @param array $entity_data Original source data.
private function process_and_sanitize_entity_data( &$sanitized_entity_data, &$error_records, $entity_data ) {
foreach ( $entity_data as $entity ) {
$row_data = array();
foreach ( $this->core_column_mapping as $column_name => $schema ) {
$custom_table_column_name = $schema['destination'] ?? $column_name;
$value = $entity->$column_name;
$value = $this->validate_data( $value, $schema['type'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) {
$error_records[ $entity->primary_key_id ][ $custom_table_column_name ] = $value->get_error_message();
} else {
$row_data[ $custom_table_column_name ] = $value;
$sanitized_entity_data[ $entity->primary_key_id ] = $row_data;
* Helper method to sanitize soure meta data.
* @param array $sanitized_entity_data Array containing sanitized data for insertion.
* @param array $error_records Error records.
* @param array $meta_data Original source data.
private function processs_and_sanitize_meta_data( &$sanitized_entity_data, &$error_records, $meta_data ) {
foreach ( $meta_data as $datum ) {
$column_schema = $this->meta_column_mapping[ $datum->meta_key ];
$value = $this->validate_data( $datum->meta_value, $column_schema['type'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) {
$error_records[ $datum->entity_id ][ $column_schema['destination'] ] = $value->get_error_message();
} else {
$sanitized_entity_data[ $datum->entity_id ][ $column_schema['destination'] ] = $value;
* Validate and transform data so that we catch as many errors as possible before inserting.
* @param mixed $value Actual data value.
* @param string $type Type of data, could be decimal, int, date, string.
* @return float|int|mixed|string|\WP_Error
private function validate_data( $value, $type ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'decimal':
$value = (float) $value;
case 'int':
$value = (int) $value;
case 'date':
// TODO: Test this validation in unit tests.
try {
$value = ( new \DateTime( $value ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
return new \WP_Error( $e->getMessage() );
return $value;