Update docs and remove reference to internal components

This commit is contained in:
Paul Sealock 2018-12-11 11:27:32 +13:00
parent d79b490dda
commit 30289cd240
7 changed files with 20 additions and 220 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ const { parse, resolver } = require( 'react-docgen' );
const { getDescription, getProps, getTitle } = require( './lib/formatting' );
const {
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ deleteExistingDocs();
// Read components file to get a list of exported files, convert that to a list of absolute paths to public components.
const files = [
...getRealFilePaths( getExportedFileList( path.resolve( COMPONENTS_FOLDER, 'index.js' ) ) ),
...getRealFilePaths( getExportedFileList( path.resolve( PACKAGES_FOLDER, 'index.js' ) ), PACKAGES_FOLDER ),

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ const { namedTypes } = types;
const { camelCaseDash } = require( './formatting' );
const COMPONENTS_FOLDER = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../client/components/' );
const PACKAGES_FOLDER = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../packages/components/src/' );
const DOCS_FOLDER = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../docs/components/' );
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ function getMdFileName( filepath, absolute = true ) {
* @param { string } basePath The absolute path to the components directory.
* @return { array } Updated array with absolute paths to all files.
function getRealFilePaths( files, basePath = COMPONENTS_FOLDER ) {
function getRealFilePaths( files, basePath = PACKAGES_FOLDER ) {
return files.map( file => {
const fullPath = path.resolve( basePath, file );
@ -160,7 +159,6 @@ function writeTableOfContents( files ) {
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
`D3Chart` (component)
A simple D3 line and bar chart component for timeseries data in React.
### `className`
- Type: String
- Default: null
Additional CSS classes.
### `colorScheme`
- Type: Function
- Default: null
A chromatic color function to be passed down to d3.
### `data`
- Type: Array
- Default: `[]`
An array of data.
### `dateParser`
- Type: String
- Default: `'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'`
Format to parse dates into d3 time format
### `height`
- Type: Number
- Default: `200`
Height of the `svg`.
### `interval`
- Type: One of: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'
- Default: null
Interval specification (hourly, daily, weekly etc.)
### `margin`
- Type: Object
- bottom: Number
- left: Number
- right: Number
- top: Number
- Default: `{
bottom: 30,
left: 40,
right: 0,
top: 20,
Margins for axis and chart padding.
### `mode`
- Type: One of: 'item-comparison', 'time-comparison'
- Default: `'time-comparison'`
`items-comparison` (default) or `time-comparison`, this is used to generate correct
ARIA properties.
### `orderedKeys`
- Type: Array
- Default: null
The list of labels for this chart.
### `tooltipLabelFormat`
- Type: One of type: string, func
- Default: `'%B %d, %Y'`
A datetime formatting string or overriding function to format the tooltip label.
### `tooltipValueFormat`
- Type: One of type: string, func
- Default: `','`
A number formatting string or function to format the value displayed in the tooltips.
### `tooltipPosition`
- Type: One of: 'below', 'over'
- Default: `'over'`
The position where to render the tooltip can be `over` the chart or `below` the chart.
### `tooltipTitle`
- Type: String
- Default: null
A string to use as a title for the tooltip. Takes preference over `tooltipFormat`.
### `type`
- Type: One of: 'bar', 'line'
- Default: `'line'`
Chart type of either `line` or `bar`.
### `width`
- Type: Number
- Default: `600`
Width of the `svg`.
### `xFormat`
- Type: One of type: string, func
- Default: `'%Y-%m-%d'`
A datetime formatting string or function, passed to d3TimeFormat.
### `x2Format`
- Type: One of type: string, func
- Default: `''`
A datetime formatting string or function, passed to d3TimeFormat.
### `yFormat`
- Type: One of type: string, func
- Default: `'.3s'`
A number formatting string or function, passed to d3Format.
`Legend` (component)
A legend specifically designed for the WooCommerce admin charts.
### `className`
- Type: String
- Default: null
Additional CSS classes.
### `colorScheme`
- Type: Function
- Default: null
A chromatic color function to be passed down to d3.
### `data`
- **Required**
- Type: Array
- Default: null
An array of `orderedKeys`.
### `handleLegendToggle`
- Type: Function
- Default: null
Handles `onClick` event.
### `handleLegendHover`
- Type: Function
- Default: null
Handles `onMouseEnter`/`onMouseLeave` events.
### `legendDirection`
- Type: One of: 'row', 'column'
- Default: `'row'`
Display legend items as a `row` or `column` inside a flex-box.
### `itemsLabel`
- Type: String
- Default: null
Label to describe the legend items. It will be displayed in the legend of
comparison charts when there are many.
### `valueType`
- Type: String
- Default: null
What type of data is to be displayed? Number, Average, String?

View File

@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ The `path` parameter supplied by React-Router
The query string represented in object form
### `showDatePicker`
- Type: Boolean
- Default: `true`
Whether the date picker must be shown..
`AdvancedFilters` (component)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Function called when selected results change, passed result list.
### `type`
- **Required**
- Type: One of: 'products', 'product_cats', 'orders', 'customers', 'coupons', 'variations'
- Type: One of: 'products', 'product_cats', 'orders', 'customers', 'coupons', 'taxes', 'variations'
- Default: null
The object type to be used in searching.
@ -50,5 +50,12 @@ An array of objects describing selected values.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: `false`
Render tags inside input, otherwise render below input
Render tags inside input, otherwise render below input.
### `staticResults`
- Type: Boolean
- Default: `false`
Render results list positioned statically instead of absolutely.

View File

@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ A boolean used to show a highlight style on this number.
### `value`
- **Required**
- Type: One of type: number, string
- Default: null

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import { DateRange } from '@woocommerce/components';
import moment from 'moment';
const dateFormat = 'MM/DD/YYYY';
const MyDateRange = withState( {
after: wp.date.moment( '2018-09-10' ),
after: moment( '2018-09-10' ),
afterText: '09/10/2018',
before: wp.date.moment( '2018-09-20' ),
before: moment( '2018-09-20' ),
beforeText: '09/20/2018',
} )( ( { after, afterText, before, beforeText, setState } ) => {
function onUpdate( { after, afterText, before, beforeText } ) {