Added Wireit Dependency PNPM Hook

We can use a PNPM hook to make sure that the dependencies
are accounted for in the fingerprint. This script scans through
all of the packages with Wireit and adds the outputs for
linked dependencies.
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Allford 2023-11-01 14:55:51 -07:00
parent 5f606e4d8e
commit 4f4fb04e90
1 changed files with 238 additions and 0 deletions

.pnpmfile.cjs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
* External dependencies.
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'path' );
// A cache for package files so that we don't keep loading them unnecessarily.
const packageFileCache = {};
* Loads a package file or pull it from the cache.
* @param {string} packagePath The path to the package directory.
* @return {Object} The package file.
function loadPackageFile( packagePath ) {
if ( packageFileCache[ packagePath ] ) {
return packageFileCache[ packagePath ];
const packageFile = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync( path.join( packagePath, 'package.json' ), 'utf8' )
packageFileCache[ packagePath ] = packageFile;
return packageFile;
* Updates a package file on disk and in the cache.
* @param {string} packagePath The path to the package file to update.
* @param {Object} packageFile The new package file contents.
function updatePackageFile( packagePath, packageFile ) {
packageFileCache[ packagePath ] = packageFile;
path.join( packagePath, 'package.json' ),
JSON.stringify( packageFile, null, '\t' ),
* Gets the outputs for a given package.
* @param {string} packageFile The package file to read file outputs from.
* @return {Array.<string>} The globs describing the package's files.
function getPackageOutputs( packageFile ) {
// All of the outputs should be relative to the package's path instead of the monorepo root.
// This is how wireit expects the files to be configured.
const basePath = path.join( 'node_modules', );
// We're going to construct the package outputs according to the same rules that NPM follows when packaging.
const packageOutputs = [];
// Packages that explicitly declare their outputs have made this easy for us.
if ( packageFile.files ) {
// We're going to make the glob relative to the package directory instead of the dependency directory.
// To do this though, we need to transform the path a little bit.
for ( const fileGlob of packageFile.files ) {
let relativeGlob = fileGlob;
// Negation globs need to move the exclamation point to the beginning of the output glob.
let negation = relativeGlob.startsWith( '!' ) ? '!' : '';
if ( negation ) {
relativeGlob = relativeGlob.substring( 1 );
// Normalize leading slashes.
if ( relativeGlob.startsWith( '/' ) ) {
relativeGlob = relativeGlob.substring( 1 );
// Now we can construct a glob relative to the package directory.
packageOutputs.push( `${ negation }${ basePath }/${ relativeGlob }` );
} else {
// This is a VERY heavy-handed approach and will simply include every file in the package directory.
packageOutputs.push( `${ basePath }/**/*` );
// We can make this a little bit smarter by ignoring some common directories.
packageOutputs.push( `!${ basePath }/node_modules` );
packageOutputs.push( `!${ basePath }/.git` );
packageOutputs.push( `!${ basePath }/.svn` );
packageOutputs.push( `!${ basePath }/src` ); // We generally name our source directories "src" and don't need source files.
return packageOutputs;
* Checks to see if a package is linked and returns the path if it is.
* @param {string} packagePath The path to the package we're checking.
* @param {string} lockVersion The package version from the lock file.
* @return {string|false} Returns the linked package path or false if the package is not linked.
function isLinkedPackage( packagePath, lockVersion ) {
// We can parse the version that PNPM stores in order to get the relative path to the package.
// file: dependencies use a relative path with dependencies listed in parentheses after it.
// workspace: dependencies just store the relative path from the package itself.
const match = lockVersion.match( /^(?:file:|link:)([^<>:"|?*()]+)/i );
if ( ! match ) {
return false;
let relativePath = match[ 1 ];
// Linked paths are relative to the package instead of the monorepo.
if ( lockVersion.startsWith( 'link:' ) ) {
relativePath = path.join( packagePath, relativePath );
return relativePath;
* Gets the paths to any packages linked in the lock file.
* @param {string} packagePath The path to the package to check.
* @param {Object} lockPackage The package information from the lock file.
* @return {Array.<Object>} The linked package file keyed by the relative path to the package.
function getLinkedPackages( packagePath, lockPackage ) {
// Include both the dependencies and devDependencies in the list of packages to check.
const possiblePackages = Object.assign(
lockPackage.dependencies || {},
lockPackage.devDependencies || {}
// We need to check all of the possible packages and figure out whether or not they're linked.
const linkedPackages = {};
for ( const packageName in possiblePackages ) {
const linkedPackagePath = isLinkedPackage(
possiblePackages[ packageName ]
if ( ! linkedPackagePath ) {
// Load the linked package file and mark it as a dependency.
linkedPackages[ linkedPackagePath ] =
loadPackageFile( linkedPackagePath );
return Object.values( linkedPackages );
* Hooks up all of the dependency outputs as file dependencies for wireit to fingerprint them.
* @param {Object.<string, Object>} lockPackages The paths to all of the packages we're processing.
* @param {Object} context The hook context object.
* @param {Function.<string>} context.log Logs a message to the console.
function updateWireitDependencies( lockPackages, context ) {
context.log( '[wireit] Updating Dependency Lists' );
// Rather than using wireit for task orchestration we are going to rely on PNPM in order to provide a more consistent developer experience.
// In order to achieve this, however, we need to make sure that all of the dependencies are included in the fingerprint. If we don't, then
// changes in dependency packages won't invalidate the cache and downstream packages won't be rebuilt unless they themselves change. This
// is problematic because it means that we can't rely on the cache to be up to date and we'll have to rebuild everything every time.
for ( const packagePath in lockPackages ) {
const packageFile = loadPackageFile( packagePath );
// We only care about packages using wireit.
if ( ! packageFile.wireit ) {
context.log( `[wireit][${ }] Updating Configuration` );
// Only the packages that are linked need to be considered. The packages installed from the
// registry are already included in the fingerprint by their very nature. If they are
// changed then the lock file will be updated and the fingerprint will change too.
const linkedPackages = getLinkedPackages(
lockPackages[ packagePath ]
// In order to make maintaining the list easy we use a wireit-only script named "dependencies" to keep the list up to date.
// This is an automatically generated script and that we own and so we should make sure it's always as-expected.
packageFile.wireit.dependencies = {
// This is needed so we can reference files in `node_modules`.
allowUsuallyExcludedPaths: true,
// The files list will include globs for dependency files that we should fingerprint.
files: [],
// We're going to spin through all of the dependencies for the package and add
// their outputs to the list. We can then use these are file dependencies for
// wireit and it will fingerprint them for us.
for ( const linkedPackage of linkedPackages ) {
const packageOutputs = getPackageOutputs( linkedPackage );
packageFile.wireit.dependencies.files.push( ...packageOutputs );
`[wireit][${ }] Added '${ }' Outputs`
updatePackageFile( packagePath, packageFile );
context.log( '[wireit] Done' );
* This hook allows for the mutation of the lockfile before it is serialized.
* @param {Object} lockfile The lock file that was produced by PNPM.
* @param {string} lockfile.lockfileVersion The version of the lock file spec.
* @param {Object.<string, Object>} lockfile.importers The packages in the workspace that are included in the lock file, keyed by the relative path to the package.
* @param {Object} context The hook context object.
* @param {Function.<string>} context.log Logs a message to the console.
* @return {Object} lockfile The updated lockfile.
function afterAllResolved( lockfile, context ) {
updateWireitDependencies( lockfile.importers, context );
return lockfile;
// Note: The hook function names are important. They are used by PNPM when determining what functions to call.
module.exports = {
hooks: {