Product Collection: Make it compatible with filter blocks (

* Add support for filter blocks

This commit updates the `ProductCollection` block implementation to add support for filter blocks, including the Price filter, Attributes filter, Rating filter, and In stock filter.

The changes include:

1. Adding a new property `$attributes_filter_query_args` to store the query arguments related to the filter by attributes block.

2. Adding a new method `add_support_for_filter_blocks()` to enable support for filter blocks. This method sets the necessary asset data to enable filtering and refreshes the page when a filter is applied.

3. Adding new methods to handle specific filter queries, including `get_filter_by_price_query()`, `get_filter_by_attributes_query()`, `get_filter_by_stock_status_query()`, and `get_filter_by_rating_query()`. These methods generate the respective queries based on the applied filters.

4. Refactoring the `get_final_query_args()` method to include the newly added filter queries using the `get_queries_by_applied_filters()` method.

These changes enhance the functionality of the `ProductCollection` block by allowing users to filter products based on price, attributes, rating, and stock status.

* Go to first page when filters are updated

* Enhance ProductCollection block to support filter blocks

This commit enhances the ProductCollection block to support various filter blocks such as Price filter block, Attributes filter block, Rating filter block, and In stock filter block.

The `build_query` method has been refactored into two separate methods: `build_frontend_query` and `get_final_frontend_query` to make the code more modular and readable. The `add_support_for_filter_blocks` method has been modified to support the generation of product IDs for filter blocks.

The method `update_rest_query` has been renamed to `update_rest_query_in_editor` for better clarity and understanding of its function. Similarly, `get_final_query_args` has been refactored to include the `$is_exclude_applied_filters` parameter which helps in generating product IDs for the filter blocks.

Moreover, the filter hook `pre_render_block` has been added to support the filtering of blocks before they are rendered.

This update will enhance the user experience by providing more filtering options in the ProductCollection block.

* Remove changes related to redirect to 1st page
This commit is contained in:
Manish Menaria 2023-06-22 15:27:27 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent db45e85bc3
commit 697a6d0e49
1 changed files with 318 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,13 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
protected $valid_query_vars;
* All the query args related to the filter by attributes block.
* @var array
protected $attributes_filter_query_args = array();
* Orderby options not natively supported by WordPress REST API
@ -51,13 +58,20 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
// Update query for frontend rendering.
array( $this, 'build_query' ),
array( $this, 'build_frontend_query' ),
array( $this, 'add_support_for_filter_blocks' ),
// Update the query for Editor.
add_filter( 'rest_product_query', array( $this, 'update_rest_query' ), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'rest_product_query', array( $this, 'update_rest_query_in_editor' ), 10, 2 );
// Extend allowed `collection_params` for the REST API.
add_filter( 'rest_product_collection_params', array( $this, 'extend_rest_query_allowed_params' ), 10, 1 );
@ -69,7 +83,7 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
* @param array $args Query args.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Request.
public function update_rest_query( $args, $request ): array {
public function update_rest_query_in_editor( $args, $request ): array {
// Only update the query if this is a product collection block.
$is_product_collection_block = $request->get_param( 'isProductCollectionBlock' );
if ( ! $is_product_collection_block ) {
@ -96,24 +110,41 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
* Get final query args based on provided values
* Add support for filter blocks:
* - Price filter block
* - Attributes filter block
* - Rating filter block
* - In stock filter block etc.
* @param array $common_query_values Common query values.
* @param array $query Query from block context.
* @param array $pre_render The pre-rendered block.
* @param array $parsed_block The parsed block.
private function get_final_query_args( $common_query_values, $query ) {
$handpicked_products = $query['handpicked_products'] ?? [];
$orderby_query = $query['orderby'] ? $this->get_custom_orderby_query( $query['orderby'] ) : [];
$on_sale_query = $this->get_on_sale_products_query( $query['on_sale'] );
$stock_query = $this->get_stock_status_query( $query['stock_status'] );
$visibility_query = is_array( $query['stock_status'] ) ? $this->get_product_visibility_query( $stock_query ) : [];
$attributes_query = $this->get_product_attributes_query( $query['product_attributes'] );
$taxonomies_query = $query['taxonomies_query'] ?? [];
$tax_query = $this->merge_tax_queries( $visibility_query, $attributes_query, $taxonomies_query );
public function add_support_for_filter_blocks( $pre_render, $parsed_block ) {
$is_product_collection_block = $parsed_block['attrs']['query']['isProductCollectionBlock'] ?? false;
$merged_query = $this->merge_queries( $common_query_values, $orderby_query, $on_sale_query, $stock_query, $tax_query );
if ( ! $is_product_collection_block ) {
return $this->filter_query_to_only_include_ids( $merged_query, $handpicked_products );
$this->asset_data_registry->add( 'has_filterable_products', true, true );
* It enables the page to refresh when a filter is applied, ensuring that the product collection block,
* which is a server-side rendered (SSR) block, retrieves the products that match the filters.
$this->asset_data_registry->add( 'is_rendering_php_template', true, true );
$frontend_query = $this->get_final_frontend_query( $parsed_block['attrs']['query'], null, true );
// Override the query to get all products.
$fields_to_override = [
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'paged' => null,
$new_array = array_merge( $frontend_query, $fields_to_override );
$products = new \WP_Query( $new_array );
$product_ids = wp_list_pluck( $products->posts, 'ID' );
// Add the product ids to the asset data registry, so that filter blocks can use it.
$this->asset_data_registry->add( 'product_ids', $product_ids, true );
@ -125,7 +156,7 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
* @return array
public function build_query( $query, $block, $page ) {
public function build_frontend_query( $query, $block, $page ) {
// If not in context of product collection block, return the query as is.
$is_product_collection_block = $block->context['query']['isProductCollectionBlock'] ?? false;
if ( ! $is_product_collection_block ) {
@ -133,14 +164,26 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
$block_context_query = $block->context['query'];
$offset = $block_context_query['offset'] ?? 0;
$per_page = $block_context_query['perPage'] ?? 9;
return $this->get_final_frontend_query( $block_context_query, $page );
* Get the final query arguments for the frontend.
* @param array $query The query arguments.
* @param int $page The page number.
* @param bool $is_exclude_applied_filters Whether to exclude the applied filters or not.
private function get_final_frontend_query( $query, $page = 1, $is_exclude_applied_filters = false ) {
$offset = $query['offset'] ?? 0;
$per_page = $query['perPage'] ?? 9;
$common_query_values = array(
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(),
'posts_per_page' => $block_context_query['perPage'],
'order' => $block_context_query['order'],
'posts_per_page' => $query['perPage'],
'order' => $query['order'],
'offset' => ( $per_page * ( $page - 1 ) ) + $offset,
'post__in' => array(),
'post_status' => 'publish',
@ -148,25 +191,53 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_tax_query
'tax_query' => array(),
'paged' => $page,
's' => $block_context_query['search'],
'author' => $block_context_query['author'] ?? '',
's' => $query['search'],
'author' => $query['author'] ?? '',
$is_on_sale = $block_context_query['woocommerceOnSale'] ?? false;
$is_on_sale = $query['woocommerceOnSale'] ?? false;
$taxonomies_query = $this->get_filter_by_taxonomies_query( $query['tax_query'] ?? [] );
$handpicked_products = $block_context_query['woocommerceHandPickedProducts'] ?? [];
$handpicked_products = $query['woocommerceHandPickedProducts'] ?? [];
return $this->get_final_query_args(
$final_query = $this->get_final_query_args(
'on_sale' => $is_on_sale,
'stock_status' => $block_context_query['woocommerceStockStatus'],
'orderby' => $block_context_query['orderBy'],
'product_attributes' => $block_context_query['woocommerceAttributes'],
'stock_status' => $query['woocommerceStockStatus'],
'orderby' => $query['orderBy'],
'product_attributes' => $query['woocommerceAttributes'],
'taxonomies_query' => $taxonomies_query,
'handpicked_products' => $handpicked_products,
return $final_query;
* Get final query args based on provided values
* @param array $common_query_values Common query values.
* @param array $query Query from block context.
* @param bool $is_exclude_applied_filters Whether to exclude the applied filters or not.
private function get_final_query_args( $common_query_values, $query, $is_exclude_applied_filters = false ) {
$handpicked_products = $query['handpicked_products'] ?? [];
$orderby_query = $query['orderby'] ? $this->get_custom_orderby_query( $query['orderby'] ) : [];
$on_sale_query = $this->get_on_sale_products_query( $query['on_sale'] );
$stock_query = $this->get_stock_status_query( $query['stock_status'] );
$visibility_query = is_array( $query['stock_status'] ) ? $this->get_product_visibility_query( $stock_query ) : [];
$attributes_query = $this->get_product_attributes_query( $query['product_attributes'] );
$taxonomies_query = $query['taxonomies_query'] ?? [];
$tax_query = $this->merge_tax_queries( $visibility_query, $attributes_query, $taxonomies_query );
// We exclude applied filters to generate product ids for the filter blocks.
$applied_filters_query = $is_exclude_applied_filters ? [] : $this->get_queries_by_applied_filters();
$merged_query = $this->merge_queries( $common_query_values, $orderby_query, $on_sale_query, $stock_query, $tax_query, $applied_filters_query );
return $this->filter_query_to_only_include_ids( $merged_query, $handpicked_products );
@ -565,4 +636,220 @@ class ProductCollection extends AbstractBlock {
return $query;
* Return queries that are generated by query args.
* @return array
private function get_queries_by_applied_filters() {
return array(
'price_filter' => $this->get_filter_by_price_query(),
'attributes_filter' => $this->get_filter_by_attributes_query(),
'stock_status_filter' => $this->get_filter_by_stock_status_query(),
'rating_filter' => $this->get_filter_by_rating_query(),
* Return a query that filters products by price.
* @return array
private function get_filter_by_price_query() {
$min_price = get_query_var( PriceFilter::MIN_PRICE_QUERY_VAR );
$max_price = get_query_var( PriceFilter::MAX_PRICE_QUERY_VAR );
$max_price_query = empty( $max_price ) ? array() : [
'key' => '_price',
'value' => $max_price,
'compare' => '<',
'type' => 'numeric',
$min_price_query = empty( $min_price ) ? array() : [
'key' => '_price',
'value' => $min_price,
'compare' => '>=',
'type' => 'numeric',
if ( empty( $min_price_query ) && empty( $max_price_query ) ) {
return array();
return array(
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
* Return a query that filters products by attributes.
* @return array
private function get_filter_by_attributes_query() {
$attributes_filter_query_args = $this->get_filter_by_attributes_query_vars();
$queries = array_reduce(
function( $acc, $query_args ) {
$attribute_name = $query_args['filter'];
$attribute_query_type = $query_args['query_type'];
$attribute_value = get_query_var( $attribute_name );
$attribute_query = get_query_var( $attribute_query_type );
if ( empty( $attribute_value ) ) {
return $acc;
// It is necessary explode the value because $attribute_value can be a string with multiple values (e.g. "red,blue").
$attribute_value = explode( ',', $attribute_value );
$acc[] = array(
'taxonomy' => str_replace( AttributeFilter::FILTER_QUERY_VAR_PREFIX, 'pa_', $attribute_name ),
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $attribute_value,
'operator' => 'and' === $attribute_query ? 'AND' : 'IN',
return $acc;
if ( empty( $queries ) ) {
return array();
return array(
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
* Get all the query args related to the filter by attributes block.
* @return array
* [color] => Array
* (
* [filter] => filter_color
* [query_type] => query_type_color
* )
* [size] => Array
* (
* [filter] => filter_size
* [query_type] => query_type_size
* )
* )
private function get_filter_by_attributes_query_vars() {
if ( ! empty( $this->attributes_filter_query_args ) ) {
return $this->attributes_filter_query_args;
$this->attributes_filter_query_args = array_reduce(
function( $acc, $attribute ) {
$acc[ $attribute->attribute_name ] = array(
'filter' => AttributeFilter::FILTER_QUERY_VAR_PREFIX . $attribute->attribute_name,
'query_type' => AttributeFilter::QUERY_TYPE_QUERY_VAR_PREFIX . $attribute->attribute_name,
return $acc;
return $this->attributes_filter_query_args;
* Return a query that filters products by stock status.
* @return array
private function get_filter_by_stock_status_query() {
$filter_stock_status_values = get_query_var( StockFilter::STOCK_STATUS_QUERY_VAR );
if ( empty( $filter_stock_status_values ) ) {
return array();
$filtered_stock_status_values = array_filter(
explode( ',', $filter_stock_status_values ),
function( $stock_status ) {
return in_array( $stock_status, StockFilter::get_stock_status_query_var_values(), true );
if ( empty( $filtered_stock_status_values ) ) {
return array();
return array(
// Ignoring the warning of not using meta queries.
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_stock_status',
'value' => $filtered_stock_status_values,
'operator' => 'IN',
* Return a query that filters products by rating.
* @return array
private function get_filter_by_rating_query() {
$filter_rating_values = get_query_var( RatingFilter::RATING_QUERY_VAR );
if ( empty( $filter_rating_values ) ) {
return array();
$parsed_filter_rating_values = explode( ',', $filter_rating_values );
$product_visibility_terms = wc_get_product_visibility_term_ids();
if ( empty( $parsed_filter_rating_values ) || empty( $product_visibility_terms ) ) {
return array();
$rating_terms = array_map(
function( $rating ) use ( $product_visibility_terms ) {
return $product_visibility_terms[ 'rated-' . $rating ];
return array(
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery
'tax_query' => array(
'field' => 'term_taxonomy_id',
'taxonomy' => 'product_visibility',
'terms' => $rating_terms,
'operator' => 'IN',
'rating_filter' => true,