Add tests for tax display for the shopper (#40178)
* Add tests for tax display for the shopper * Add changelog * Renamed .spec file * Fixes for re-testability * Fix a locator problem --------- Co-authored-by: Jon Lane <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Significance: patch
Type: dev
Adds e2e tests for tax display in store, cart and checkout
@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
const { test, expect } = require( '@playwright/test' );
const wcApi = require( '@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api' ).default;
const { admin, customer } = require( '../../test-data/data' );
const productName = 'Taxed products are awesome';
const productPrice = '100.00';
const messyProductPrice = '13.47';
const secondProductName = 'Other products are also awesome';
let productId, productId2, nastyTaxId, seventeenTaxId, sixTaxId, countryTaxId, stateTaxId, cityTaxId, zipTaxId, shippingTaxId, shippingZoneId, shippingMethodId;
test.describe( 'Shopper Tax Display Tests', () => {
test.beforeAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'yes',
} );
await 'products', {
name: productName,
type: 'simple',
regular_price: productPrice,
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
productId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "US",
"state": "*",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "25",
"name": "Nasty Tax",
"shipping": false
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
nastyTaxId =;
} );
} );
test.beforeEach( async ( { page, context } ) => {
// Shopping cart is very sensitive to cookies, so be explicit
await context.clearCookies();
// all tests use the first product
await page.goto( `/shop/?add-to-cart=${ productId }`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' } );
} );
test.afterAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'excl'
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_price_display_suffix', {
value: '',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'no',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'itemized',
} );
await api.delete( `products/${ productId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ nastyTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
} );
test( 'checks that taxes are calculated properly on totals, inclusive tax displayed properly', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'incl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'incl'
} );
await test.step( 'Load shop page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/shop/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Shop' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Placeholder Taxed products are awesome $125.00' }).first() ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$125.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toHaveCount(2);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $125.00 (incl. tax)'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $125.00 (includes $25.00 Nasty Tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load checkout page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/checkout/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Checkout' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Taxed products are awesome × 1 $125.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $125.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $125.00 (includes $25.00 Nasty Tax)'} ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
test( 'checks that taxes are calculated and displayed correctly exclusive on shop, cart and checkout', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'excl'
} );
await test.step( 'Load shop page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/shop/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Shop' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Placeholder Taxed products are awesome $100.00' }).first() ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$100.00' } ) ).toHaveCount(3);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $100.00'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Tax $25.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $125.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load checkout page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/checkout/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Checkout' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await page.locator( '#billing_first_name' ).fill( );
await page.locator( '#billing_last_name' ).fill( );
await page.locator( '#billing_address_1' ).fill( );
await page.locator( '#billing_city' ).fill( );
await page.locator( '#billing_country' ).selectOption( );
await page.locator( '#billing_state' ).selectOption( );
await page.locator( '#billing_postcode' ).fill( );
await page.locator( '#billing_phone' ).fill( );
await page.locator( '#billing_email' ).fill( );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Taxed products are awesome × 1 $100.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $100.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Tax $25.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $125.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
test( 'checks that display suffix is shown', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_price_display_suffix', {
value: 'excluding VAT',
} );
await test.step( 'Load shop page and confirm price suffix display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/shop/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Shop' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Placeholder Taxed products are awesome $100.00 excluding VAT' }).first() ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
} );
test.describe( 'Shopper Tax Rounding', () => {
test.beforeAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'yes',
} );
await 'products', {
name: productName,
type: 'simple',
regular_price: messyProductPrice,
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
productId =;
} );
await 'products', {
name: secondProductName,
type: 'simple',
regular_price: messyProductPrice,
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
productId2 =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "US",
"state": "*",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "17",
"name": "Seventeen Tax",
"shipping": false,
"compound": true,
"priority": 1
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
seventeenTaxId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "US",
"state": "*",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "6",
"name": "Six Tax",
"shipping": false,
"compound": true,
"priority": 2
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
sixTaxId =;
} );
} );
test.beforeEach( async ( { page, context } ) => {
// Shopping cart is very sensitive to cookies, so be explicit
await context.clearCookies();
// all tests use the first product
await page.goto( `/shop/?add-to-cart=${ productId }`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' } );
await page.goto( `/shop/?add-to-cart=${ productId2 }`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' } );
await page.goto( `/shop/?add-to-cart=${ productId2 }`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' } );
} );
test.afterAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'excl'
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal', {
value: 'no',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'no',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'itemized'
} );
await api.delete( `products/${ productId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `products/${ productId2 }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ seventeenTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ sixTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
} );
test( 'checks rounding at subtotal level', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal', {
value: 'yes',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'single',
} );
await test.step( 'Load shop page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/shop/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Shop' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Placeholder Taxed products are awesome $13.47' }).first() ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$13.47' } ) ).toHaveCount(3);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $40.41'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Tax $9.71 ' } ) ).toBeVisible()
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $50.12 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
test( 'checks rounding off at subtotal level', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_shop', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal', {
value: 'no',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'itemized',
} );
await test.step( 'Load shop page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/shop/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Shop' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Placeholder Taxed products are awesome $13.47' }).first() ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$13.47' } ) ).toHaveCount(3);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $40.41'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Seventeen Tax $6.87 ' } ) ).toBeVisible()
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Six Tax $2.84 ' } ) ).toBeVisible()
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $50.12 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
} );
test.describe( 'Shopper Tax Levels', () => {
test.beforeAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'yes',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await 'products', {
name: productName,
type: 'simple',
regular_price: productPrice,
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
productId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "US",
"state": "*",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "10",
"name": "Country Tax",
"shipping": false,
"priority": 1
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
countryTaxId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "*",
"state": "CA",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "5",
"name": "State Tax",
"shipping": false,
"priority": 2
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
stateTaxId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "*",
"state": "*",
"cities": "Sacramento",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "2.5",
"name": "City Tax",
"shipping": false,
"priority": 3
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
cityTaxId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "*",
"state": "*",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "55555",
"rate": "1.25",
"name": "Zip Tax",
"shipping": false,
"priority": 4
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
zipTaxId =;
} );
} );
test.beforeEach( async ( { page, context } ) => {
// Shopping cart is very sensitive to cookies, so be explicit
await context.clearCookies();
// all tests use the first product
await page.goto( `/shop/?add-to-cart=${ productId }`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' } );
} );
test.afterAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'itemized'
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'excl',
} );
await api.delete( `products/${ productId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ countryTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ stateTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ cityTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ zipTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
} );
test( 'checks applying taxes of 4 different levels', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'itemized',
} );
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$100.00' } ) ).toHaveCount(3);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $100.00'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Country Tax $10.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'State Tax $5.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible()
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $115.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load checkout page and confirm taxes displayed', async() => {
await page.goto( '/checkout/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Checkout', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await page.getByLabel('First name *').first().fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Last name *').first().fill( );
await page.getByPlaceholder('House number and street name').first().fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Town / City *').first().pressSequentially( 'Sacramento' );
await page.getByLabel('ZIP Code *').first().pressSequentially( '55555' );
await page.getByLabel('Phone *').first().fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Email address *').first().fill( );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $100.00'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Country Tax $10.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'State Tax $5.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'City Tax $2.50' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Zip Tax $1.25' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $118.75 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
test( 'checks applying taxes of 2 different levels (2 excluded)', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_total_display', {
value: 'itemized',
} );
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$100.00' } ) ).toHaveCount(3);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $100.00'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Country Tax $10.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'State Tax $5.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible()
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $115.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load checkout page and confirm taxes displayed', async() => {
await page.goto( '/checkout/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Checkout', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await page.getByLabel('First name *').first().fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Last name *').first().fill( );
await page.getByPlaceholder('House number and street name').first().fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Town / City *').first().pressSequentially( );
await page.getByLabel('ZIP Code *').first().pressSequentially( );
await page.getByLabel('Phone *').first().fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Email address *').first().fill( );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $100.00'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Country Tax $10.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'State Tax $5.00' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'City Tax $2.50' } ) ).not.toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Zip Tax $1.25' } ) ).not.toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $115.00 ' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
} );
test.describe( 'Shipping Tax', () => {
test.beforeAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'yes',
} );
await 'products', {
name: productName,
type: 'simple',
regular_price: productPrice,
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
productId =;
} );
await 'taxes', {
"country": "US",
"state": "*",
"cities": "*",
"postcodes": "*",
"rate": "15",
"name": "Shipping Tax",
"shipping": true
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
shippingTaxId =;
} );
await 'shipping/zones', {
name: 'All',
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
shippingZoneId =;
} );
await `shipping/zones/${ shippingZoneId }/methods`, {
method_id: 'flat_rate',
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
shippingMethodId =;
} );
await api.put( `shipping/zones/${ shippingZoneId }/methods/${ shippingMethodId }`, {
settings: {
cost: '20.00',
} );
await api.put( 'payment_gateways/cod' , {
enabled: true
} );
await api.put( 'settings/tax/woocommerce_tax_display_cart', {
value: 'incl',
} );
} );
test.beforeEach( async ( { page, context } ) => {
// Shopping cart is very sensitive to cookies, so be explicit
await context.clearCookies();
// all tests use the first product
await page.goto( `/shop/?add-to-cart=${ productId }`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' } );
} );
test.afterAll( async ( { baseURL } ) => {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
consumerKey: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
version: 'wc/v3',
} );
await api.put( 'settings/general/woocommerce_calc_taxes', {
value: 'no',
} );
await api.delete( `products/${ productId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.delete( `taxes/${ shippingTaxId }`, {
force: true,
} );
await api.put( 'payment_gateways/cod' , {
enabled: false
} );
await api.delete( `shipping/zones/${ shippingZoneId }`, {
force: true,
} );
} );
test( 'checks that tax is applied to shipping as well as order', async ( { page, baseURL } ) => {
await test.step( 'Load cart page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/cart/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Cart', exact: true } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'cell', { name: '$115.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toHaveCount(2);
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $115.00 (incl. tax)'} ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Shipping Flat rate: $23.00 (incl. tax) Shipping to CA.' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $138.00 (includes $18.00 Shipping Tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
await test.step( 'Load checkout page and confirm price display', async() => {
await page.goto( '/checkout/' );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: 'Checkout' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'First name *' }).fill( );
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Last name *' }).fill( );
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Street address *' }).fill( );
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Town / City *' }).type( );
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'ZIP Code *' }).type( );
await page.getByLabel('Phone *').fill( );
await page.getByLabel('Email address *').fill( );
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Taxed products are awesome × 1 $115.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Subtotal $115.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Shipping Flat rate: $23.00 (incl. tax)' } ) ).toBeVisible();
await expect( page.getByRole( 'row', { name: 'Total $138.00 (includes $18.00 Shipping Tax)'} ) ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
} );
Reference in New Issue