Add github workflow to automatically enforce the code freeze.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Sadowski 2022-02-09 13:43:05 -06:00
parent f3927c786a
commit 757209ba37
4 changed files with 272 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
name: "Enforce release code freeze"
- cron: '0 16 * * 4' # Run at 1600 UTC on Thursdays.
name: "Maybe create next milestone and release branch"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Get the action script"
run: |
scripts="post-request-shared.php release-code-freeze.php"
for script in $scripts
curl \
--silent \
--fail \
--header 'Authorization: bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' \
--header 'User-Agent: GitHub action to enforce release code freeze' \
--header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw' \
--output $script \
--location "$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/${{ github.repository }}/contents/.github/workflows/scripts/$script?ref=$GITHUB_REF"
- name: "Install PHP"
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: '7.4'
- name: "Run the script to enforce the code freeze"
run: php release-code-freeze.php

View File

@ -9,73 +9,7 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/post-request-shared.php';
* Select the milestone to be added:
* 1. Get the first 10 milestones sorted by creation date descending.
* (we'll never have more than 2 or 3 active milestones but let's get 10 to be sure).
* 2. Discard those not open or whose title is not a proper version number ("X.Y.Z").
* 3. Sort descending using version_compare.
* 4. Get the oldest one that does not have a corresponding "release/X.Y" branch.
echo "Getting the list of milestones...\n";
$query = "
repository(owner:\"$repo_owner\", name:\"$repo_name\") {
milestones(first: 10, states: [OPEN], orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
nodes {
$json = do_graphql_api_request( $query );
$milestones = $json['data']['repository']['milestones']['nodes'];
$milestones = array_map(
function( $x ) {
return 1 === preg_match( '/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/D', $x['title'] ) ? $x : null;
$milestones = array_filter( $milestones );
function( $a, $b ) {
return version_compare( $b['title'], $a['title'] );
echo 'Latest open milestone: ' . $milestones[0]['title'] . "\n";
$chosen_milestone = null;
foreach ( $milestones as $milestone ) {
$milestone_title_parts = explode( '.', $milestone['title'] );
$milestone_release_branch = 'release/' . $milestone_title_parts[0] . '.' . $milestone_title_parts[1];
$query = "
repository(owner:\"$repo_owner\", name:\"$repo_name\") {
ref(qualifiedName: \"refs/heads/$milestone_release_branch\") {
$result = do_graphql_api_request( $query );
if ( is_null( $result['data']['repository']['ref'] ) ) {
$chosen_milestone = $milestone;
} else {
// If all the milestones have a release branch, just take the newest one.
if ( is_null( $chosen_milestone ) ) {
echo "WARNING: No milestone without release branch found, the newest one will be assigned.\n";
$chosen_milestone = $milestones[0];
$chosen_milestone = get_latest_milestone_from_api( true );
echo 'Milestone that will be assigned: ' . $chosen_milestone['title'] . "\n";

View File

@ -19,9 +19,184 @@ $repo_name = $repo_parts[1];
$pr_id = getenv( 'PULL_REQUEST_ID' );
$github_token = getenv( 'GITHUB_TOKEN' );
$github_api_url = getenv( 'GITHUB_API_URL' );
$graphql_api_url = getenv( 'GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL' );
* Function to get the latest milestone.
* @param bool $use_latest_when_null When true, the function returns the latest milestone regardless of release branch status.
* @return string The title of the latest milestone.
function get_latest_milestone_from_api( $use_latest_when_null = false ) {
global $repo_owner, $repo_name;
echo "Getting the list of milestones...\n";
$query = "
repository(owner:\"$repo_owner\", name:\"$repo_name\") {
milestones(first: 10, states: [OPEN], orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
nodes {
$json = do_graphql_api_request( $query );
$milestones = $json['data']['repository']['milestones']['nodes'];
$milestones = array_map(
function( $x ) {
return 1 === preg_match( '/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/D', $x['title'] ) ? $x : null;
$milestones = array_filter( $milestones );
function( $a, $b ) {
return version_compare( $b['title'], $a['title'] );
echo 'Latest open milestone: ' . $milestones[0]['title'] . "\n";
$chosen_milestone = null;
foreach ( $milestones as $milestone ) {
$milestone_title_parts = explode( '.', $milestone['title'] );
$milestone_release_branch = 'release/' . $milestone_title_parts[0] . '.' . $milestone_title_parts[1];
$query = "
repository(owner:\"$repo_owner\", name:\"$repo_name\") {
ref(qualifiedName: \"refs/heads/$milestone_release_branch\") {
$result = do_graphql_api_request( $query );
if ( is_null( $result['data']['repository']['ref'] ) ) {
$chosen_milestone = $milestone;
} else {
// If all the milestones have a release branch, just take the newest one.
if ( $use_latest_when_null && is_null( $chosen_milestone ) ) {
echo "WARNING: No milestone without release branch found, the newest one will be assigned.\n";
$chosen_milestone = $milestones[0];
return $chosen_milestone;
* Function to retreive the sha1 reference for a given branch name.
* @param string $branch The name of the branch.
* @return string Returns the name of the branch, or a falsey value on error.
function get_ref_from_branch( $branch ) {
global $repo_owner, $repo_name;
$query = "
repository(owner:\"$repo_owner\", name:\"$repo_name\") {
ref(qualifiedName: \"refs/heads/{$branch}\") {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 1) {
edges{ node{ oid } }
$result = do_graphql_api_request( $query );
// Warnings suppressed here because traversing this level of arrays with isset / is_array checks would be messy.
return @$result['data']['repository']['ref']['target']['history']['edges'][0]['node']['oid'];
* Function to create milestone using the GitHub REST API.
* @param string $title The title of the milestone to be created.
* @return bool True on success, False otherwise.
function create_github_milestone( $title ) {
global $repo_owner, $repo_name;
$result = do_github_api_post_request( "/repos/{$repo_owner}/{$repo_name}/milestones", array(
'title' => $title,
) );
return is_array( $result ) && $result['title'] === $title;
* Function to create branch using the GitHub REST API.
* @param string $branch The branch to be created.
* @param string $sha The sha1 reference for the branch.
* @return bool True on success, False otherwise.
function create_github_branch( $branch, $sha ) {
global $repo_owner, $repo_name;
$ref = "refs/heads/{$branch}";
$result = do_github_api_post_request( "/repos/{$repo_owner}/{$repo_name}/git/refs", array(
'ref' => $ref,
'sha' => $sha,
) );
return is_array( $result ) && $result['ref'] === $ref;
* Function to create branch using the GitHub REST API from an existing branch.
* @param string $source The branch from which to create.
* @param string $target The branch to be created.
* @return bool True on success, False otherwise.
function create_github_branch_from_branch( $source, $target ) {
$ref = get_ref_from_branch( $source );
if ( ! $ref ) {
return false;
return create_github_branch( $target, $ref );
* Function to do a GitHub API POST Request.
* @param array $request_url
* @param array $body The body of the request to be json encoded.
* @return mixed The json-decoded response if a response is received, 'false' (or whatever file_get_contents returns) otherwise.
function do_github_api_post_request( $request_path, $body ) {
global $github_token, $github_api_url;
$context = stream_context_create(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => array(
'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json',
'Content-Type: application/json',
'User-Agent: GitHub Actions for creation of milestones',
'Authorization: bearer ' . $github_token,
'content' => json_encode( $body ),
$full_request_url = rtrim( $github_api_url, '/' ) . '/' . ltrim( $request_path, '/' );
$result = file_get_contents( $full_request_url, false, $context );
return is_string( $result ) ? json_decode( $result, true ) : $result;
* Function to query the GitHub GraphQL API.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Script to automatically enforce the release code freeze.
* @package WooCommerce/GithubActions
require_once __DIR__ . '/post-request-shared.php';
$now = time();
if ( getenv( 'TIME_OVERRIDE' ) ) {
$now = strtotime( getenv( 'TIME_OVERRIDE' ) );
// Code freeze comes 26 days prior to release day.
$release_time = strtotime( '+26 days', $now );
$release_day_of_week = date( 'l', $release_time );
$release_day_of_month = (int) date( 'j', $release_time );
// If 26 days from now isn't the second Tuesday, then it's not code freeze day.
if ( 'Tuesday' !== $release_day_of_week || $release_day_of_month < 8 || $release_day_of_month > 14 ) {
echo "Info: Today is not the Thursday of the code freeze.\n";
$latest_milestone = get_latest_milestone_from_api();
if ( is_null( $latest_milestone ) ) {
echo "*** Error: Unable to get latest milestone\n";
$version_parts = explode( '.', $latest_milestone['title'], 3 );
$latest_major_minor = "{$version_parts[0]}.{$version_parts[1]}";
// Because we go from 5.9 to 6.0, we can get the next major_minor by adding 0.1 and formatting appropriately.
$latest_float = (float) $latest_major_minor;
$next_major_minor = number_format( $latest_float + 0.1, 1 );
// We use those values to get the release branch and next milestones that we need to create.
$release_branch_to_create = "release/{$latest_major_minor}";
$milestone_to_create = "{$next_major_minor}.0";
if ( getenv( 'DRY_RUN' ) ) {
echo "DRY RUN: Skipping actual creation of release branch and milestone...\n";
echo "Release Branch: {$release_branch_to_create}\n";
echo "Milestone: {$milestone_to_create}\n";
if ( create_github_milestone( $milestone_to_create ) ) {
echo "Created milestone {$milestone_to_create}.\n";
} else {
echo "*** Error: Unable to create {$milestone_to_create} milestone.\n";
if ( create_github_branch_from_branch( 'trunk', $release_branch_to_create ) ) {
echo "Created branch {$release_branch_to_create}.\n";
} else {
echo "*** Error: Unable to create {$release_branch_to_create}.\n";