This commit is contained in:
Albert Juhé Lluveras 2019-12-12 20:46:56 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent b5791d9c53
commit 810341d084
11 changed files with 393 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* External dependencies
import { Button as WPButton } from '@wordpress/components';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import classNames from 'classnames';
* Internal dependencies
import './style.scss';
* Component that visually renders a button but semantically might be `<button>` or `<a>` depending on the props.
const Button = ( { className, ...props } ) => {
return (
className={ classNames( 'button', 'wc-block-button', className ) }
{ ...props }
Button.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export default Button;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Extra classes are added for specificity.
.editor-styles-wrapper .button.wc-block-button {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
padding: $gap-small;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: none;
&:active {
background-color: $black;
color: #fff;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
export function AmericanExpressLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 33 21"
d="M30.9578 0H1.83349C0.873197 0 0.0947266 0.778471 0.0947266 1.73876V18.7352C0.0947266 19.6955 0.873197 20.4739 1.83349 20.4739H30.9578C31.9181 20.4739 32.6965 19.6955 32.6965 18.7352V1.73876C32.6965 0.778471 31.9181 0 30.9578 0Z"
d="M0.0948435 9.61434H1.66078L2.01387 8.76625H2.80435L3.15652 9.61434H6.23762V8.96595L6.51264 9.6171H8.11212L8.38714 8.95628V9.61434H16.0443L16.0407 8.22221H16.1888C16.2926 8.22578 16.3229 8.23534 16.3229 8.4059V9.61434H20.2832V9.29026C20.6026 9.46071 21.0994 9.61434 21.7532 9.61434H23.4193L23.7759 8.76625H24.5664L24.9151 9.61434H28.1257V8.80875L28.6119 9.61434H31.1847V4.28906H28.6385V4.91798L28.2819 4.28906H25.6692V4.91798L25.3418 4.28906H21.8127C21.2219 4.28906 20.7026 4.37118 20.2832 4.60001V4.28906H17.8478V4.60001C17.5808 4.36415 17.2171 4.28906 16.8127 4.28906H7.91516L7.31816 5.66449L6.70509 4.28906H3.90259V4.91798L3.59472 4.28906H1.20465L0.0947266 6.82099V9.61434H0.0948396H0.0948435ZM9.97956 8.84621H9.04L9.03653 5.85581L7.70756 8.84621H6.90285L5.57042 5.85316V8.84621H3.70633L3.35417 7.99456H1.4459L1.09015 8.84621H0.0947287L1.73596 5.02799H3.09765L4.65642 8.64305V5.02799H6.15227L7.3517 7.61819L8.45352 5.02799H9.97945V8.84621H9.97958H9.97956ZM3.04094 7.20214L2.41364 5.67999L1.78992 7.20214H3.04094ZM13.7188 8.84621H10.6571V5.02799H13.7188V5.8231H11.5737V6.51133H13.6673V7.294H11.5737V8.05651H13.7188V8.84621ZM18.0333 6.05631C18.0333 6.66508 17.6253 6.9796 17.3875 7.07403C17.5881 7.15004 17.7594 7.28433 17.8409 7.39558C17.9703 7.58549 17.9926 7.75513 17.9926 8.09613V8.84621H17.0682L17.0647 8.3647C17.0647 8.13494 17.0868 7.80453 16.9201 7.62084C16.7861 7.48656 16.582 7.45742 16.2521 7.45742H15.2682V8.84621H14.3518V5.02799H16.4598C16.9282 5.02799 17.2733 5.04032 17.5696 5.21088C17.8595 5.38144 18.0333 5.63043 18.0333 6.05631ZM16.8748 6.62328C16.7488 6.69941 16.5999 6.70194 16.4214 6.70194H15.308V5.85386H16.4366C16.5963 5.85386 16.7629 5.861 16.8712 5.92273C16.9901 5.97835 17.0636 6.09675 17.0636 6.26028C17.0636 6.42716 16.9937 6.56144 16.8748 6.62328ZM19.5032 8.84621H18.568V5.02799H19.5032V8.84621ZM30.3591 8.84621H29.0604L27.3231 5.98042V8.84621H25.4566L25.0999 7.99456H23.1961L22.85 8.84621H21.7776C21.3321 8.84621 20.7681 8.74809 20.4486 8.42389C20.1265 8.0997 19.959 7.66057 19.959 6.96624C19.959 6.39997 20.0591 5.8823 20.453 5.47323C20.7493 5.1685 21.2133 5.02799 21.8449 5.02799H22.7322V5.84613H21.8635C21.5291 5.84613 21.3402 5.89566 21.1583 6.07232C21.002 6.23309 20.8948 6.53701 20.8948 6.93722C20.8948 7.34629 20.9765 7.64123 21.1468 7.8339C21.2879 7.985 21.5443 8.03083 21.7856 8.03083H22.1972L23.4889 5.02811H24.8622L26.4139 8.6396V5.02811H27.8093L29.4204 7.68729V5.02811H30.3591V8.84621ZM24.7882 7.20214L24.154 5.67999L23.5232 7.20214H24.7882Z"
d="M32.6947 14.9439C32.472 15.2681 32.0382 15.4324 31.4509 15.4324H29.681V14.6135H31.4438C31.6186 14.6135 31.741 14.5905 31.8147 14.5189C31.8785 14.4598 31.923 14.374 31.923 14.2698C31.923 14.1585 31.8785 14.0702 31.8111 14.0172C31.7446 13.959 31.6478 13.9325 31.4882 13.9325C30.6276 13.9033 29.554 13.959 29.554 12.7504C29.554 12.1965 29.9072 11.6134 30.869 11.6134H32.6946V10.8535H30.9984C30.4865 10.8535 30.1147 10.9756 29.8514 11.1654V10.8535H27.3425C26.9413 10.8535 26.4704 10.9526 26.2476 11.1654V10.8535H21.7675V11.1654C21.4109 10.9093 20.8093 10.8535 20.5316 10.8535H17.5764V11.1654C17.2944 10.8934 16.6671 10.8535 16.2847 10.8535H12.9774L12.2206 11.6691L11.5117 10.8535H6.57129V16.1825H11.4188L12.1986 15.354L12.9332 16.1825L15.9212 16.1851V14.9315H16.215C16.6114 14.9376 17.079 14.9218 17.4916 14.7442V16.1824H19.9561V14.7935H20.075C20.2267 14.7935 20.2417 14.7997 20.2417 14.9507V16.1822H27.7286C28.2039 16.1822 28.7007 16.0611 28.9759 15.8412V16.1822H31.3507C31.8449 16.1822 32.3275 16.1133 32.6947 15.9366V14.9439V14.9439ZM17.8498 12.8941C17.8498 13.955 17.055 14.1741 16.2538 14.1741H15.1103V15.455H13.3289L12.2003 14.1908L11.0275 15.455H7.39715V11.6359H11.0834L12.211 12.8878L13.3767 11.6359H16.3053C17.0326 11.6359 17.8498 11.8364 17.8498 12.8941ZM10.5633 14.6517H8.30995V13.8919H10.3221V13.1126H8.30995V12.4183H10.6077L11.6102 13.5313L10.5633 14.6517ZM14.1942 15.089L12.787 13.5334L14.1942 12.0271V15.089ZM16.2751 13.3909H15.0907V12.4183H16.2858C16.6167 12.4183 16.8463 12.5526 16.8463 12.8866C16.8463 13.2169 16.6273 13.3909 16.2751 13.3909ZM22.4801 11.6359H25.539V12.4257H23.3928V13.1201H25.4866V13.8993H23.3928V14.6591L25.539 14.6626V15.455H22.4801V11.6359V11.6359ZM21.3041 13.6802C21.5081 13.7552 21.6749 13.8896 21.753 14.0008C21.8825 14.1873 21.9012 14.3613 21.9049 14.6979V15.455H20.9848V14.9772C20.9848 14.7475 21.007 14.4073 20.8366 14.2297C20.7027 14.0929 20.4986 14.0602 20.1642 14.0602H19.1847V15.455H18.2638V11.6359H20.3798C20.8438 11.6359 21.1817 11.6563 21.4825 11.8161C21.7718 11.9902 21.9537 12.2286 21.9537 12.6642C21.9536 13.2738 21.5453 13.5849 21.3041 13.6802ZM20.786 13.1974C20.6634 13.2698 20.5118 13.2761 20.3335 13.2761H19.2201V12.4183H20.3486C20.5118 12.4183 20.6751 12.4218 20.786 12.4873C20.9048 12.5491 20.9758 12.6674 20.9758 12.8308C20.9758 12.9943 20.9048 13.1259 20.786 13.1974ZM29.0597 13.4407C29.2382 13.6246 29.3338 13.8568 29.3338 14.2498C29.3338 15.0714 28.8184 15.4549 27.8941 15.4549H26.109V14.636H27.8869C28.0607 14.636 28.184 14.6131 28.2613 14.5414C28.3243 14.4824 28.3695 14.3966 28.3695 14.2923C28.3695 14.1811 28.3206 14.0927 28.2577 14.0398C28.1876 13.9815 28.0909 13.955 27.9313 13.955C27.0742 13.9259 26.0009 13.9815 26.0009 12.7729C26.0009 12.219 26.3504 11.6359 27.3112 11.6359H29.1486V12.4488H27.4673C27.3007 12.4488 27.1923 12.455 27.1001 12.5177C26.9997 12.5796 26.9625 12.6714 26.9625 12.7925C26.9625 12.9366 27.0477 13.0346 27.163 13.077C27.2597 13.1105 27.3636 13.1203 27.5197 13.1203L28.0131 13.1335C28.5106 13.1456 28.8521 13.2313 29.0597 13.4407ZM32.6966 12.4183H31.0262C30.8594 12.4183 30.7486 12.4245 30.6553 12.4873C30.5586 12.5491 30.5214 12.6409 30.5214 12.7621C30.5214 12.9062 30.603 13.0042 30.7218 13.0465C30.8185 13.0801 30.9223 13.0898 31.075 13.0898L31.5717 13.1031C32.073 13.1154 32.4076 13.2012 32.6116 13.4105C32.6487 13.4396 32.671 13.4723 32.6966 13.505V12.4183Z"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import Button from '@woocommerce/base-components/button';
import { CHECKOUT_URL } from '@woocommerce/block-settings';
* Internal dependencies
import { AmericanExpressLogo } from './american-express-logo';
import './style.scss';
import { MastercardLogo, VisaLogo } from './payment-logos'; // @todo we want to import this from `@automattic/composite-checkout` when it's published in NPM
* Checkout button rendered in the full cart page.
const CheckoutButton = () => {
return (
{ __( 'Proceed to Checkout', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) }
<div className="wc-block-cart__payment-methods">
<MastercardLogo />
<AmericanExpressLogo />
<VisaLogo />
export default CheckoutButton;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
* This file is a copy from:
* and will be replaced by the upstream version when `@automattic/composite-checkout` is published in NPM.
* If you want to make a change here, make sure you upstream the change to `wp-calypso` as well.
* External dependencies
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
export function VisaLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 41 17"
d="M28.3326 3.41187C27.7955 3.19215 26.9166 2.97244 25.8669 2.97244C23.1327 2.97244 21.2041 4.38837 21.2041 6.39019C21.1797 7.87935 22.5712 8.70938 23.621 9.19763C24.6951 9.71029 25.0613 10.0276 25.0613 10.4915C25.0613 11.175 24.2069 11.4924 23.4012 11.4924C22.3027 11.4924 21.7168 11.3459 20.7891 10.9553L20.4229 10.7844L20.0323 13.1036C20.667 13.3966 21.8633 13.6407 23.1083 13.6651C26.0134 13.6651 27.8931 12.2736 27.9176 10.1253C27.9176 8.9535 27.1852 8.05024 25.5984 7.31786C24.6219 6.82961 24.036 6.51225 24.036 6.024C24.036 5.58458 24.5486 5.12074 25.6228 5.12074C26.526 5.09633 27.1852 5.31604 27.6978 5.51134L27.942 5.6334L28.3326 3.41187ZM35.4122 3.16774H33.2883C32.6292 3.16774 32.1409 3.36304 31.848 4.02218L27.7467 13.5186H30.6517C30.6517 13.5186 31.1156 12.2492 31.2376 11.9562C31.555 11.9562 34.3624 11.9562 34.7775 11.9562C34.8507 12.3224 35.1192 13.5186 35.1192 13.5186H37.6825L35.4122 3.16774ZM32.0189 9.83235C32.2386 9.24645 33.1174 6.92726 33.1174 6.92726C33.093 6.95168 33.3371 6.31695 33.4836 5.95077L33.6789 6.85403C33.6789 6.85403 34.216 9.31969 34.3136 9.85676L32.0189 9.83235ZM15.5648 13.5186L17.2981 3.16774H20.0567L18.3234 13.5186H15.5648ZM13.2457 3.16774L10.5359 10.2229L10.2429 8.78261C9.73025 7.12256 8.16785 5.34045 6.41016 4.43719L8.87582 13.4942H11.8053L16.1507 3.14333L13.2457 3.16774Z"
d="M8.02162 3.14371H3.55414L3.52972 3.36342C6.9963 4.21786 9.29107 6.29292 10.2432 8.78299L9.26666 4.02256C9.09577 3.36342 8.63193 3.16812 8.02162 3.14371Z"
VisaLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export function MastercardLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 41 17"
d="M17.5324 13.7026H23.6991V3.63513H17.5324V13.7026Z"
d="M18.1634 8.68104C18.1634 10.6431 19.0744 12.4885 20.6161 13.7031C17.8364 15.8988 13.8187 15.4083 11.6231 12.6286C9.42736 9.84896 9.91789 5.83131 12.6975 3.63561C15.01 1.81365 18.2802 1.81365 20.6161 3.63561C19.0744 4.85025 18.1634 6.71893 18.1634 8.68104Z"
d="M30.9638 8.68038C30.9638 5.15326 28.0907 2.28017 24.5636 2.28017C23.1387 2.28017 21.7372 2.7707 20.616 3.65832C23.3956 5.85401 23.8862 9.87167 21.6905 12.6513C21.3868 13.0484 21.0131 13.4221 20.616 13.7258C23.3956 15.9215 27.4133 15.431 29.609 12.6513C30.4966 11.5068 30.9638 10.1052 30.9638 8.68038Z"
MastercardLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export function AmexLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 42 16"
d="M5.21231 2.90482L0.583511 13.1482H6.12484L6.8118 11.515H8.38205L9.06901 13.1482H15.1685V11.9017L15.7119 13.1482H18.8671L19.4106 11.8753V13.1482H32.0957L33.6382 11.5574L35.0825 13.1482L41.5979 13.1614L36.9544 8.05511L41.5979 2.90482H35.1835L33.6821 4.46623L32.2832 2.90482H18.4834L17.2984 5.54872L16.0856 2.90482H10.5559V4.10893L9.94072 2.90482C9.94072 2.90482 5.21231 2.90482 5.21231 2.90482ZM6.28453 4.35939H8.98563L12.0559 11.3055V4.35939H15.0149L17.3863 9.33971L19.5719 4.35939H22.516V11.7097H20.7246L20.7099 5.95004L18.0982 11.7097H16.4956L13.8692 5.95004V11.7097H10.1838L9.4851 10.0619H5.71035L5.0131 11.7083H3.03849C3.03849 11.7083 6.28453 4.35939 6.28453 4.35939ZM24.155 4.35939H31.4395L33.6674 6.76601L35.9672 4.35939H38.1952L34.81 8.05366L38.1952 11.7054H35.8662L33.6382 9.27079L31.3267 11.7054H24.155V4.35939ZM7.59853 5.60302L6.3549 8.53852H8.84072L7.59853 5.60302ZM25.9539 5.88128V7.22307H29.9279V8.71862H25.9539V10.1835H30.4113L32.4824 8.02587L30.4992 5.87999H25.9539V5.88128Z"
AmexLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export function JcbLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 42 16"
d="M31.1327 12.8422C31.1327 14.5877 29.7024 15.996 27.9296 15.996H10.5042V3.51977C10.5042 1.77428 11.9345 0.365997 13.7073 0.365997H31.1125L31.1327 12.8422Z"
d="M25.4517 8.4587C25.9553 8.47854 26.4589 8.43887 26.9424 8.47854C27.446 8.57771 27.5669 9.31161 27.1237 9.56946C26.8215 9.72814 26.4589 9.62897 26.1366 9.6488H25.4718L25.4517 8.4587ZM27.2244 7.10992C27.3252 7.48678 26.9626 7.84381 26.5798 7.78431H25.4315C25.4315 7.42728 25.4114 7.03058 25.4517 6.69338C25.915 6.71322 26.3784 6.67355 26.8215 6.71322C27.023 6.75289 27.1841 6.91157 27.2244 7.10992ZM29.9843 1.41727C30.0044 2.15116 29.9843 2.92473 29.9843 3.67846V12.8026C29.9642 13.9332 28.9368 14.9249 27.7885 14.9646H24.3437V10.343C25.5927 10.343 26.8618 10.3629 28.1108 10.343C28.695 10.3034 29.3195 9.92649 29.3598 9.29177C29.4202 8.65705 28.8159 8.22068 28.2518 8.16118C28.0302 8.16118 28.0302 8.10167 28.2518 8.08183C28.7957 7.96282 29.2389 7.40744 29.0778 6.85206C28.9368 6.25701 28.272 6.03883 27.7281 6.03883H24.3639C24.3639 5.18592 24.3437 4.31318 24.384 3.46027C24.4646 2.34951 25.5323 1.41727 26.6604 1.4371L29.9843 1.41727Z"
d="M11.6525 3.55945C11.6726 2.42885 12.7201 1.4371 13.8684 1.41727H17.3132V12.8422C17.2729 13.9728 16.2455 14.9249 15.1174 14.9447H11.6726V10.1843C12.7806 10.4422 13.9691 10.5612 15.0972 10.3827C15.7822 10.2835 16.5275 9.94633 16.7491 9.2521C16.9103 8.65705 16.8297 8.02233 16.8498 7.42728V6.01899H14.8756C14.8756 6.95124 14.8958 7.90332 14.8555 8.83557C14.7951 9.41078 14.231 9.76781 13.6669 9.74798C12.982 9.74798 11.6323 9.2521 11.6323 9.2521C11.6323 7.50662 11.6525 5.30493 11.6525 3.55945Z"
d="M18.0383 6.59425C17.9376 6.61409 18.0182 6.23722 17.998 6.09837C17.998 5.2058 17.9779 4.33306 18.0182 3.44048C18.0988 2.30989 19.1664 1.39747 20.3147 1.41731H23.6588V12.8423C23.6185 13.9729 22.5911 14.925 21.463 14.9448H18.0182V9.74802C18.8038 10.3827 19.8715 10.4819 20.8385 10.4819C21.5838 10.4819 22.3091 10.3629 23.0343 10.2042V9.25214C22.2285 9.64884 21.2817 9.9067 20.3751 9.66868C19.7506 9.51 19.3075 8.91495 19.3075 8.28023C19.2269 7.62567 19.6298 6.93145 20.2946 6.7331C21.1205 6.47524 22.0069 6.67359 22.7724 7.01079C22.9335 7.09013 23.0947 7.20914 23.0343 6.93145V6.17771C21.745 5.88019 20.3953 5.76118 19.106 6.09837C18.7031 6.17771 18.3405 6.33639 18.0383 6.59425Z"
JcbLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export function DinersLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 42 17"
d="M22.3904 15.145C26.3558 15.164 29.9753 11.911 29.9753 7.95362C29.9753 3.62602 26.3558 0.634731 22.3904 0.63617H18.9777C14.9647 0.634731 11.6616 3.62691 11.6616 7.95362C11.6616 11.9118 14.9647 15.164 18.9777 15.145H22.3904Z"
d="M18.9938 1.23581C15.3269 1.23696 12.3554 4.20925 12.3546 7.87765C12.3554 11.5454 15.3268 14.5174 18.9938 14.5186C22.6616 14.5174 25.6336 11.5454 25.6342 7.87765C25.6336 4.20925 22.6616 1.23696 18.9938 1.23581ZM14.7854 7.87765C14.7888 6.08506 15.9084 4.55646 17.4871 3.94902V11.8054C15.9084 11.1983 14.7888 9.6705 14.7854 7.87765ZM20.5 11.8071V3.94876C22.0792 4.55473 23.2005 6.0842 23.2034 7.87765C23.2005 9.67165 22.0792 11.2 20.5 11.8071Z"
d="M22.3904 15.145C26.3558 15.164 29.9753 11.911 29.9753 7.95362C29.9753 3.62602 26.3558 0.634731 22.3904 0.63617H18.9777C14.9647 0.634731 11.6616 3.62691 11.6616 7.95362C11.6616 11.9118 14.9647 15.164 18.9777 15.145H22.3904Z"
d="M18.9938 1.23581C15.3269 1.23696 12.3554 4.20925 12.3546 7.87765C12.3554 11.5454 15.3268 14.5174 18.9938 14.5186C22.6616 14.5174 25.6336 11.5454 25.6342 7.87765C25.6336 4.20925 22.6616 1.23696 18.9938 1.23581ZM14.7854 7.87765C14.7888 6.08506 15.9084 4.55646 17.4871 3.94902V11.8054C15.9084 11.1983 14.7888 9.6705 14.7854 7.87765ZM20.5 11.8071V3.94876C22.0792 4.55473 23.2005 6.0842 23.2034 7.87765C23.2005 9.67165 22.0792 11.2 20.5 11.8071Z"
DinersLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export function UnionpayLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 42 16"
d="M13.7639 1.00259H19.5529C20.361 1.00259 20.8636 1.66125 20.6751 2.47202L17.9799 14.0434C17.7897 14.8514 16.9806 15.5106 16.1719 15.5106H10.3836C9.5766 15.5106 9.07287 14.8514 9.26138 14.0434L11.9577 2.47202C12.1462 1.66125 12.9548 1.00259 13.7639 1.00259Z"
d="M19.0711 1.00211H25.7283C26.5362 1.00211 26.1719 1.66077 25.9818 2.47153L23.2871 14.043C23.098 14.8509 23.157 15.5101 22.3473 15.5101H15.6902C14.8806 15.5101 14.3795 14.8509 14.5697 14.043L17.2643 2.47153C17.4556 1.66077 18.2626 1.00211 19.0711 1.00211Z"
d="M25.4642 1.00211H31.2532C32.0624 1.00211 32.565 1.66077 32.3749 2.47153L29.6802 14.043C29.49 14.8509 28.6803 15.5101 27.8713 15.5101H22.085C21.2753 15.5101 20.7732 14.8509 20.9628 14.043L23.658 2.47153C23.8465 1.66077 24.6546 1.00211 25.4642 1.00211Z"
UnionpayLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
export function DiscoverLogo( { className } ) {
return (
className={ className }
viewBox="0 0 42 17"
d="M1.06596 5.46762H3.29818C3.68509 5.46762 4.04225 5.52582 4.36964 5.64223C4.7268 5.75864 5.02443 5.93325 5.29229 6.16606C5.56016 6.39887 5.7685 6.68989 5.94708 7.0391C6.12566 7.38832 6.18518 7.79574 6.18518 8.26137C6.18518 8.72699 6.09589 9.16352 5.91732 9.51274C5.73874 9.86195 5.50063 10.153 5.203 10.3858C4.90538 10.6186 4.60775 10.735 4.25059 10.8514C3.89343 10.9678 3.53628 11.026 3.20889 11.026H1.09572L1.06596 5.46762ZM2.85173 10.1239C3.17912 10.1239 3.47675 10.0948 3.74462 10.0075C4.01249 9.92016 4.28035 9.83285 4.48869 9.68735C4.69703 9.54184 4.87561 9.33813 4.99466 9.10531C5.11372 8.8725 5.17324 8.58149 5.17324 8.23227C5.17324 7.88305 5.11372 7.62114 5.02443 7.35922C4.93514 7.09731 4.75656 6.9227 4.57798 6.77719C4.3994 6.63168 4.1613 6.51528 3.89344 6.45707C3.62557 6.39887 3.32794 6.36977 3.00055 6.36977H2.0779V10.153H2.85173V10.1239ZM7.1376 5.46762H8.14954V11.026H7.1376V5.46762ZM12.1973 6.66078C12.0782 6.51528 11.9592 6.39887 11.7806 6.34067C11.602 6.28246 11.4235 6.22426 11.2151 6.22426C11.0961 6.22426 10.977 6.22426 10.8877 6.25336C10.7984 6.28246 10.6794 6.31157 10.5901 6.36977C10.5008 6.42797 10.4413 6.51528 10.3818 6.60258C10.3222 6.68989 10.2627 6.80629 10.2627 6.9227C10.2627 7.09731 10.3222 7.24282 10.471 7.35922C10.6199 7.47563 10.7687 7.53383 10.977 7.62114C11.1854 7.70844 11.3937 7.76664 11.6318 7.82485C11.8699 7.88305 12.0782 7.99946 12.2866 8.11586C12.4949 8.23227 12.6437 8.40688 12.7926 8.58149C12.9414 8.7852 13.0009 9.04711 13.0009 9.36723C13.0009 9.65824 12.9414 9.92016 12.8223 10.153C12.7033 10.3858 12.5247 10.5895 12.3461 10.735C12.1675 10.8805 11.9294 10.9969 11.6913 11.0551C11.4532 11.1133 11.1854 11.1715 10.8877 11.1715C10.5306 11.1715 10.2032 11.1133 9.87579 10.9969C9.54839 10.8805 9.28053 10.6768 9.04242 10.4149L9.81626 9.68735C9.93531 9.86195 10.1139 10.0075 10.2925 10.1239C10.5901 10.2694 10.9473 10.3276 11.2746 10.2403C11.3937 10.2112 11.5127 10.153 11.602 10.0948C11.6913 10.0366 11.7806 9.94926 11.8401 9.86195C11.8997 9.77465 11.9294 9.65824 11.9294 9.54184C11.9294 9.33813 11.8699 9.19262 11.7211 9.07621C11.5723 8.95981 11.4235 8.8725 11.2151 8.7852C11.0068 8.69789 10.7984 8.63969 10.5603 8.58149C10.3222 8.52328 10.1139 8.40688 9.90555 8.29047C9.69721 8.17406 9.54839 8.02856 9.39958 7.82485C9.25076 7.62114 9.19124 7.35922 9.19124 7.0391C9.19124 6.74809 9.25076 6.51528 9.36982 6.28246C9.48887 6.04965 9.63768 5.90414 9.84602 5.75864C10.0544 5.61313 10.2627 5.52582 10.5306 5.43852C11.0663 5.29301 11.6318 5.29301 12.1675 5.46762C12.4652 5.55493 12.7033 5.70043 12.9414 5.90414L12.1973 6.66078ZM17.9415 6.77719C17.7332 6.54438 17.5249 6.39887 17.3463 6.34067C17.1677 6.28246 16.9594 6.22426 16.751 6.22426C16.4534 6.22426 16.1855 6.28246 15.9474 6.36977C15.7093 6.45707 15.501 6.60258 15.3224 6.80629C15.1438 7.01 15.0248 7.18461 14.9355 7.44653C14.8462 7.70844 14.7867 7.94125 14.7867 8.23227C14.7867 8.52328 14.8462 8.8143 14.9355 9.04711C15.0248 9.27992 15.1736 9.51274 15.3224 9.68735C15.501 9.86195 15.7093 10.0075 15.9474 10.1239C16.1855 10.2403 16.4534 10.2694 16.751 10.2694C16.9891 10.2694 17.1975 10.2112 17.4356 10.0948C17.6737 9.97836 17.8523 9.80375 18.0308 9.57094L18.8642 10.153C18.5963 10.5022 18.2987 10.7641 17.9118 10.9096C17.5249 11.0551 17.1379 11.1424 16.7213 11.1424C16.2748 11.1424 15.8879 11.0842 15.501 10.9387C15.1141 10.7932 14.8164 10.5895 14.5486 10.3567C14.2807 10.1239 14.0724 9.80375 13.9235 9.45453C13.7747 9.10531 13.6854 8.69789 13.6854 8.26137C13.6854 7.82485 13.7747 7.41742 13.9235 7.0391C14.0724 6.66078 14.2807 6.36977 14.5486 6.10785C14.8164 5.84594 15.1438 5.64223 15.501 5.52582C15.8581 5.40942 16.2748 5.32211 16.7213 5.32211C17.1082 5.32211 17.4653 5.38032 17.7927 5.52582C18.1201 5.67133 18.4178 5.87504 18.7154 6.19516L17.9415 6.77719ZM25.5609 5.46762H26.7216L28.2693 9.65824L29.8765 5.46762H30.9777L28.686 11.026H27.8228L25.5609 5.46762ZM31.573 5.46762H35.3529V6.36977H32.5849V7.73754H35.204V8.63969H32.5849V10.153H35.4719V11.026H31.573V5.46762ZM36.4839 5.46762H38.4482C38.7161 5.46762 38.9839 5.49672 39.2518 5.55493C39.5197 5.61313 39.728 5.70043 39.9363 5.81684C40.1447 5.93325 40.2935 6.10785 40.4126 6.31157C40.5316 6.51528 40.5911 6.77719 40.5911 7.09731C40.5911 7.50473 40.4721 7.82485 40.2637 8.11586C40.0554 8.40688 39.6982 8.55238 39.2816 8.61059L40.7995 11.0842H39.5792L38.2696 8.72699H37.5256V11.026H36.5136L36.4839 5.46762ZM38.2994 7.82485C38.4482 7.82485 38.597 7.82485 38.7458 7.79574C38.8946 7.76664 39.0137 7.73754 39.1328 7.70844C39.2518 7.67934 39.3411 7.59203 39.4304 7.47563C39.5197 7.35922 39.5494 7.24281 39.5494 7.0391C39.5494 6.86449 39.5197 6.74809 39.4304 6.63168C39.3411 6.51528 39.2816 6.45707 39.1625 6.39887C39.0435 6.34067 38.9244 6.31157 38.7756 6.31157C38.6268 6.31157 38.5077 6.28246 38.3887 6.28246H37.5256V7.82485H38.2994Z"
d="M22.4956 11.2006C24.1558 11.2006 25.5016 9.88468 25.5016 8.26137C25.5016 6.63806 24.1558 5.32211 22.4956 5.32211C20.8354 5.32211 19.4895 6.63806 19.4895 8.26137C19.4895 9.88468 20.8354 11.2006 22.4956 11.2006Z"
DiscoverLogo.propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.wc-block-cart__payment-methods {
align-items: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
margin: $gap auto;
max-width: 150px;

View File

@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
* External dependencies
* Internal dependencies
import { Placeholder } from '@wordpress/components';
import CheckoutButton from './checkout-button';
import './style.scss';
* Component to handle edit mode for the Cart block when user has something in cart aka "full".
* Component that renders the Cart block when user has something in cart aka "full".
const Cart = () => {
return (
<div className="wc-block-cart">
<div className="wc-block-cart__main">
Cart block <b>full state</b> coming soon
<div className="wc-block-cart__sidebar">
<CheckoutButton />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.wc-block-cart__sidebar {
border: 1px solid $core-grey-light-600;
border-width: 1px 0;
@include breakpoint( ">782px" ) {
.wc-block-cart {
display: flex;
.wc-block-cart__main {
flex-grow: 4;
.wc-block-cart__sidebar {
border: 0;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14);
flex-grow: 1;
padding: $gap $gap-large $gap-largest;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { InnerBlocks } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { Disabled } from '@wordpress/components';
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
@ -37,7 +38,11 @@ registerBlockType( 'woocommerce/cart', {
* @param {Object} props Props to pass to block.
edit( props ) {
return <Editor { ...props } />;
return (
<Editor { ...props } />

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export const HAS_PRODUCTS = getSetting( 'hasProducts', true );
export const HAS_TAGS = getSetting( 'hasTags', true );
export const HOME_URL = getSetting( 'homeUrl', '' );
export const SHOP_URL = getSetting( 'shopUrl', '' );
export const CHECKOUT_URL = getSetting( 'checkoutUrl', '' );
export const PRODUCT_COUNT = getSetting( 'productCount', 0 );
export const ATTRIBUTES = getSetting( 'attributes', [] );
export const WC_BLOCKS_ASSET_URL = getSetting( 'wcBlocksAssetUrl', '' );

View File

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ class Assets {
'hasTags' => $tag_count > 0,
'homeUrl' => esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ),
'shopUrl' => get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ),
'checkoutUrl' => get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'checkout' ) ),
'showAvatars' => '1' === get_option( 'show_avatars' ),
'enableReviewRating' => 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_review_rating' ),
'productCount' => array_sum( (array) $product_counts ),